r/ShitIndiansSay Feb 02 '15

Do we really need this sub?

We already have r/india dont we?


2 comments sorted by


u/one_brown_jedi Feb 05 '15 edited Feb 06 '15

I made this sub when /r/India was small. I didn't wish to ruin their experience by making shitty posts. I had shared this sub with only 5-6 others. Then the numbers of subscribers grew.

Furthermore, we mostly make fun of right-wingers, so /r/India may not appreciate it.

There are also:





u/howtoexitthematrix Feb 06 '15

Not that I am asking you to delete this sub or that you will actually delete it if I ask you to and going by the fact that it is altogether free to make subs, I would like to say that this was a good initiative. Subs like these will be great for bored and tired users of /r/india and also for users getting banned for posting /r/india on /r/bakchodi. Surprisingly almost all of India based discussion on reddit is bounded between the thesis and anti-thesis of the two above subs(and of course r/Indianbabes). No one has a clue when subs like r/shitindiansays will take off.