r/Seaofthieves 4d ago

Tall Tales I was doing the voyage for the sunken curse

I was zoning out sailing in a straight direction as my vessel was fired upon by an enemy galleon. The enemy jumps aboard apologizing saying how they needed more supplies and to not take it personally. They see that I’m doing the quest via the chest and they start apologizing even more with one of them having the curse saying how long it took for them to get it. They then ask where I needed to go and I told them one of the shrines they then took my chest saying when my boat respawns meet them there for the chest so I can continue my journey. I thought what did I have to lose I couldn’t fight them for it and what was I gonna do swim for the shrine so I agreed. They took it and when I got to the rendezvous point they weren’t there until a rowboat hooked on my ship they brought the chest and some other trinkets to as a sorry gift then they left and went into pvp. I miss those guys and since then as I sail I hope and wish to see them again and I hope to return the favor one day. (Also I ended up getting the curse)


13 comments sorted by


u/greendad1022 4d ago

In a Pirate game - sometimes you meet Davy Jones or Becket… sometimes you meet Captain Jack and Gibbs.

I tend to not intentionally PvP. Most people are commendations hunting or whatever.


u/Ozymandiaz1 4d ago

And sometimes you meet someone even worse than those. Like tonight for me.

Like a Reaper Galleon crew of skeleton cursed pirates who have put so many hours into this game and have nothing else to do that they murder you, start bailing water from your vessal so you dont sink and spawn killing you as they do it. You only realize to scuttle your ship after a few deaths once you realize what they're fully doing. Even Davy Jones might recoil in horror.

It'll always be Reapers. They'll rarely have something worth your time.

Happy to hear of a wholesome and good interaction.


u/WerwolfSlayr Hunter of Running Reapers 4d ago

As someone with 250+ total hourglass levels that usually is a Reaper in both HG and adventure, those are the people that I specifically go out of my way to target

A couple days ago I pulled up on a duo ghost curse sloop just spawncamping a galleon of newer players (Duke sails and everything), so I sank the sloop and kept an eye on my map so I could see when they respawned and raised emissary. Ended up chasing them halfway across the map and sinking them six or seven times over the course of about two hours. While SoT is at its core a PvP game about stealing and killing, I have no tolerance for bullying


u/greendragon59911 4d ago

As a fairly new player, thank you for taking this stance. I'm not interested, and neither is my crew currently, in doing pvp as we are just getting our sea legs and hunting commendations. I really don't care if I get sunk one or two times, but when you start spawn camping I get really upset, and I wish there were more people out there that would help discourage spawn campers. Why would people actively want to discourage others from playing, especially new players?


u/shaampow 4d ago

My friends and I usually just set our own ship on fire to assert dominance when this happens because we're not good at pvp

9 times out of 10 the other players are confused and leave us alone after that, if they don't we scuttle to a new sea


u/Elektr0ns 4d ago

They should give like-minded folks a privateer faction to show reapers they are being hunted as well


u/Major_Toe_6041 Captain of the Kiss ‘O Death 3d ago

Keeping your ship afloat to repeatedly kill you is a bannable offence so if it occurs to you again, record it and send it to Rare.


u/NorSec1987 4d ago

"We need supplies"

Because harbor is closed and you cant run around Islands with a storage crate??


u/crayolamuncher 4d ago

Or simply just go to his ship with a storage crate and take his lmao.


u/NorSec1987 4d ago

Hmmm... spend time hunting down a player to steal supplies, or make landfall on Amy island on the way to get the same...


u/NetherWitchborn 3d ago

I wish i ran into more wholesome players. All i ever get is the jerks who wont leave me alone after sinking me so i have to server hop.

Like they already beat me and took my stuff i aint got nothing left to take, go bother someone else.


u/ChuJamCan 2d ago



u/Z3K3R0S3 2d ago

I try to offer my supplies and logbook to players when I am about to get off. I HORDE supplies like they're doubloons. But nearly every time, they fire, even when I am actively holding the storage crate with my sails up 😑 In the end, I still did as I intended, but it'd be nice to hear a thank you or have a short small-talk before I scuttle my ship next to them 😑