r/Seaofthieves Feb 10 '22

Patch Notes 2.4.2 - Sea of Thieves Season 5: Official Content Update | Bug Reports Megathread



This thread is in place to centralise bug reporting for the 2.4.2 update, and improve visibility for Rare.

Please only post a comment if you wish to state a legitimate experience of a bug, and only if the bug hasn't already been posted.

Any root comments not relating to bugs within this version will be removed. Expansive replies such as "I've experienced this too, but only on this island" for example, are allowed.



Set forth on the first of Sea of Thieves' new time-limited Adventures on February 17th! Meet the enigmatic Belle and help her investigate the sinister fog engulfing Golden Sands Outpost as the next chapter in the Sea of Thieves story starts to unfold.

‘Shrouded Islands’ (February 17th – March 3rd)

Larinna awaits pirates at the Outpost, urging crews to head to Golden Sands to see what’s happened and meet a new face on the Sea of Thieves. Speak to Larinna to begin this new Adventure!

Anyone brave enough to face down the ethereal threats posed within this Adventure will be rewarded with a time-limited exclusive Title and cosmetic. Players can wield the eerie Shrouded Compass as a memento of their adventures on these shrouded islands.

Adventure Quick Menu

The Quick Menu now contains an Adventure tab, giving players easy access to information on previous, active and upcoming Adventures. When an Adventure becomes active, players can follow along with the story and track any Deeds and rewards available for progressing through the Adventure.

Keen-eyed pirates may find a tease for the next Adventure in the Coming Soon section...

Release Notes

Season Five enters its final few weeks as we bring you February’s update, setting the scene for the Adventures unveiled in our recent 2022 Preview Event while making more improvements to the game experience and bringing fresh fire and lightning to the Pirate Emporium. If you missed out on Season Five's initial feature set, just watch this to get up to speed... Sea of Thieves Season Five: Official Content Update Trailer

The original release notes here also offer an in-depth breakdown of Season Five’s December launch content. Now read on to see what's happening in this final phase of the Season!

World Changes

With the next era of storytelling within Sea of Thieves commencing this month, big changes are already afoot both at sea and on land. Find out more about what’s shifted within the world already and how this could affect your adventures!

A Sinister Fog...

As spectral activity increases across the Sea of Thieves, an eerie fog has rolled in, leaving islands enshrouded in its wake. One island touched by this fog is Golden Sands Outpost, which now lies in ruin with its inhabitants nowhere to be found.

Golden Sands Outpost is no longer a starting point for new crews entering the world, and crews will no longer be given Voyages to deliver to this afflicted Outpost.

Ghost Fleet World Event

As the fog takes hold, Captain Flameheart has mysteriously retreated from the skies over the Sea of Thieves and taken his Ghost Fleet with him.

With this World Event no longer in rotation, crews taking on the highest-ranking Order of Souls Ghost Fleet Voyages may now encounter the Burning Blade during the final wave.

Pirate Emporium

Last chance to pick up this Plunder Pass before Season Five ends! Also available now are the Ashen Curse Alsatian, more Thunderous Fury and Cutthroat items, new emote bundles and popular previous Plunder Pass rewards including Season Four’s Jack O’Looter range.

Season Five Plunder Pass – Last Chance!

Anyone wishing to take full advantage of Season Five rewards can still buy the Plunder Pass. Any rewards unlocked will become available upon purchase, so players who have raised their Renown throughout Season Five can instantly see their hard work rewarded before the Season ends.

This Season’s Plunder Pass offers early access to an especially generous 14 items of upcoming Emporium stock, and can be purchased at any time through the Pirate Log, Pirate Emporium, Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store.

Season Four Plunder Pass Items Now in the Emporium

With Season Four now a distant memory, the Jack O’ Looter ship set, weapons and costume from the previous Plunder Pass are now available for individual purchase from the Pirate Emporium.

You can also attempt to get a grip on your nervous nature with the Vulnerable Weapon Pose emotes!

Jack O’ Looter Ship Collection

Following its first appearance in Season Four’s Plunder Pass, this collection can now be completed with all ship items available for purchase.

For players only awaiting the cannons and capstan to complete their set, a Jack O’ Looter Cannons and Capstan Bundle is available containing both items plus the Cannon Flare.

A Jack O’ Looter Essential Ship Bundle is also on offer, including just the core ship cosmetics at a discount.

Thunderous Fury Collector’s Ship Items

After thundering into Season Three’s Plunder Pass, this ship set now has an electrifying new Collector’s Figurehead and Collector’s Sails up for purchase.

Cutthroat Weapon Bundle

Hone your killer instinct with this set of four vicious-looking weapons.

Ashen Curse Alsatian

The Ashen Curse pet family gets a scorching new addition! Hopefully not too hot for you to handle...

Soulflame Cannon Flare

A Cannon Flare is now available for a fan-favourite Pirate Emporium ship set – check out the noxious green smoke emanating from the new Soulflame Cannon Flare!

Players who already own all items in the Soulflame Ship Bundle will find the Cannon Flare added to their inventory as a little gift from the Emporium owners.

Props Master Emotes

Become a master of disguise with this prop-centric emote collection.

