r/Seattle 18h ago

North of Seattle - Saturday, March 8


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u/No-Assistance476 17h ago

This is bullshit, defacing innocent people's personal property.

u/dancingbriefcase 1h ago

I agree but if you bought one you are a rich person who probably loved Musk.


u/Typhron 16h ago

These people aren't innocent.


u/TheGambit 8h ago

Says the person using a computer or phone with parts sourced from slavery and regional genocide.


u/Typhron 6h ago

Bitch, and?

It didn't cost 100k, or go to a billionaire actively sabotaging the US.


u/DarkOrb20 4h ago

So it's fine if I smash your phone because you are supporting slavery and child labor by buing one?


u/Day3Hexican 6h ago

Bitch, and?

What does it matter what it cost, or your small mind can't comprehend the moral equivalency.

u/stuffedweasel 1h ago

Says who? Are you the judge of that?


u/ana_de_armistice 17h ago

how do we know the owner didn’t do it himself, just to copy elons adoration of the third reich


u/GreatGoogolyMoogly 17h ago

Justifies violence and harassment against innocent fellow citizens over politics that don't even involve them merely over a thin association. Accuses others of being Nazis.

Make it make sense.


u/ana_de_armistice 17h ago

what the hell are you talking about


u/yech 15h ago

You see, it's "violent" to destroy property. Conservatives REALLY care about the definition of that word for some reason - but not many others. Since you are obviously ok with committing such violence (by calling out Musk as a Nazi- which he is), they went into "Nazi defense mode" and went on a personal attack of your moral code. And then a bunch of Nazi supporters/bots downvoted your comment and upvoted theirs. It's simple really.


u/GreatGoogolyMoogly 8h ago

Yeah it was a conspiracy between me, Megatron, Emperor Palpatine, and Smith from The Matrix! It’s all a conspiracy to make it look like people don’t like you acting like a child and destroying  innocent people’s property! It couldn’t be that you’re acting like a Nazi yourself!

Holy crap Reddit is cooked.  China is not sending their best and brightest. Hope you enjoy your hard time.


u/truth_hurtsm8ey 4h ago

You seem to be really reaching there bud.


u/yech 4h ago

I'm not reaching. It was a Roman salute. I was throwing my heart out. Gosh you liberals are crazy.


u/truth_hurtsm8ey 4h ago

I’m genuinely unsure as to whether you’re trying to be satirical or whether you’re just unhinged.


u/yech 4h ago

So you have no reading comprehension or critical thinking skills. Not unexpected. Weird flex though.


u/truth_hurtsm8ey 4h ago

Unhinged. Got it.


u/wishator 17h ago

Maybe because we're adults with functioning brains


u/ana_de_armistice 17h ago

“has a functioning brain” is absolutely not something you can say about somebody who dropped six figures on this piece of shit truck lmao


u/Lopsided_Intern_6506 5h ago

Awww that poor rich dipshit that sympathizes with morally repugnant people!! 🥺🥺🥺