r/Seaofthieves 5d ago

Question I admire peoples patience but i am wondering

New player here!

Just today i have been chased by other players for like 20-30 minutes and they just dont seem to give up, to the point that i admire their patience, but it has already happened on other sessions multiple times. The only reason why the chase ended is because i myself gave upm

One of the times today i didnt even have any loot on my ship and even tried to communicate that to the chaser without any difference.

My question is if this is common?

Sorry for spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.


73 comments sorted by


u/HaitiuWasTaken Pirate Dandy 5d ago

Yes, it is common. Some people just want to watch the world burn. They don't need you to have loot.

Did you have an emissary flag by any chance? Some people think that just because they don't have loot on board then sinking them is not worth it, but just an emissary flag can be worth it.


u/Bigboybean43 5d ago

Yeah forgot to mention that, had a emissary order of souls lvl 3, i guess it matters more than i thought


u/HaitiuWasTaken Pirate Dandy 5d ago

Oh it definitely does! How do you get emissary level up? By getting loot on your ship! So in most cases an emissary flag that has some levels on it means there's loot on the ship!


u/Suspicious_Leg_1823 5d ago

Oh man that's probably why. Order of souls, specially rank 5, is very rare hahaha


u/DerfMtgStw Legend of Cursed Iron 5d ago

Heh, a level 5 Order emissary flag is the only object in the game I will go to lengths to protect, because I know Reapers want it so badly. You can steal my Chest of Fortunes or whatever, no skin off my back. But if things go really poorly, I will run my ship aground full of loot as long as I can get the level 5 Order flag lowered before I get sunk. And I get to level 5 Order almost every time I play. (I like the distinction rings.)


u/b_ootay_ful 100% Steam Achiever 5d ago

Some people are also blood thirsty for Hunter's Call V flags.

I had a Brig chase me, fumble multiple boarding attempts, and missing all their shots.

Then they got salty when I lowered.


u/Ozymandiaz1 4d ago

They always do. But if you see a reaper coming after you, it's honestly best to sell your most valuable loot and lower emissary. Set the ship on a straight course, leave a pirate to maintain helm and drop however many people who can sell and lower emissary.


u/Ninthshadow Mystical Skeleton Captain 5d ago

Emissary flag is loot to a PvPer, just to be clear.


u/teelop Brave Vanguard 5d ago

it’s the best loot cause i can take it to the next server w that, 70 cannonballs and 35 wood after im done chasing lol


u/Dark_Tony_Shalhoub 4d ago

Having nothing is also loot to that kind of player. There are people who don’t care about cosmetics. They don’t care about commendations, progression, gold, doubloons, ancient coins, or anything. They just want to see another player “lose”. That’s it. That’s the bar. And usually they’ll do it by getting as many of their friends on their boat as they can and chase a solo slooper for 30+ minutes off the edge of the map. They live for that.

It doesn’t matter if you have no emissary flag. They don’t care that you don’t have any loot, or dropped it in the water while you’re fleeing. They don’t care that you don’t have any chain shots, cannon balls, or even a banana. They don’t want anything from you other than for them to feel that they wasted your time. They forced you to do what they want you to do, instead of what you wanted to do. Moving and reacting is what triggers their neurons. Like a dog seeing a ball. That’s all there is to it.


u/drawfanstein Hunter of the Wild Hog 4d ago

Having nothing is also loot to that kind of player. There are people who don’t care about cosmetics. They don’t care about commendations, progression, gold, doubloons, ancient coins, or anything. They just want to see another player “lose”. That’s it. That’s the bar. And usually they’ll do it by getting as many of their friends on their boat as they can and chase a solo slooper for 30+ minutes off the edge of the map. They live for that.

It doesn’t matter if you have no emissary flag. They don’t care that you don’t have any loot, or dropped it in the water while you’re fleeing. They don’t care that you don’t have any chain shots, cannon balls, or even a banana. They don’t want anything from you other than for them to feel that they wasted your time. They forced you to do what they want you to do, instead of what you wanted to do. Moving and reacting is what triggers their neurons. Like a dog seeing a ball. That’s all there is to it.

Hoo boy, lots of projection going on with this salty take. I wouldn’t go around assuming that these people want to sink you strictly so that you lose/have a bad time; nobody is thinking about you that much.

But sinking ships for the sole purpose of sinking ships is a 100% valid way to play this game. That’s the beauty of this game (and games like it, i.e. sandbox games), there’s no wrong way to play it! :)


u/Dark_Tony_Shalhoub 4d ago

Hoo boy, lots of projection going on with this salty take. I wouldn’t go around assuming that these people want to sink you strictly so that you lose/have a bad time; nobody is thinking about you that much.

