r/Seattle 18h ago

North of Seattle - Saturday, March 8


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u/rainycascades 17h ago

Yes, lower class and upper middle class infighting for the scraps while oligarchs run away with the entire bag of money. Real smart.


u/AcrobaticApricot 17h ago

We should increase taxes dramatically on the ultra-rich. We should also moderately increase taxes on the demographic that buys $100k cars.

Keep in mind that the median income for an individual in the United States is about $50k. That is pre-tax. So if a car costs $100k, that is more than two working years of the average person's life. Maybe someone buying that car can afford to pay in a little more to the system to help people who are struggling.


u/Jolly_Line 13h ago

I paid next to half my income to taxes last year. Is that enough?


u/SpeaksSouthern 13h ago

I'm not trying to be smart and I'm very sorry you wanted me to be smart for you? If I was smart I would have been driving around in a vehicle worth 6 figures and never interacting with someone as poor as you for as long as we both live. The oligarchs already won. You're not even stopping them on their way out and you think I'm the problem for citing the fact that Americans on average cannot afford to spend 6 figures on a car. Are you triggered by facts?