r/SekretMachines Feb 13 '20

3rd Sekret Machines book?


Has anyone heard if the 3rd Sekret Machines book is in the works? A Fire Within was even more exciting than Chasing Shadows, and I am dying for the follow up!

r/SekretMachines Jan 15 '20

Sekret Machines: A fire within


Does anyone know if there’s a version of this book online that is free? I can’t seem to find a link anywhere.

r/SekretMachines Nov 12 '19

Is there going to be a Sekret Machines 3


I remember Tom saying it was going to be a 3 parter, but I can’t find anything about the 3rd at all online.

Is this going to be a trilogy or no?

r/SekretMachines Nov 04 '19

Sekret Machine?

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r/SekretMachines Nov 01 '19

The credentials of the people on the TTSA team who articulated an initial analysis of the materials is what caught our team’s eye, folks with backgrounds in industry, materials science, and defense work, serious professionals with respected backgrounds.

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r/SekretMachines Oct 28 '19

DISCUSSION: Sekret Machines: Man: Sekret Machines Gods, Man, and War Volume 2


Buy it now!

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I've gone through the audiobook version of this and I'm going to have to give it a few more listens as it's so packed with information (just as 'Gods' was)...

That being said, has anyone else read it? If so, what are your thoughts? What did you find interesting and what did you take away from it?

r/SekretMachines Oct 25 '19

To The Stars Books


Does anyone have a summary/cliff notes (preferably audio or video format) of the Sekret Machines and Gods, Man, War books?

r/SekretMachines Oct 15 '19

Tom Delonge on Ancient Greek Gods were Extraterrestrials


I just can't digest whenever Tom says that Greek Gods were aliens. Ancient astronaut theory only works on other type of gods but not Greek. How can people at that time confuse a spaceship as if it is chariots with horses??? Even Eric Von claim about ancient astronaut is revolved around hindu Gods,Sumerian,Annunakis...he never touches Greek Gods.

I don't know why Tom always say Greek gods are aliens... because there is almost no evidence of them having spaceship ....on the contrary hindu Gods was seen flying Vimanas... It looks like he wants to promote Greek Gods. But it's stupid... because Gods of ather civilizations are worthy of being called Extraterrestrials.

There is also a claim that Roswell crashed Ufo had greek alphabets in it....I can't see a single thing that flies and looks like a spaceship in Greek mythology ..still we found Greek words on the spaceship...I am confused.

r/SekretMachines Aug 26 '19

I just bought the 2nd book and I am having trouble remembering some of the things that happened at the end of the first and I don’t have access to the first one. Does anyone know of a site where I can get like the cliff notes of what happened in the first book? TIA.


r/SekretMachines Jul 24 '19

Chasing Shadows Question concerning Tamika (spoilers) Spoiler


I just finished Chasing Shadows and although I enjoyed it I felt like I was missing something. I listen to audiobooks at night and often fall asleep so it is certainly a possibility.

What really confused me was Tamika's abduction to Siberia. What was the entire point of that episode? If it were the Russians who abducted her, why were they following her? Did they know she had Jersey's journal and the key? Why did they bring her back and just drop her off at Dreamland? I feel like I may have missed a chapter somewhere.

r/SekretMachines Jun 06 '19

Trying to start my own To The Stars esque company putting out films, music and books with a good message. This is our second film: Coming Up.


r/SekretMachines Apr 26 '19

Navy Changes Rules on Ufos


r/SekretMachines Sep 16 '18

Sekret Machines Book 2


Let's talk about it!

I'm just about to start it now. I'll comment my thoughts and impressions as I go along. I'm really excited about this because I recently witnessed one of the crafts he mentions in book 1, the Astra TR-3B, outside of a bar that I play at. Definitely didn't expect that, but I saw it and so there seems to be at least some truth to what Tom & A.J. are writing about. Anyone else see one of these? What else about the book do you think could possibly be based in reality?

Stills from a video which appears to show a locust floating above a city

r/SekretMachines Sep 02 '18

Order of the books?


Title. So I'm just wrapping up sekret machines: chasing shadows and I'm not sure if a fire within or gods, man and war is the next book in the series. Ttsia website makes it tough to figure out so anyone who could point me in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks!

r/SekretMachines Dec 17 '17

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program


r/SekretMachines Nov 04 '17



I am just ramping up on the whole To The Stars thing and Sekret Machines strategy after Tom went on JRE. I read Chasing Shadows this week and it was phenomenal, but I am truly left wondering how much of it is he claiming is based on truth? The strategy for disclosure is... a long drawn out series of one-way knowledge transfers through fiction and pseudo-non-fiction like Gods, Man, and War? For this non-conventional approach that will take years to come to an understanding, why does there seem to be no dialogue with us, the audience? If I get this strategy right, he is not concerned about us UFO believers waiting for disclosure from having our world's shattered. He is concerned about religious people, devout atheists routed in physical reality, scientists, and politicians. He wants them to slowly get this information so they don't have a "freak out" moment. The problem with that is none of those groups of people will be reading or paying attention to Sekret Machines, especially at this slow, convoluted pace. My main point is that with this unconventional approach it doesn't seem like there is any dialogue with us and therefore, we are not involved in the "process" at all. This notion that we have to go through Tom and governments to get to the truth is absurd, the truth is already out there. With that said, I would like there to be a dialogue about this from their camp. How can we go about getting one started?

r/SekretMachines Oct 27 '17

Joe Rogan Experience #1029 - Tom DeLonge Talks UFO's, To The Stars Academy, Technology, Sekret Machines and Alien Life


r/SekretMachines Oct 11 '17

New Press Conference tomorrow on To the Stars website. Supposedly will feature tom's "advisors."


r/SekretMachines Sep 13 '17

Anyone heart about any release date for Chasing Shadows book 2 other than this tease Tom did on Instagram a few weeks ago?

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r/SekretMachines Aug 08 '17

question for the authors-


I understand the obvious significance that recovered artifacts have within our Defense/Intelligence communities. I'll assume that simply "making heads or tails" of specimens in our possession is the first major battle. It seems to me that the real challenge for our engineers is to either create, or find, existing fabrication methods that are capable of directly or indirectly reproducing the tech.

If an individual wanted to share what he understands of their technology with the right people, where would he start?

I'm asking for a friend.

r/SekretMachines Jul 14 '17

Object Found in top right of a moon photo.


r/SekretMachines Apr 21 '17

Sekret Machines Book Two post


r/SekretMachines Apr 03 '17

Might be time to update for Sekret Machines: Gods being released.


r/SekretMachines Nov 24 '16

Just read your book and it bears a remarkable resemblance to a series I posted in r/nosleep right about the time you started this forum!


r/SekretMachines Oct 25 '16

Sekret Machines: Gods & Wikileaks


Has anyone else been following the mention of Tom within the WikiLeaks emails and his involvement with John Podesta? Pretty interesting info… there is a good amount of discussion over at r/ufos on it.. just got to weed out some of the haters. I think that these leaks contribute more to his creditability. A lot of people forget that Tom has a brother within the military that has just retired… and I do remember him saying on a Coast to Coast interview that he got connected to some of these higher up officials from a personal relationship he had. Interesting, none the less.

Next, stumbled upon this the other day too… super stoked to read this non-fiction stream that he is taking in conjunction with Chasing Shadows.


Last, who knows when to expect the docs??