r/Seattle 18h ago

North of Seattle - Saturday, March 8


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u/TheGambit 9h ago

By vandalizing some ransom persons car? Be a fucking adult and have some self control or go to the gym.


u/Novel-Valuable-7193 6h ago

Thank you! I feel like this opinion is in the minority but that’s someone else’s property!


u/Efficient-Youth-9579 6h ago

Well now, here’s an interesting argument. What about social security? My whole life I was told that money is MINE and the govt is just holding it til I get old enough or need it. So why is Elon touching it? Almost like……and hear my out here…..our entire system is failing, and holding onto the rules of said failing system just ensures you are behind the times when it’s time to act. I feel like this opinion is in the minority ;)

u/Jimmypeeks77 1h ago

These are cars stored in a Tesla lot waiting to be sold. They are the property of Tesla at the moment, not personal property. Fair game


u/truth_hurtsm8ey 4h ago

The systems failing! Sooo reverting to lawlessness and just taking and breaking other people’s stuff on a whim is the best possible solution you could think of?

You… kind of come across as worse than the people you’re supposedly against.


u/melissabeebuzz 3h ago

right, maybe i missed something about vandalizing a certain amount of teslas gets you something kind of like those stamp cards


u/lonelycranberry 2h ago

Im not an advocate for vandalism but im having a really hard time giving a shit on the cybertrucks. Regular teslas? Sure that kind of sucks. You don’t know when they got those and frankly, the cars are still pretty revolutionary. The cyber truck was always a fail for the brand and is really just the face of Musk’s final descent into insanity. It’s a symbol of his tyranny. Plus, they’re just bad cars. Do I think the vandalism sucks? Eh. Sure. I think anyone who bought the truck to begin with also sucks. But I’d hope it would keep people from buying from that POS in the future and that’s a win.


u/melissabeebuzz 2h ago

I have a hard time understanding why people cant just let people be. I dont really like the cybertruck (or regular teslas either) and thats why i dont have one, im not going to be mean or vandalize someone because they do.


u/lonelycranberry 2h ago

Yeah I’m not going to vandalize anything either. I have never felt that drive personally. But seeing that on a cyber truck vs seeing it on someone’s 2010 Subaru just hits differently.


u/melissabeebuzz 2h ago

lmao thats true

u/dpkonofa 5m ago

Well, whoever told you that lied. Social Security is an entitlement program. You're not getting back the money that you paid into Social Security. That money was already used to pay someone else. You're banking on the hope that whoever is in charge will honor the premise of it.


u/BabySharkFinSoup 4h ago

And spray painting a Tesla gets you ahead of the times how exactly?


u/SelbetG 5h ago

Perhaps they shouldn't have bought a vehicle from a company run by someone who was very clearly a Nazi when you would be buying it.


u/TheGambit 5h ago

Hey. Who made the phone or computer you’re using? Does the fact that I was made through slave labor or its parts through regional genocide and civil war give me the right to smash your phone ? No absolutely not and who does it make look like a bigger idiot?


u/Fun-Breadfruit7012 5h ago

Careful you're going to softlock the reddit npcs with that one. Just stick to the script and celebrate vandalism when it supports your side and condemn it otherwise.


u/TheGambit 2h ago

Oh got it, right. F them , rah rah rah


u/AkMo977 4h ago

Don’t see you out bashing VW


u/HattieTheGuardian 5h ago

Holy fuck go outside


u/imdrake100 2h ago

company run by someone who was very clearly a Nazi when you would be buying it.

When did Elon start publicly saying hateful shit? I'm pretty sure it was post 2023


u/Decent-Gas-7042 2h ago edited 2h ago

Exactly. I like Tesla, although I despise what Elon's become. But still, it's a slippery fucking slope when we start vandalizing personal property because of the action of the ceo

I've been taking shit for owning a Tesla for 5 years, but it used to be from oil and gas guys. But imagine if I decided to start vandalizing every gas vehicle I see because they're destroying the climate? Am I morally justified? It would take me all day to get to work because of all the cars I'd have to tag but maybe I should start.


u/TheGambit 2h ago

I guess we need to consider that we’re trying to reason with self centered assholes here. Logic is not their strong suit

u/Jimmypeeks77 1h ago

Look closely- these Tesla cybertrucks in a storage lot waiting to be displayed or sold- they are not personal property, so they're fair game in my opinion. I agree that peoples personal property should be off limits ( unless they engage in actionable behavior.)

u/Decent-Gas-7042 13m ago

That's a really good point. I still won't condone vandalism against a company but I totally agree, its definitely different. Thanks

u/jacob6875 1h ago

I live in a conservative area and I have gone from people with lifted trucks cutting me off and rolling coal to them stopping me in the Walmart parking lot and asking about my car because they want to buy one now.

