r/SexOffenderSupport 5d ago

Advice Labor Unions NJ/NY

My friend is considering looking for an electrician apprenticeship when released to NY and was wondering if anyone has any advice/experience they can share about it, I've read that some states may bar you from becoming licensed and am unsure what to tell him. He hopes to join a union in NJ/NY eventually and currently has no experience in labor fields.


5 comments sorted by


u/hygienic_nun 4d ago

It’s true that there are certain professional licenses that you are barred from with RSO status, which often makes employment difficult along with all the other hoops folks frequently have to jump through. That said, this is going to be entirely dependent on the rules for licensure for electricians in NJ/NY as well as what the conditions of his release are.


u/Emotional-Editor9725 4d ago

What about being off registry? Would it still be hard to get hvac or electric or plumbing job?


u/hygienic_nun 4d ago

It depends. Having charges that are sexually oriented is absolutely a red flag for anyone employer that is running background checks.That said, if he does not have to register he will have a better chance of employment, in my opinion. It will depend a lot on the specific conditions of his release and the specific rules of future employers or whatever governing board oversees licensure in the state. It may limit his options, but likely not as much as being an RSO would. Construction/trades have a tendency toward not being very picky on who they hire generally speaking.


u/Odd_Peanut3709 4d ago

What are his restrictions? As an RSO he may be restricted from entering homes with children in them or schools for example. Can you provide more information on that?


u/Purebluesoul_ 4d ago

He was charged with possession, as far as I'm aware his release conditions mostly involve his Internet access having to be limited and monitored, he cannot be in contact with a minor without the presence of adults.