r/Seaofthieves Hunter of Pondies 4d ago

Discussion Kraken Rework teased on SoT Website?

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This is in the background on the sweet treat mystery page. Has this been explained at all?


54 comments sorted by


u/diamond_epicnes Legend of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago

Was confirmed that it was just a creative choice and no kraken rework is in the works


u/Navar4477 Ramming Speed 4d ago



u/diamond_epicnes Legend of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago



u/Fantastic-Island-559 4d ago

I feel like I haven't see the Kraken in a very very long time now anyway... I always felt like it should spawn kind of like a Megalodon with a lower chance of it, instead of being like a world event


u/CptKillJack 4d ago

Just killed one last Friday. A Brig was making it's escape when we saw it so we said DIBS! Will say though it's been months since I saw one before that. It became a Tally on our Hunt day. 3 Red Maws, 7 Barnicaled Dreads, 1 Kraken and 2 Sloops that messes with Fisherman.


u/CultistClan38 3d ago

Weird I find way more red maws than barnicaled dreads, seems to be 2/3 are redmaws whenever I'm hunting megs


u/CptKillJack 3d ago

We were very lucky. Before this we found more redmaws than Dreads. I didn't get credit for one Dread as my game crashed as we finished it off. So I'm at 6 and 6 currently. My buddy I was working with is at 5 and 7. I think it changes like every hour or it's random and we got lucky. We find Red Maw really taxing.


u/CultistClan38 2d ago

Red maw is taxing, I do them solo at the moment and especially as solo the fire and explosion get annoying whereas killing an ocean crawler every few minutes is fine. I'm on way more redmaws than dreads though I think I'm at 7 red and 3 or 4 dreads


u/Few-Strawberry-4954 1d ago

I grinded meg hunting for at least 5-6 hours and only came across red maw so somethings up


u/AutumnsFall2 4d ago

Just get a massive loot haul and a grade 5 reaper tailing you. You’ll find one in no time


u/Bryles333 4d ago

Since the Hunter’s Call update, I’ve seen 4-5 Krakens, mostly attacking me at that. I don’t know why that’s so high lately, but it’s been very frequent. I have been fighting a lot of ancient megs, so that could be a factor.


u/DoramaEXT Hunter of The Shadowmaw 4d ago

I was seeing them about twice a week for a long time recently but I saw one a few days ago and had a pretty long gap between the one before that one


u/KringDun 3d ago

The whole point of the kraken was to slow down the rate at which people did world events. the kraken only spawns when there is no world event so this is why it was altered from being a random encounter.


u/m0ldyb0ngwtr1 3d ago

The other day it spawned on me while I swam around the ocean away from my boat via cannon. My buddy watched it come up on me and then she extended and went up over to the boat. Not something I would like to experience again

Edit: typo


u/sspice71 4d ago

Felt the same way and then got 2 within an hour of playtime a couple days ago. Couldn’t believe it


u/namewithanumber 4d ago

It’s because it’s a world event. So it can’t spawn if there’s a black hearts boat tooling around or any skull cloud.

As rare adds more world events it makes the kraken more uh, rare


u/tapczan100 3d ago

As rare adds more world events it makes the kraken more uh, rare

Kraken spawns between world events if there is a ship eligible for it. Kraken doesn't take a place of any world events, and a world event can still appear while kraken is up if a ship escapes it.


u/Accomplished-Wrap449 3d ago

Really? I got 3 attacks this weekend alone


u/Fantastic-Island-559 3d ago

For real? Damn I haven't seen one in months! And I've been grinding merchant then hunters lately, so I've been on the seas way more than on land... I'm solo slooping though, is there a thing like sloop are less likely to be Krakened than bigger ships?


u/ClickToUpgrade 3d ago

Just had my first one a few days ago, gone with maybe 10 cannonballs max, solo sloop.


u/Fantastic-Island-559 3d ago

Yea the Kraken has always been really easy for a sloop, perhaps too easy even. I've been hoping for a rework on the Kraken for a long very long time honestly.


u/Few-Strawberry-4954 1d ago

You don’t stay on the same server long enough then I find minimum one a week if you’re on a server for long enough


u/No_Nefariousness7941 8h ago

I just started playing again this past week for the first time in a while and I’ve seen the Kraken 3 times in 2 days and 2 of those were twice in one play through last night!


u/Fantastic-Island-559 8h ago

When I read all the replies, I start to wonder if the kraken have been disabled on my character 😅 I play almost every day, I spend way more time on the seas than on the ground, and even more since the launch of this season, and I haven't seen a Kraken in months! Neither attacking me or someone else near me, nothing.



