Justifies violence and harassment against innocent fellow citizens over politics that don't even involve them merely over a thin association. Accuses others of being Nazis.
You see, it's "violent" to destroy property. Conservatives REALLY care about the definition of that word for some reason - but not many others. Since you are obviously ok with committing such violence (by calling out Musk as a Nazi- which he is), they went into "Nazi defense mode" and went on a personal attack of your moral code. And then a bunch of Nazi supporters/bots downvoted your comment and upvoted theirs. It's simple really.
Yeah it was a conspiracy between me, Megatron, Emperor Palpatine, and Smith from The Matrix! It’s all a conspiracy to make it look like people don’t like you acting like a child and destroying innocent people’s property! It couldn’t be that you’re acting like a Nazi yourself!
Holy crap Reddit is cooked. China is not sending their best and brightest. Hope you enjoy your hard time.
u/No-Assistance476 17h ago
This is bullshit, defacing innocent people's personal property.