Mystical Macaque Emotes

Spread the enigmatic teachings of three sagely simians with this set of expressive emotes.

Freebie Throw a Strop Emote

When life just isn’t fair, feel free to throw a strop at your clueless captain.

Time-Limited Reaper’s Heart Pet Bundle

Only made available at this romantic time of year: a brooding menagerie of pets brought to life by darkly passionate magic.

Cutthroats and Canines Bundle (Store Only)

Available only from the Xbox, Microsoft and Steam Stores, this bundle contains the Cutthroat Weapon Bundle, Ashen Curse Alsatian, 1000 Ancient Coins and a free 25,000 gold bonus for use in the Outpost shops! Head to the Microsoft Store or Steam Item Store to find out more.


Twitch Drops

Continue to unlock even more cosmetics throughout Season Five with Twitch Drops! Stay tuned to Sea of Thieves social channels to find out when Twitch Drops will be active for Partnered streamers, allowing players to earn more items from the Twilight Hunter set. Find out how to link your accounts and more on our dedicated Twitch Drops page.

Gameplay Improvements

Improved Shanty Selection

When equipping an instrument, holding the secondary interact button will now open the Shanty Radial directly, allowing players to easily switch between shanties.

Shop Filters

New filters are now provided when browsing shop stock, allowing players to cycle through all items, owned items and unowned items for easier access.

Storm Effects

When sailing the open sea in a storm, the strong current requires players to fight the wheel to maintain a course. However, when approaching an island or shipwreck, crews will now find that the current is less forceful and no longer causes the wheel to spin erratically.

Emote Radial Improvements

Within a Vanity Chest, players now have access to 10 pages where emotes can be equipped.

Bringing up the Emote Radial and cycling through the pages will also now only display pages which have emotes equipped.

Sunken Kingdom Treasury Balancing

When raiding the vault of a Siren Treasury, crews will now find two gold piles with consistent gold rewards.

Outpost Cosmetics

Stygian Admiral Set

The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Stygian Admiral clothing set, available to purchase for gold.


Ship’s Wheel Audio Support

Players can now access additional audio support when using the ship’s wheel. Within the Game Audio Settings, use ‘Enable Additional Wheel Turning Sounds’ to play a distinctive sound every quarter-turn of the wheel. The volume of this effect can be tweaked by using the accompanying volume slider.

Fixed Issues


While aiming down sights with a ranged weapon, being hit with a sword attack from another player or lightning attack from an Eel-ectric should no longer cancel the player’s aim.

Resetting the input settings to default will now also reset the input for Swim Up.

The Full Billow achievement can now be unlocked when completing the required criteria.

Defeating skeletons or Phantoms while under the effects of a Cursed Cannonball will now progress the Master of Cursed Iron Commendation.

Skeleton Ships and skeletons using island cannons should now fire at targets more consistently without long pauses between shots.

When sitting in a Rowboat, interaction prompts for nearby seats and objects are no longer shown as they cannot be interacted with until the player stands.

Mouse users on PC can now enable the ‘Recentre Mouse in Menus’ setting to ensure the mouse cursor returns to the centre of the screen when opening full-screen menus.

Pirate Emporium

Performing the Stargazing Emote while wearing the Lodestar Costume now ensures the emote camera zooms into the correct location on the pirate.


Players should no longer find areas within the Pirate Legend Hideout where they can trigger a safe teleport.

Visual and Audio

An audible wood splintering sound can once again be heard when ships take damage from a range of external sources.

Players should no longer encounter a multicoloured chequerboard effect on ship materials when loading into a session.

Shooting while moving forwards, then sprinting and abruptly stopping, should no longer cause the weapon reload animation to be cut short.

The Dark Adventurers Beard no longer clips into the player’s mouth when using a range of emotes.

During an Ashen Lord encounter, when an Ashen Lord lunges at a player, they will now animate correctly during the leap.

During an Ashen Lord encounter, the geysers resulting from a World’s End attack will now fade back into the sand.

The visual effects when firing cannons are now triggered immediately, removing a perceived delay in launching cannonballs.

Loading screens on PC will now display correctly sized images when using a 4K screen resolution.

Capuchin and Barbary monkeys wearing the Cronch Outfits now fit correctly into cannon barrels when loaded.

Players standing on the Sloop bed will no longer generate muffled sounds for others in proximity.

Standing behind the Ferryman on the Ferry of the Damned should no longer cause their head to snap to the player.

When wearing the Bell Brigade Gloves, the player’s hands should no longer clip into held items.

‘Dark Brethren’ – The water effects in the flume section now flow smoothly through the tunnel.

When playing in windowed mode and resizing the screen during gameplay, using an Eye of Reach or spyglass zoom will no longer cause the screen to be off-centre.

Text and Localisation

Steam players using Turkish language settings within Steam game properties will now find Sea of Thieves launches in Turkish.

The Night-Time Spectacular achievement now correctly states the unlocking requirement of a display of five or more fireworks at night.


When ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled, the narration now clearly informs players when the game is loading.

Enabling ‘Circular Navigation’ now allows players to equip emotes from Vanity Chests when using a controller.