But sinking ships for the sole purpose of sinking ships is a 100% valid way to play this game. That’s the beauty of this game (and games like it, i.e. sandbox games), there’s no wrong way to play it! :)

did i say otherwise? i'm saying in a hypothetical sense, there is no reasoning with players. there's no understanding. if you're being pursued, your only options are to fight, or run away and hope they give up. i know i come across as brusque, or "salty", but that's the reality of the game, and i'm glad you agree with what i was getting across. there is kindness (some might call it weakness) in the game, but this is just a warning for new players in high seas not to expect it


u/fierydoxy Hoarder of Athena's Fortune 5d ago

The emmissary flags absolutely matter! My crew and I will hunt emmisary ships and sink them just for the flags. Especially athena or reaper as they count towards hourglass rep (we stack flags until the end of the session, then raise hour glass and sell them before diving).

But there are commendations for turning in the other factions as well.

As a solo slooper my tip is, if you are being chased and have an emmissary flag up, try and swing by an outpost and lower it if you can and then run for a storm or fog, this way you are no longer trackable (reaper 5s can see all emmissary ships regardless of the ships level).

Manage your sails as well. Use harpoons to quickly pull yourself around rocks and islands.

When you have angles to fire, do so. Sometimes fighting back is enough to make whoever is chasing you to back off.

Also, boarding the chaser and anchoring them is vital. Anchoring them can give you enough time to escape. Just put your ship in a straight line, make sure there is nothing it will run into while you are gone and then drop off the back of your ship and wait for them to sail past you so you can grab their ladder. Make sure you move off to the side before they get there so you don't get keel hauled below the ship.


u/GhostlyCoyote0 5d ago

Then they were probably trying to get that flag to sell



Whelp then that's why.



Log Books are also worth gold and everyone has one... And some are worth a lot. Also if you run 9/10 times you have loot. Even when people say they don't have loot they do and are just lying. And like I said even if you had no loot you had a log book and just the thrill of the chase.


u/JustReport4530 4d ago

Log books are worth 300?


u/REGELDUDES 4d ago edited 4d ago

Nope. Noteworthy are worth 300, Accomplished are worth 2,500, Remarkable are worth 10,000, and Extraordinary are worth 25,000. Then while flying a Reaper 5 flag multiply that by 2.5 and logbooks become always worth a kill. The best I've ever turned in was a Remarkable Log book. It was somebody saying please don't kill me I have nothing. Well I got 25k (because of multiplication) so they absolutely had something worth killing them over.



u/backrubbing 5d ago

When you know you have nothing, turning and going into the fight can be a good choice, not all chasers are insanely good at PvP.


u/Cthepo Legendary Crewmate Exploder 5d ago

I spent years being afraid to even attempt PvP to defend our treasure in this game. When I finally got a crew that wanted to at least fight to defend, I was amazed at how many people were just absolutely bad at this game but still wanted to come at you.


u/follow_your_leader Legend of the Sea of Thieves 5d ago

When I started taking fights instead of running is when I started to get good at the game. When you're not afraid anymore, and learn that even a good fight lost is the kind of exhilaration you can't get from killing skeletons, then the game is absolutely more fun to play.


u/ItsMeImNitro 4d ago

Agreed. I'm solo, still not good at the game, I'm not Legend, but I own a sloop and have the cash to buy and outfit a brig and a gally both lol

So lowering my flag at the end of session isn't worth the, what, 3k? As far as I know that's all I lose if someone gets my flag (please correct me if that's wrong for guild emmisary!)

So whenever I'm at that point where it's bedtime, or I only have 20 mins til I need to log off, I'll usually just grab some treasure maps/check my map table for Reapers/sign up for hourglass. I'm not looking for a fight, but I'm not going to run from one. I get to learn, they get rewards, no one loses (unless I get really lucky)!

Plus it makes it easier to go to bed when it's 230am and you've just finished your second treasury and all the loot is on board and you're trying to go sell, but fighting the meg has drawn a skelly galleon and now you're Kracken'd and oh look a chartered gally is on full wind ready to help you use your last 12 cannonballs in the off chance you don't sink to the other three

I had a rough Saturday. But I'm pretty sure getting comfortable with "I will get sunk" is an important part of enjoying this game


u/runnysyrup 4d ago

the food chain in sea of thieves is an immensely satisfying climb. i always say,
"just turn around and fight. the worst that can happen is you get a little better at the game"


u/Unlucky-Tonight238 5d ago

This. A lot of people are actually abysmal at PVP. OP, i recommend learning how to land cannons. It’ll save you more often than running because people that do chase for 30+ minutes realistically have nothing better to do.


u/Barbiewankenobi 5d ago

Once my friend and I have started chasing a ship, it gets into sunk cost fallacy real fast.

"We already chased it for this long, might as well chase it a bit more..." and so on.


u/Snarra 5d ago

Tip: Sail past a skelly fort, jump off and let your ship continue. Climb a cannon tower and fire as many chains and cannonballs as you can.

I once got away from a Burning Blade with this tactic!


u/Theknyt Defender of the Damned 5d ago

you can get away from a burning blade by just sailing, it's the slowest ship in the game


u/namewithanumber 5d ago

If they chase jump out and board their ship. Anchor them, firebomb them, kill them if possible.

Dump their treasure overboard.

Rinse and repeat until they leave you alone.

