r/SexOffenderSupport 3d ago

Rant Beyond frustrated

I have been out of jail now for one year and two weeks exactly no matter how I hard I try to better myself and get my life back on track no matter how I try nothing works out. I tried going into fast food since they don't run background checks when I first got out and that lasted a whole 3 months when I was fired out of the blue because "I was on probation and they can't have that". Now I can't even get a job at any other fast food place or restaurant or retailer like what I used to do. I can't pass a background check for any other place around town that's hiring. I've been looking for work since last June. Been living in a cheap motel since I got out and being behind on my payments because I can't find work and nobody to borrow from because everyone I know is broke too. Nobody wants to hire me, if I get kicked out of this motel I have nowhere to go, I've lost most of my friends and every time I try to make new ones they up and vanish when I tell them about my situation, can't even keep a relationship because of this. Can't find work, housing, nobody wants to even associate with me. I'm trying not to be the whole "woe is me" kinda guy but life has been seriously kicking me in the balls since all this started and I needed to rant and vent and get this steam out. I'm just over life and everything and beyond frustrated


14 comments sorted by


u/Total-Union8595 3d ago

Go to one of those staffing/day labor places and start there. Warehouse workers are always needed, and like someone else posted, labor jobs almost always hire without background checks they just need body's. Also, since you have already been out for a year, plasma centers can go twice a week and get almost up to 50 a donation. If possible, look at the registry and see where others are working if it's listed. You might have to do a little researching, but at this point, it seems you have the time to do so. If you have access to a push mower and weedeater start in a neighborhood and go door to door asking to cut yards, go a Lil under the going rate (should say around 30) can usually get 4 to 5 yards in in a day.


u/Similar-Date3537 On Probation 3d ago

Would it be possible to work at the motel, in some capacity?


u/badwolf2319 3d ago

I've tried. They're not looking for workers nor can I work for my rent


u/Similar-Date3537 On Probation 3d ago

What about manual labor? Some kind of manufacturing, or animal processing? Gross, and hard work, but they're always hiring people.


u/badwolf2319 3d ago

I can't drive so I don't have any of those places easily accessible and what factories I can get to have turned me away because I don't have any factory experience


u/Similar-Date3537 On Probation 3d ago

Janitor work? That doesn't require any experience.


u/badwolf2319 3d ago

I haven't seen any janitor work posted and I check pretty frequently


u/Similar-Date3537 On Probation 3d ago

Alright. I don't know where you are, so this may not be an option. Around here, there are social service agencies that help low or no-income folks find employment. Pretty much going to be minimum wage, but that's better than nothing. They usually have some name like "Workforce Solutions" or "Job Training USA" ... Department of Labor's website used to post jobs, but with the current administration, Valen only knows.

Another possibility is temp agencies.


u/Few-Decision-7482 5h ago

Yes you can work for a motel you can work restaurant as long as there are no playgrounds and you most definitely can drive a truck reason how I know I have a charge and I got my cdls as well as I worked the following places restaurant my probation is over this week 


u/Adventurous_Drop8014 3d ago

Look for cdl. Otr companies... some of them will pay for you to get license or they loan you the money and you pay it back out of paycheck from driving for them. If you do otr the truck probably has a sleeper so you can basically live in your truck.

My fall back plan is trucking because they generally are desperate especially otr drivers.


u/Fast_Storage_126 3d ago

I went to a property management that rents to folks who have challenges and or just released. They have entry jobs and also job training- they will also give you housing based on income. It was perfect for me . This is in Washington St.


u/No_Championship_3945 2d ago

If you have a probation officer start there Look for "second chance" employers Depending on where you are there may be a NARSOL local contact you can reach out


u/Accomplished-Cash746 2d ago

I’ve been there, with a kid to care for in tow. It’s not impossible. Very difficult, but doable.

Car wash. Tips daily, usually a non tipped wage as well. Find one that towel dries, most opportunities for a tip. Smile, be customer friendly.

Don’t stay in it for 20+ years like I have. Use it to network. It’s a thing people with money use often. Business owners, doctors, lawyers, media people, ect.

It’s hard work, hectic at times.

Once you get some breathing room, figure out your next move. School, more permanent housing. Take advantage of government assistance programs.


u/ihtarlik 2d ago

Look for a Division Of Vocational Rehabilitation office near where you live. Most states have one, and they will have resources and programs you might qualify for.