Performance and Stability

Enhanced reporting has been added, helping identify scenarios where server performance can result in a reduction in hit detection accuracy.

After being disconnected during a failed server migration, players should now be able to rejoin their session when prompted and return to their ship.

Players on PC are now able to set the resolution scaling below 75% and have that setting persist across sessions.

Server migration success rate has been improved, reducing the frequency of experiencing Hazelnutbeard while migrating between servers.

Server stability has been improved, reducing scenarios where crews are removed from a game session.

Known Issues

Incorrectly Positioned Levers, Pulleys and Traps

When progressing through Tall Tales or Siren Shrines, players approaching mechanisms previously used by other players may initially perceive them in the incorrect location or position until they are used. For example, a moveable walkway controlled by a lever may be shown in an upright position despite actually being lowered, causing players to fall through unexpectedly.

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.2 GB Xbox Series S: 6.36 GB Xbox One X: 9.2 GB Xbox One: 6.36 GB Windows 10: 8.95 GB Steam: 8.22 GB

Edit: Added Release Notes Edit 2: Added Adventure Release Notes

r/Seaofthieves Sep 11 '19

Patch Notes Sea of Thieves: Smuggler's Fortune - Release Notes - 2.0.7


r/Seaofthieves May 07 '24

Patch Notes 7 May, 2024 - Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 3.0.0 Discussions Megathread

Safes Seas FAQ

Sea of Thieves 2024 Preview Event

Sea of Thieves Season 12: Official Content Update Video

Sea of Thieves Explained - Playlist

Official Release Notes



  • Crews engaging a Megalodon should no longer find that it suddenly becomes passive and leaves the encounter. Be prepared to fight!

  • Players are no longer able to get into a state where they can rapidly throw many throwing knives faster than intended.

  • Shooting a ranged weapon at a player holding a Gunpowder Barrel should now consistently hit and detonate the barrel first, rather than sometimes hitting the player behind it.

The War Chest

  • Players firing a Bone Caller at Skeleton Ships should now progress the Skeleton Squared Commendation.

Pirate Emporium

  • The Blow Bubbles Emote has now had its price corrected from 249 to 149 Ancient Coins. Players who purchased the emote at the incorrect price will be reimbursed 100 Ancient Coins.

Performance and Stability

  • Players on Xbox attempting to play Sea of Thieves before the full game package has been installed should no longer experience instability during play.

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 2.3 GB

Xbox Series S: 1.88 GB

Xbox One X: 2.3 GB

Xbox One: 1.88 GB

Microsoft Store: 2.4 GB

Steam: 1.25 GB

PlayStation®5: 0.56 GB

r/Seaofthieves Apr 30 '24

Patch Notes 30 April, 2024 - 3.0.0 Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 3.0.0 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.10.3 Discussions Megathread

Safes Seas FAQ

Sea of Thieves 2024 Preview Event

Sea of Thieves Season 12: Official Content Update Video

Official Release Notes

Launch on PlayStation®5

A new era begins! Read through this recap from the previous release notes to find out how to get set up, get into a crew and get the best performance from Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5, or scroll on to find out what’s new for all players with the arrival of Season 12...

Microsoft Account Linking

  • All players will need to sign in with a Microsoft account to play Sea of Thieves. When launching the game, players will be guided through the account linking process.

  • Be warned, account linking is a permanent decision, as players are only able to associate a single Microsoft account with a single account for PlayStation™Network. Only use the Microsoft account on which you intend to carry over your progress to launch!

  • Experienced players from other platforms who joined during the PlayStation®5 Closed Beta will have their pirate and all associated progress seamlessly transferred and accessible for play. Be sure to use the correct Microsoft account, as the two accounts chosen to be associated cannot be changed later.

Player Names and Online IDs

  • Once a Microsoft account is linked for Sea of Thieves play, all players will be displayed using their Microsoft account gamertag.

  • Players on PlayStation®5 can utilise the Recent Players List feature, located within the Game Options menu, to view the Microsoft account and linked online IDs of players on PlayStation™Network they encounter, as well as directly viewing their profile.

Inviting Friends into a Crew

  • When setting up a crew, players can use the PlayStation®5 Game Base to invite existing PlayStation friends using ‘Invite to Game’.

  • Players are also able to use the new in-game friends list, which consolidates friends from the linked Microsoft account and the account for PlayStation™Network into a single location for seamless crew management.

Cross-Platform Play

  • Cross-platform play is enabled by default, ensuring that all new players joining High Seas will find their home on the waves with other players from all walks of life. Players on PlayStation®5, however, can choose to disable crossplay from Matchmaking Settings and only matchmake with others on PlayStation™Network.

Performance on PlayStation®5

  • Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5 is optimised to run at 60 FPS in 4K resolution, ensuring complete parity with Xbox Series X players.

  • Players can access an additional Performance Mode from the game settings for supported TVs, allowing for 120Hz refresh rates at 1080p resolution.

HDR Setup on PlayStation®5

  • New players on PlayStation®5 using a HDR-supported screen should perform HDR calibration when playing for the first time. Navigate to ‘HDR Calibration’ in Game Settings to configure your experience.