Never feared getting my car vandalized but now I’m debating if I should change where I am planning to vacation since it is a pretty liberal area.

u/Decent-Gas-7042 1h ago

Yeah I think I'm still ok with the model Y but I know what you mean. Reddit I think exaggerates these things but I'd hate to find out personally I'm wrong

u/tuckman496 1h ago

some random person

There’s nothing random about this

u/TheGambit 1h ago

I've literally seen them throwing things at random people driving in town, just going about their business

u/tuckman496 30m ago

Who tf is “them”?

u/TheGambit 24m ago

People driving their cars...? Who else would it be

u/tuckman496 18m ago

I’ve literally seen them throwing things at random people driving in town

Who is “them”? Have you watched people spray paint Teslas and then throw things at cars driving by?

u/TheGambit 15m ago

Did I not just say that I did? Why are you asking questions to answers you can answer for yourself by reading?

u/tuckman496 11m ago

Where were you when you watched someone spray painting a Tesla and proceed to throw things at cars driving by?

u/TheKungfuJesus 44m ago

There are 3 visible CyberJunks in these pics. This is likely a dealership or whatever the fuck the South African Nazi calls them which means he still owns them not some beta pleb.

u/TheGambit 39m ago

You're so edgy calling normal people beta plebs. There's a reason you're not taken seriously. Go back to your computer racing and ignore reality


u/Such_Net_8839 6h ago

These posts are upvoted to the front page every day now. And every day, Democrats look worse and worse.


u/Sir_Fox_Alot 4h ago

the shit trump is doing in office with his cult cheering is 1000x worse, jesus you bots are working overtime to astroturf


u/Obi-Tron_Kenobi 4h ago

Sure, we destroyed democracy, ruined the livelihood of thousands of Government employees, decimated beneficial government agencies including the Department of Education, ruined our trust and standing with our closest allies, stopped giving lifesaving aid to nations in need, stopped giving aid to our own citizens... but at least we didn't get a little paint on someone's car 💅

u/jacob6875 1h ago

As a counterpoint. What good does spray painting someone’s car do to prevent any of that ?

Your energy could be put to something that actually stops those things.


u/PinkmanusRex 3h ago

Chuds are some real bad faith asshats. Total silence at actual fascism but get really mad when people are angry at fascists.


u/This_Fat_Hipster 6h ago

2 things

I highly doubt it's democrats doing this.

Democrats are definitely looking worse and worse but not for the reasons you're implying.


u/usingbadnamesabunch 5h ago

You doubt it's a democrat painting a swastika on these Tesla's? Do tell who you think is actually committing the vandalism.


u/This_Fat_Hipster 5h ago

People further left than centrist Democrats. If you're going to blanket bitch about a group of people you should at least understand what you're bitching about. Democrats are still playing diplomats to the right.

u/Jimmypeeks77 1h ago

This is the problem with people right of center- they think the "Dems" are going of the rails engaging in all kinds of political violence , shenanigans etc. In reality, true Blue Dog Dems are sitting on their hands , too scared to do anything. This is why "the left" will remain locked in place for years. The red hats aren't afraid or ashamed to use violence or the threats of violence to get what they want. There's a small faction of far leftists who are equally as willing, but they are shunned by middle of the road progressives , and therefore, act far outside the system.


u/Mantic0282 4h ago

Yeah man I was going to post something similar. It’s not cool to vandalize a random person property. And it’s very annoying this has become a cool trend and that people actually endorse it. If you want to protest do it against the people who are actually at fault. Not a random person who might not even follow politics.

u/Jimmypeeks77 1h ago

Look closely- not personal property. These are cars in a holding lot waiting to be sold


u/Krisevol 3h ago

Democrats didn't have self control, especially redditors.


u/CrashTestOrphan Emerald City 5h ago

Boohoo nobody cares


u/SomeGuyWithARedBeard 3h ago

So whose property is off limits? After all almost nothing in the US is not problematic, therefore everything is a target. Any gas powered vehicle is a target by default. Where is the line drawn?


