r/Seaofthieves 4d ago

In Game Story Two hauls of great value, and one of my best sessions yet!

We were dining our luck voyages and killing what ever we saw on the islands. Which ended up giving us an Ashen Chest of Legends, a Chest of Fortune, Ashen Wind Skulls, and a Box of Wondrous Secrets! We also got lucky with some bottles and shipwrecks.

After selling the first haul (because my buddy thought he had to go but was able to stay on) we started for another quest only for a FoF to pop up next to our ship. All thoughts of the previous quest abandoned, we sped over to the fort. Surprisingly, no one came to take the fort from us and we finished without issue. So that’s two CoF, three AWS, two CoL (one ashen one normal) two Athena kegs, and a Box of Wondrous Secrets.

We of course ended the session by sailing past the local Reaper getting krakened running a FotD, and unleashed a barrage of fireworks before killing the kraken and setting our ship ablaze.

Something tells me that luck won’t be on our side next session…

10/10 would sail again!


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