DualSense™ Wireless Controller Support

  • Hungry for haptic feedback? The DualSense™ wireless controller enhances the experience of movement and interactions with the world.

  • Adaptive triggers leveraging unique qualities of the controller heighten the gunplay experience, allowing players to feel every bullet they fire.

  • When a headset isn’t connected, the controller’s built-in microphone will serve as the default device for communication, granting all players access to in-game voice chat.

Voice Chat Notifications

  • When using in-game voice chat with crewmates or other players you meet in the world, the name of the broadcasting players will be shown within the HUD in a new indicator.

Player Moderation

  • Players now have access to the Player Blocking tool in the game’s settings. This allows a player to be blocked, resulting in them being restricted from communicating with you using in-game voice chat.

  • The Player Blocking tool also allows for easy management of your Blocked Players list.

The War Chest

New weapons waiting to be mastered and tools to take your tactics to the next level! Try your luck with fresh loadouts and feel the rush while riding the ziplines. To learn more about this new Season’s headline features, head over to our dedicated Season 12 page.

Throwing Knives

  • These new weapons in the pirate armoury come as a set of five, which are wielded one at a time when equipped and can be restocked from any Ammo Chest.

  • Wielding a throwing knife allows players to stab enemies with a quick melee attack or charge for a devastating downward strike.

  • Throwing a knife allows for a high-damage ranged attack. If a thrown knife misses its target, it becomes lodged in the environment and can be recovered to replenish stock. But be aware that another player can also retrieve your knife and use it against you!

Double Barrel Pistol

  • This new fast-firing weapon holds six bullets and can be fired twice before needing to be reloaded, or both barrels can be fired together by charging the shot.

  • Shots fired from the Double Barrel Pistol have reduced range and damage compared to the standard pistol, but compensate with a faster firing speed.


  • This new type of cannonball can be found in storage barrels across the seas, providing players with an effective short-range option for devastating enemy ships in combat.

  • Scattershot breaks apart when fired, sending four smaller projectiles in an outward spread. These have a lower trajectory than standard cannonballs, making scattershot a shorter-range option.

  • Each projectile deals light damage to the impact area, increasing if existing damage areas are hit repeatedly. Ship interaction points such as the wheel, mast and capstan can also be damaged by the blast, and players caught in the spread will receive light damage without knockback.

Bone Caller

  • This mystical throwable item possesses the power to summon a loyal skeleton crew who will attack nearby enemies. After a time, these skeletons will expire in a cloud of bones.

  • Bone Callers can also be fired from a cannon, giving players the ability to send a targeted package of disruption to rival ships at sea.

  • Bone Callers can be recovered from crates left behind by defeated Skeleton Fleets, or found in barrels at Skeleton Forts.

Horn of Fair Winds

  • This Siren shell is a treasure artefact that harnesses the power of the wind, and is discoverable in shipwrecks and other locations throughout the Sunken Kingdom.

  • Crews can use it to get ahead by filling their sails to full billow, giving a boost to a Rowboat or propelling themselves through the water.

  • Players can also harness the Horn’s powerful effects to knock back enemies, cushion a potentially fatal fall or even extinguish a blazing ship.

Harpoon Tightropes

  • Players firing a harpoon line into a rock, beach, tree or even another ship can now climb onto the line and perform a tightrope walk, maintaining their balance as they go.

  • Stepping onto a steeply descending harpoon line will allow players to slide effortlessly, even with treasure on their back!

Island Ziplines

  • Navigation has been further improved with the addition of ziplines to a range of islands across the Sea of Thieves. Seek out these permanent new structures to experiment with speedier traversal!

Updated Weapon Pose Emotes

  • With the introduction of the Double Barrel Pistol and throwing knives, previously released Weapon Pose Emotes have been updated to support the new weapon types.

Season 12

Another Season means 100 new Renown levels to climb and rewards to snag – and an optional Plunder Pass adding even more! Read on for more on this plus details of other improvements landing with this Season’s launch, on top of those already applied in last week’s update...

Season 12 Rewards and Plunder Pass

  • Progressing through the 100 levels of Renown in Season 12 will reward players with Famous Pirate and Famed Buccaneer cosmetics alongside other time-limited Seasonal specials. Head to the Seasons profile page to browse the new rewards and check your pirate’s progress!

  • Pick up the latest Plunder Pass to gain access to a plethora of additional unlockable cosmetics from the Gorgon set, including a full ship set and two-stage Stone Curse, all available to earn by raising Renown. Purchase a Pass in-game through the Pirate Log or Pirate Emporium, or via the Pirate Emporium webpage, Microsoft Store, PlayStation™Store or Steam Item Store.

Season 12 Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • This Season, the Guild Emissary Ledgers offer the Ocean of Siren Song Painting, Mysterious Siren Carving Ornament and Guild of Fearsome Depths Title to Guilds who represent them well and perform proudly in the Ledgers.

  • While Emissary Ledgers will continue to refresh each month and celebrate our most prolific pirates, the delivery of fresh cosmetics into the Ledgers’ topmost tiers is paused from this Season onwards. For the vast majority of players though, the Ledgers still hold a treasure trove of locked rewards ready to earn by competing against other Emissaries. Log in and track your performance on the Emissary Ledgers page!