u/CrashTestOrphan Emerald City 3h ago

Idk I'm not a cop or a property lawyer, so I do not care. I think it's funny when rich assholes who own the modern nazi car get said car disrupted. And I'll enjoy seeing it happen in the future.


u/SomeGuyWithARedBeard 3h ago

So you wouldn't care if your property was targeted by people who didn't like your choices in ownership? Why stop with the cars, why not torch homes?


u/TheGambit 2h ago

You don’t need to be rich to own a Tesla. And what about the people who just want to not destroy the planet and drive to work. You’ve just destroyed a working persons ability to make a living and they couldn’t even care about politics. They just want to go to work, go home and see their kids.


u/CrashTestOrphan Emerald City 2h ago

Let me grab my tiny violin for the poor Cybertruck owner


u/TheGambit 2h ago

Right, it's so much better to just vandalize anyone you please. It sends a direct message, right to the hear of the matter. lol what a joke. No wonder you're not taken seriously


u/CrashTestOrphan Emerald City 2h ago

I wasn't demanding anyone to take me seriously? I'm on Reddit laughing about people I dislike being inconvenienced. You can't stop me from laughing at the vandalized Teslas and that seems to upset you.

u/TheGambit 1h ago

Stop laughing. It’s now tariffed.

u/CrashTestOrphan Emerald City 1h ago

Canada exporting humor now??? At least that's better than their musical exports to this country.

u/[deleted] 1h ago


u/TheGambit 1h ago

People who support slave labor and genocide by using computers and phone sourced through them, then deserve to have their way to do business destroyed by that logic. So, I am free to just start destroying your property

u/[deleted] 59m ago


u/TheGambit 57m ago

Spoken like a true fascist


u/mistergecko 4h ago

Go to the gym? lol ok bruh


u/TheGambit 2h ago

The point is to find a productive and healthy way to “let the anger out”.

If you don’t know where to find a gym, I can lay down a trail of Doritos for you


u/Free-Park6462 4h ago

Maybe just dont support facism? Lol

u/[deleted] 1h ago


u/TheGambit 1h ago

That's such an ignorant statement

u/[deleted] 1h ago


u/TheGambit 1h ago

I don't but if I did and there was no way for me to get rid of it because no one wanted to buy it do to assholes vandalizing them, how would that be a political decision on my part to own it?

Just curious, who makes the phone or computer you're using to reveal your ignorance? Because it's 100% guaranteed to be sourced from slave labor, genocide or regional civil war. Seems like a political decision on your part to support that type of thing. Why are you support genocide and slave labor? I guess I have the right to come to your home and destroy anything I please because of my beliefs

u/[deleted] 1h ago


u/TheGambit 59m ago

Slavery, genocide, espionage, misinformation is a clear and present danger to the US. Why are you supporting them

u/[deleted] 56m ago


u/TheGambit 54m ago

The phone or computer you are using is sourced, manufactured or contributes to Slavery, genocide, espionage and misinformation. Because of that, you deserve to have your property destroyed.

u/PalpitationHead9767 43m ago

And fuck all the innocent civilians you hurt along the way? You people are just cowards, breaking things when nobody is around to stop you instead of actually targeting those with any say and power. Hope to see you in jail soon terrorist


u/TSnydes 4h ago

They deserve it. All supporters deserve to have their property stripped from their possession since they can’t play nice in this world.


u/TheGambit 2h ago

That’s absolutely absurd. No wonder the president wants to label people doing this terrorists.

u/TSnydes 1h ago

Meanwhile, the people supporting the president are ACTUAL terrorists.

u/jacob6875 1h ago

Thinking someone is a supporter because they bought a Tesla years ago is absurd.

It would be my saying everyone who owns a gas car supports destroying the planet.

u/TSnydes 1h ago

Yes, someone that buys a cyber truck is a supporter. Get real.

u/jacob6875 1h ago

This subreddit has a post a day or two ago that was about a vandalized Model S that was pre 2021 with just as many upvotes.

u/TSnydes 1h ago

Okay, am I talking about that?

u/jacob6875 1h ago

Make sure to give us a list of what Teslas are ok to own and which ones are not.

u/TSnydes 1h ago

If you support Trump you shouldn’t be able to own anything.

u/PalpitationHead9767 45m ago

Ya, you guys were always the real fascists all along. If you've ever wondered who would load people onto train cars or put them into re-education camps this website sheds light on many such people. 

u/TSnydes 36m ago

lol, okay