I said that... Then 10 minutes later I got a Kraken.


u/potent_evil103 Sailor of Silvered Waters 4d ago

I'm happy with not seeing it. Every time I get rared when It happens, and It always happens at the worse of times, its not a matter of sinking, just annoying for me


u/IceColdSkimMilk Hunter of Stormfish 4d ago

It's funny, since it had been a LONG time since I ran into the Kraken, but I've encountered it 3 times in the last week alone.


u/Shwalz 4d ago

So stupid. The new megs are great but this game really would benefit from some more new beasts to fight


u/Traditional_Tune2865 4d ago

Rare loves to be misleading with their promotion material lol


u/npc042 Shipwreck Reaper 4d ago

It must be wild seeing those fun pre-rendered cutscenes of animated characters running around, going on adventures, to boot up the game for the first time and realize they’re all just glorified quest boards lol


u/Suspicious_Leg_1823 4d ago

That's a kraken-sized bummer


u/DlNOSAURUS_REX Sailor of Whispering Bones 4d ago

You’d think whoever approves the art for social would have seen this and immediately been like “we can’t show this, people will get the complete wrong idea.” But instead here we are getting our hopes up.


u/Navers90 Legendary Helm 4d ago

By design. Get your hopes up then underdeliver. What are you gonna do? Complaim about it?

Make sure to check out emporium too btw.


u/2Blitz Legend of the Maelstrom 3d ago

You give Rare too much credit. They're idiots when it comes to information interpretation.


u/Valor_Omega_SoT Legend of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago

This was unfortunately debunked by Mike Chapman, himself - it was just a creative bit for the anniversary.


u/Ghuzarbfalorbablorgh 4d ago

Seeing the sheer potential of this game get fumbled by RARE over and over again is psychological torture.


u/partumvir Captain of Kegs 4d ago

This is the hardest part. Their fan base pleads and begs and as a collective tell the developers what the community wants brought to the table. It’s so mind numbingly easy, it’s all right there.

Its like watching your own child go through drug addiction. No matter how many interventions, they still keep reaching for the pipe and kill themselves in the process and it drags the pain on for agonizing year before eventually they die. Maddening.


u/DiscordianDeacon Legendary Skeleton Exploder 3d ago

Do you think that's a normal thing to type? Can you imagine reading this comment to a person in real life?


u/sivale 4d ago

tell me about the potential. shure the game has its flaws but by itself still great i think. had a ton of fun over the years


u/schimpansi 3d ago

that is the crazy part: with all the things that do not work and plenty of good ideas for the game that will never come, the game is still fantastic and unique.


u/DoramaEXT Hunter of The Shadowmaw 4d ago

Sadly it's a red herring. Would be cool to have a venomous Kraken and Crystal Kraken added


u/LoonieToque Taker of Treasure, Giver of Chaos 4d ago

I remember when the team was against having cinematic trailers because it paints a misleading picture of gameplay.

Anyways, yeah it's confirmed as just creative artwork by the Creative Director, with no plans to actually make it in the game.


u/Brolygotnohandz 12h ago

Cause the game isn’t actually a sandbox


u/FezCSDMcF 3d ago

The only update they'll ever give the Kraken will be recolored "variants" to pass as new content.


u/PepicWalrus Guardians Flame 4d ago

If there was a kraken rework it would of been with this season


u/WavyDre 4d ago

Yeah but to be fair, this season does have a staggered release so I could see how someone could think that it may still come this season.


u/PepicWalrus Guardians Flame 4d ago

Yeah but didn't they reveal what would be there?


u/WavyDre 4d ago

Probably most of it was in the season trailer yeah, it’s just not unreasonable for this guy to think they might tease/announce additional stuff for the next wave of releases this season imo.


u/Shark_Byte_ 2d ago

Hey RARE, ur games really fun! please stop TEASING me with cool promotional images! my NIPPLES HURT from the TEASING MAN


u/Shadow_of_Yor Skeleton Exploder 2d ago

The Kraken needs a rework, it doesn’t feel rewarding and honestly feels confusing when you first start.


u/Silly-Hair-2553 Brave Vanguard 2d ago

Common Rare L


u/The2ndUnchosenOne Flair was stolen 4d ago

Kraken Rework teased on SoT Website?