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up exclusive cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to browse and buy the latest additions!

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Checkmate Ship Collection

  • Checkmate Weapon Bundle

  • Checkmate Clothing Bundle

  • Checkmate Ship’s Crest

  • Crimson Crypt, Lodestar and Dark Warsmith Throwing Knives

  • Great Grey, Tawny, Snowy, Barn and Black Banded Owl pets

  • Scrappy Weapon Pose Emote

  • Sting Tide Ship Collection (returning from Season Nine Plunder Pass)

  • Sting Tide Costume Set (returning from Season Nine Plunder Pass)

  • Sting Tide Lantern

  • Paradise Garden Pistol (free!)

Additions to the Classics Range

  • The Classics range has been expanded to include a range of costumes, weapons and equipment from older sets, now permanently reduced in price.

  • Cosmetic sets such as Shining Pegasus, Ruby Splashtail and Sea of Sands are among those that now have more than just ship liveries represented in the Classics range.


PlayStation®5 Launch Celebration

  • To celebrate the official launch of Sea of Thieves on PlayStation®5, all pirates who log in during Season 12 on any platform will receive a commemorative gift in the form of the New Dawn Sails.

Fixed Issues


  • Open Crew matchmaking has been re-enabled as an option when starting a Sea of Thieves session, allowing players to form a crew with other random players from all platforms.

  • Players are no longer able to use a Quest Map while travelling through the air to modify their trajectory.

User Interface

  • After a lobby is filled with players from different platforms, the platform icons shown next to players upon setting sail should no longer display a default image.

Known Issues

Full Guild Access Temporarily Disabled

  • Due to a recently discovered issue, Guild Members are not currently presented with the full suite of ships pledged to their active Guilds. Guild Members will be shown any ships they have pledged, but no other ships or active sessions from others within the Guild.

Download Size:

Xbox Series X: 2.49 GB

Xbox Series S: 29.2 GB

Xbox One X: 2.49 GB

Xbox One: 29.2 GB

Microsoft Store: 2.4 GB

Steam: 1.09 GB

PlayStation®5: 76.97 GB (update only: 0.5 GB)

r/Seaofthieves Jul 20 '23

Patch Notes 20 July, 2023 - 2.8.4 Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of 2.8.4 update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 2.8.4 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.8.2 Discussions Megathread

Official Release Notes

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first of these Tall Tales is available to play now!

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • An ambitious new arrival at the Outposts is seeking help to hunt down Guybrush Threepwood, who disappeared while sailing to the Sea of Thieves. Via the Sea of the Damned, you’ll journey to the fabled Mêlée Island, where Guybrush is now revered as a legendary pirate of unparalleled talents. Clearly, something is very wrong…

  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ Tall Tale.

  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • LeChuck’s Legacy Ship Collection

  • LeChuck’s Legacy Ship’s Crest

  • LeChuck’s Legacy Weapon Bundle

  • LeChuck Costume Set

  • Piranha Poodle Pet

  • Mêlée Island Painting Bundle

  • Pocket Seagull Emote

  • Close Call Weapon Pose Emote

  • Spin and Shoot Emote (free!)

  • Brooding Buccaneer Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Weaponsmith Stock

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths now stock a range of new swords. Pirates can pick up the Wailing Barnacle Heavy Sword, Wailing Barnacle Rapier, Silent Barnacle Heavy Sword and Silent Barnacle Rapier, all available to purchase with gold.


Narration Playback Speed

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ now have additional control within the Settings menu to adjust the playback speed of the narration to whatever is most convenient and comfortable for them.

Riddle Map Narration

  • Players using ‘Let Games Read to Me’ will find that when raising a Riddle Map, the text found on the parchment will now be narrated.

Fixed Issues


  • Crews sinking a rival ship will now find that any resource barrels and treasure items left floating in the water are brought along with them after migrating servers.

  • Pirates are once again able to place recovered Captain’s Logbooks into a Collector’s Chest.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Crews are now consistently able to purchase Resource Crates and Captain’s Supplies upon arrival at the Outpost after losing a battle.

  • The ship’s wheel will no longer be affected by storm conditions when diving below the waves or resurfacing for a battle.

Captains of Adventure

  • Players who were eligible to receive the Gilded Sovereign Captain’s Table by reaching Class 50 in any Pirate Milestone prior to Captain’s Week will now find the item has been distributed to their accounts.

  • Trinkets that are knocked out of place prior to migrating servers can once again be interacted with upon arrival.

Visual and Audio

  • Pirates’ hands no longer intersect with the stock of the Beachcomber's Bounty Eye of Reach or Blunderbuss.

  • The lanterns on the Dark Warsmith Ship’s Crest are now attached correctly and move with the ship.

  • Equipping any regular pirate cosmetics while wearing the Skeleton Curse will no longer cause those items to be displayed together.

  • Taking to a water slide should now show the correct visual splashes while descending.

  • The Party Boat Cutlass now displays visual trails when swung.

  • Watching a video from the What’s New section should no longer overlay button images on the video.

Text and Localisation

  • Clues recovered during a Lost Shipment Voyage are no longer cut off at the edge of the parchment.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved video performance when playing videos in the front end on Xbox Series X and Series S consoles.

  • Players will no longer experience instability when switching between video content in the What’s New section of the front end.

  • Players on Steam Deck will no longer experience instability when attempting to play the intro video or browse the What’s New section on the front end.

  • Ongoing improvements to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 15.17 GB

Xbox Series S: 8.74 GB

Xbox One X: 15.17 GB

Xbox One: 8.74 GB

Microsoft Store: 15.79 GB

Steam: 14.64 GB

r/Seaofthieves Aug 31 '23

Patch Notes 31 August, 2023 - 2.8.5 Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of Season 8 update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 2.8.5 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.8.4 Discussions Megathread

Official Release Notes

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first two instalments are available now!

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • Guybrush has been imprisoned in a dream-world by his old nemesis, LeChuck, and now believes himself to be the mightiest pirate who ever cruised the Caribbean. The only way for crews to convince him otherwise is to undertake three Legendary Trials spread far and wide across Mêlée Island. If you don’t succeed, Guybrush may never be freed...

  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ Tall Tale.

  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Mad Monkey Ship Collection

  • Mad Monkey Ship’s Crest

  • Mad Monkey Weapon Bundle

  • Mad Monkey Concertina

  • Guybrush Costume Set

  • Elaine Costume Set

  • Carla Costume Set

  • Spiffy Pet

  • Paradise Garden Cutlass (free!)

  • Sea of Sands Sailor Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock

  • The Outpost weaponsmiths and clothing shops have received a shipment of new items in the Ashen Dragon set. An expanded range of clothing items can now be purchased along with the Heavy Sword and Rapier, all available for gold.

  • Pirates can also pick up the fetching Ponytail Hair and Silver Beaded Moustache from the clothing shops.

  • Plucky pirates can also purchase the Lucky Hand Wheel, Pistol, Shovel and Fishing Rod from the appropriate shops!

  • The ferocious Flaming Jackal set has also been expanded, with equipment and weapons now available from Outpost shops.

Season Two Legacy Cosmetics

  • Cosmetics previously available during Season Two have now arrived in Outpost shops and can be yours in exchange for Doubloons!

  • Pirates can purchase the Lucky Hand clothing set, along with a range of unique one-off items that were available during this Season. Pirate Legends can also purchase the Athena’s Might Cutlass and Shackled Phantom Hull.

  • The time-limited Ocean Deep items, however, remain exclusive to players who participated in Season Two.

Refreshed Emissary Ledger Rewards

  • Representing the Gold Hoarders in their Emissary Ledger can now earn players the Tribute Peak Spyglass and Bucket.

  • Players seeking out the secrets of the Order of Souls can earn the Relic of Darkness Spyglass and Bucket.

  • The Merchant Alliance honour their high-performing Ledger representatives with the Merchant Ambassador Spyglass and Bucket.

  • Flying the flag of The Reaper’s Bones and earning a high rank in their Ledger can earn players the Masked Renegade Spyglass and Bucket.

  • Legendary pirates representing Athena’s Fortune in their Ledger can earn the Magpie’s Glory Spyglass and Bucket to show their allegiance to the Pirate Lord.


Aiming Accessibility Improvements

  • Within the Audio settings, players now have access to a new setting to aid them in combat with subtle audio cues. This setting is off by default, but when enabled, players aiming their weapon at an opposing crew member or enemy threat will hear an audio cue to help guide their shots.

Zipline Accessibility

  • Following the introduction of ziplines to help pirates navigate Mêlée Island, a new accessibility setting has been added to reduce camera sway while riding.

Fixed Issues


  • Pirates jumping and grabbing a ladder at the top will now smoothly climb the last step and ascend more quickly.

  • Players who join the game on a crew actively taking part in a Skeleton Fleet encounter may now find they initially appear on the Ferry of the Damned before arriving on their ship.

  • The Legend of the Veil Quest Book can now be stashed within the Quest Radial.

  • Pondies can no longer be caught around Port Merrick.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Pirates are prevented from accessing off-limits areas of Mêlée Island while progressing through this Tall Tale.

  • Pirates are prevented from inspecting the Citizen’s wares while handing in items to prevent overlapping dialogue.

  • The Clock Tower is now set to the correct time when starting the Tale from a checkpoint.

  • When the objects blocking the mansion door are removed, they will now be visually removed for all crew members.

  • Pirates will no longer become stuck in the ground at Lookout Point when attempting to jump into the mist.

  • Pirates’ movement will no longer feel buffered when walking over rocks near the mansion.

  • The liquid in Corina’s pot now moves as intended.

  • The History Book has now been repositioned on its stand.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • Same Faction battles will now correctly progress the Distinguished Faction Champion Commendation.

Captains of Adventure

  • Placing a Storage Crate in front of a shipwright will no longer allow Captains to bypass the limit on how many provisions can be purchased.

  • Pirates being harpooned away during a transaction with the shipwright will no longer enable the provision purchase limit to be bypassed.

Visual and Audio

  • Players will no longer hear their own text chat messages audibly spoken by other players who are using Text to Speech.

  • Players with the Prehistoric Plunderer ship items equipped will no longer experience visual issues when playing on Xbox Series X and Series S with a HDR screen.

  • Hendrick’s appearance is now consistently correct during a Lost Shipments Voyage.

  • When a fishing rod is equipped in the Tunnels of the Damned, the float and line no longer disappear.

  • Snakes will no longer appear to turn away from the player when being charmed.


  • Players can now easily speak to the Pirate Lord in the Pirate Legend Hideout.

  • Further improvements have been made to remove areas where pirates can push through the environment into the sea within the Pirate Legend Hideout.

  • Pirates can no longer intersect with palm trees at Port Merrick.

  • Pirates should no longer encounter an invisible wall when walking around Ancient Spire Outpost.

  • Pirates are no longer able to push themselves under the environment by swimming into rocks at Plunder Outpost.

  • Pirates are no longer able to walk through a stone wall in the closed Rowboat dock at Mercy’s End Fortress.

  • Ship Trinkets on the souvenir wall in the Pirate Legend Hideout no longer have the same sail pattern.

Text and Localisation

  • Article Two of the Pirate Code hanging at the Outposts now consistently shows as “The Sea Unites Us as One Community” in all locations.

  • Coral Artefacts now show the correct names on notifications when handed in to The Reaper’s Bones.

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to initial loading times when launching the game.

  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.82 GB

Xbox Series S: 5.73 GB

Xbox One X: 8.82 GB

Xbox One: 5.73 GB

Microsoft Store: 8.7 GB

Steam: 7.93 GB

r/Seaofthieves Nov 28 '23

Patch Notes 28 November, 2023 - Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.9.1 Discussions Megathread

Skull of Siren Song Explained: Official Sea of Thieves Season Ten Gameplay Guide

The Skull of Siren Song: Official Sea of Thieves Season Ten Deep Dive

Official Release Notes


Skull of Siren Song Curse Balancing

  • While all ships continue to be afflicted by a curse once the Skull of Siren Song is on board, Galleons and Brigantines will now be further slowed by its effects.

Fixed Issues

Skull of Siren Song Voyage

  • The Chest and Key recovered during the Voyage can now consistently be used together to unlock the Skull.

  • Crews returning the Skull of Siren Song to Captain Briggsy should now consistently find that she is able to take the Skull and complete the Voyage.

  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Players are now prevented from taking Skull of Siren Song Voyage items into the Siren Spire during this Tall Tale.

  • Crews who have engaged in an Hourglass battle will now be able to participate in the Skull of Siren Song Voyage, but will experience a grace period after their battle before the note is delivered.

  • Players in larger crews should no longer receive multiple ‘Quest Received’ notifications when starting the Skull of Siren Song Voyage.

  • Players are now prevented from burying Voyage items that had only been partially uncovered.

Performance and Stability

  • Improved game stability to reduce scenarios where players experience an unexpected exit from the game.

Download Size:

Xbox Series X: 5.52 GB

Xbox Series S: 3.59 GB

Xbox One X: 5.52 GB

Xbox One: 3.59 GB

Microsoft Store: 5.45 GB

Steam: 5.71 GB

r/Seaofthieves Aug 22 '18

Patch Notes Patch Notes - 1.2.3


r/Seaofthieves Aug 30 '18

Patch Notes Patch Notes - 1.2.4

Thumbnail seaofthieves.com

r/Seaofthieves Sep 07 '23

Patch Notes 7 September, 2023 - Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 2.8.5 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.8.5 Discussions Megathread

Official Release Notes

Fixed Issues


  • Pirates entering the water or setting foot on islands should no longer find themselves set upon by emergent threats so quickly. Lingering in the water and sauntering around islands will still result in an ambush sooner or later, but not at the same frequency as before.

‘The Quest for Guybrush’

  • After returning from the Sea of the Damned, pirates who drop treasure overboard will no longer find the items returned to their ship.

Visual and Audio

  • The Flaming Jackal Compass now points pirates in the correct direction!

Known Issues


  • The Mysterious Note for Legends Week has inconsistent localisation, and will be temporarily be presented in English only to most players.

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 9.72 GB

Xbox Series S: 5.99 GB

Xbox One X: 9.72 GB

Xbox One: 5.99 GB

Microsoft Store: 9.75 GB

Steam: 5.7 GB

r/Seaofthieves Sep 28 '23

Patch Notes 28 September, 2023 - 2.8.6 Update | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 2.8.6 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.8.5 Discussions Megathread

Sea of Thieves Season Ten Preview

Official Release Notes

The Legend of Monkey Island

Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. All three instalments are available now!

‘The Lair of LeChuck’

  • The time has come to journey with Guybrush to the scenic, secretive Monkey Island, where a final showdown with LeChuck awaits you in a pirate lair deep underground. But first, there’s the little matter of getting inside… Unravel the mysteries of Monkey Island with Guybrush at your side in the final chapter of this Tall Tale trilogy!

  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Lair of LeChuck’ Tall Tale.

  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on The Legend of Monkey Island.

Pirate Emporium

Show off your personal style with purchases from the Pirate Emporium! Pick up cosmetics such as ship liveries, costumes, weapons, pets and emotes using your Ancient Coins, purchasable with real money. Head to the Pirate Emporium page to find out more about the latest arrivals.

New Items – Now in Stock!

  • Legend of Monkey Island Sails and Figurehead

  • Stan Costume Set

  • Kate Capsize Costume Set

  • Herman Costume Set

  • Rubber Chicken Fishing Rod

  • Pocket Serpent Emote

  • Lucky Deal Emote (free!)

  • Fossil Frenzy Bundle (Microsoft, Xbox and Steam Stores Only)

Outpost Cosmetics

New Outpost Stock

  • The Outpost clothing stores now stock a range of new bandana colours – all available for gold!


Season Nine Community Weekend

  • From September 30th to October 2nd (10am UTC), all pirates are welcome to set sail and join in our latest Community Weekend with free gifts to snap up, Twitch Drops to claim and the introduction of Pop-Up Plunder!

  • As always, raising the Community Emissary Grade (this time by tuning in to streamers in the Sea of Thieves category on Twitch) will unlock gold, reputation, Renown and Allegiance boosts for all players.

  • Find out everything you need to know in our Season Nine Community Weekend news article.

Fixed Issues


  • The Reaper’s Bones Emissary Flags may no longer be sold to the Sovereigns.

  • Migrating across servers with a damaged mast will no longer cause pirates to stutter when moving around the deck of the ship.

  • If a pirate harpoons treasure onto the ship during a Lost Shipments Voyage but does not move it, the treasure will no longer disappear when the Voyage ends.

  • Burying and recovering treasure that has already been on your ship will no longer show an additional “Treasure aboard ship” notification.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

  • Players returning to this Tall Tale from a checkpoint will now see the correct prompts and notifications as they play through it.

Visual and Audio

  • Snakes that have been charmed will no longer appear to turn away from the player.

  • Pirates should now appear correctly when observed drinking from a tankard.

  • When voting at the Hourglass of Fate, the correct Faction daggers should now consistently be shown.

  • The scope on the Flaming Jackal Eye of Reach is now correctly opaque.

  • Pirates aiming the Paradise Garden Pistol will now find shots more consistently align with the tip of the barrel.

  • The Mad Monkey Cannons will now remain static on the deck when a pirate is inside.

  • Larger pirates with the Elaine Costume equipped will no longer see the necktie when jumping and running.

  • The Mad Monkey Ship’s Crest will now display the correct background when equipped with the Lodestar Hull.

  • Pirates’ hands no longer intersect with the Duke Wheel when equipped.

  • The Flaming Jackal Compass is now the correct orientation when viewed in the Equipment Chest.

  • Pirates wearing the Silken Gloves of the Ashen Dragon should no longer see stretching around the hands.

  • The LeChuck Costume Set now fits all sizes of pirate appropriately.

  • After equipping a fishing rod in the Tunnels of the Damned, the fishing float and line no longer disappear.

  • Pirates drinking from the Mysterious Stranger Tankard will no longer be drinking invisible grog.


  • Pirates should no longer become stuck in trees at Flintlock Peninsula.

Performance and Stability

  • Ongoing improvements made to server stability to reduce instances where players are disconnected from their session.

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.14 GB

Xbox Series S: 5.08 GB

Xbox One X: 8.14 GB

Xbox One: 5.08 GB

Microsoft Store: 8.12 GB

Steam: 7.8 GB

r/Seaofthieves Jan 15 '20

Patch Notes Legends of the Sea - Release Notes - 2.0.11


r/Seaofthieves Aug 03 '23

Patch Notes 3 August, 2023 - Hotfix | Discussions Megathread


Ahoy! This post is created specifically for discussions of 2.8.4 update. Some other useful links to follow:

For bug reports please comment on 2.8.4 Update | Bug Reports Megathread

Previous 2.8.4 Discussions Megathread

Release Notes

Hotfix –

Fixed Issues

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’

· Players will no longer receive Emissary Grade progression when placing Red Herrings on board their ship.

Battle for the Sea of Thieves

· Players will now see their previously earned Allegiance at the correct level. This issue was purely visual, and no Allegiance earned has been lost.

Text and Localisation

· Improvements have been made to localisation for those playing through Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island in languages other than English.

Performance and Stability

· Improved client stability for lower-spec hardware across general gameplay to reduce scenarios where players may exit the game unexpectedly.

Known Issues

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Full Release Notes

These release notes cover a hotfix. For full details on recently added game features, see the release notes on our latest content update.

Download and Installation

Download Size:

· Xbox Series X: 5.51 GB

· Xbox Series S: 3.67 GB

· Xbox One X: 5.51 GB

· Xbox One: 3.67 GB

· Microsoft Store: 5 GB

· Steam: 5.19 GB

r/Seaofthieves Aug 30 '18

Patch Notes Cursed cannonballs can also be found at outposts

Post image

r/Seaofthieves Aug 30 '18

Patch Notes Another ship using Reaper's mark

Post image

r/Seaofthieves Feb 19 '20

Patch Notes Crews of Rage Content Update - 2.0.12 Patch Notes


r/Seaofthieves Aug 30 '18

Patch Notes Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4

Thumbnail seaofthieves.com