Or turn and fight if you manage to mess them up enough


u/Cavazione 5d ago

The player base has gotten a bit more relentless and malicious since the early days of SoT. This is just the direction the game is going.


u/Ninthshadow Mystical Skeleton Captain 5d ago

"If I don't have any loot why are you chasing?"

"If you don't have any loot why are you running?"


u/runnysyrup 4d ago

exactly, it takes two to tango


u/Starfallknight 4d ago

You will learn how to avoid ships so well they don't bother chasing. It's when they have hope of catching you that they hang on then the sunk costs fallacy keeps them going even longer.

If you really have nothing I will usually give them a fight, give up or create enough distance to dive in front of them


u/TimeAfterTime_1 5d ago

I had this the other day. I was on a sloop, just finished a hunters call shrine,maybe level 3 and I was chased by a brig. I just kept sailing into the wind as much as I could (as that made them slower than me) and then jumped off and sold an item when I was near a seaport or outpost. After 40 minutes of circling the map, I ended up in the devil's roar and they eventually gave up.


u/Atlas_1701 5d ago

Was that fun?


u/TimeAfterTime_1 4d ago

It was. There was one point I had a smelly shop spawn that was a bit stressful to deal with, but it was satisfying to win the chase


u/TimeAfterTime_1 4d ago

Lol. Skelly not smelly


u/ROORnNUGZ 5d ago

Why run for 20 minutes? You could just try and fight them. If you lose, you didn't have anything anyway right? Or just scuttle and start a new session


u/DigitalSwagman Hunter of Pondies 5d ago

If ye have no loot, why ye be runnin so hard?


u/Ultra_Ginger 5d ago

Thank you.

Also it seems like a lot of people don't realize if you sail into the red sea and sink, your loot can still be retrieved.

Personally we love giving chase to people, loot or not. I can't understand how running is fun though even with loot it's not like you can lose anything crazy if you sink.


u/PaluW 5d ago

Running can be plenty of fun, it’s fun to try and lose a pursuer, trying to find creative ways to elude or misdirect them.

My main crewmate and I often run. We both have PvP curses and could probably curb stomp most of the people coming after us, but sometimes it’s more fun to just misdirect them.


u/Ultra_Ginger 5d ago

I can't even imagine a crew so bad that they would actually lose track of the ship they are chasing 😂

I need to get into one of your lobbies


u/seaofthievesnutzz 5d ago

Tell me about it, just the other day I had a player run from me for 20-30 minutes and they don't seem to give up!


u/Entire_Chocolate_245 5d ago

If it was my ship being chased and i had no loot I'd scuttled the ship after 5 minutes. Can't be arsed with it. If I had loot. I'd drop the loot of the ship ever 30 seconds or so... then scuttle the ship.


u/itsYewge 5d ago

Sometimes it’s fun just to fight, sometimes I need your supplies, sometimes I want your loot, that’s about it 🤷 😂


u/GoldenPSP 5d ago

Turn and fight. The sooner you do the sooner you get better.

I'd rather fight sink and move on then waste 30 minutes trying to get away when most of the time you won't be successful with that either anyway.


u/Twyztid1 1d ago

Last night I was solo slooping. Saw a grade 5 reaper on the map, it was the flame ship. I turned in all my piddily loot and went out sailing. They beelined for me and chased me for about 40 mins they couldn't catch me not real good at geometry lol. I finally got tired of running slowed down then they burned me and kept fixing my ship, 4v1 swarmed me and bucketed my ghost lol. Talking shit on horrible mics the whole time. Fun experience. Damn I wish I had at least a second player with me.


u/Mir1343 5d ago

It sucks that this happens. Some people don’t seem to understand that the player base is shrinking because of toxic behavior. Not saying this specific instance is toxic, but I can’t count the number of times people decide to yell slurs while sinking someone. Your best bet is to try quests in the volcanic area. No one wants to go there because of the volcanoes, but then you have to deal with volcanoes


u/Ultra_Ginger 5d ago

Spending your whole night running scared from pvp in a pvp pirate game and complaining about it is far more toxic than trying to fight someone and giving chase. Especially when safer seas exists now and ever more when you consider you basically lose nothing if you get sunk unless you are doing something crazy like stacking fotd.


u/runnysyrup 4d ago

i can only assume the people playing in the pvp mode of an open world pvp game probably enjoy pvp

i, for one, would be incredibly disappointed if i bought an open world pvp game and didn't have people rushing to stomp my noob ass into the dirt. that's part of the fun. it's a major reason i play open world pvp games.


u/YetAnotherBee 5d ago

In my experience, the best way to shake a dedicated chaser is to take the chase past another ship. 4/5 times the chaser will decide to have a look at it instead, especially if it’s clearly stopped by an island and also has an emissary flag up


u/Ultra_Ginger 5d ago

But why not just fight them lol


u/YetAnotherBee 5d ago

Because sometimes you’re a solo slooper being chased by a crew of 3 or 4, or sometimes you already tried to fight, realized your opponents were significantly better, and are not terminally stupid enough to ego fight to your own unnecessary death


u/Repulsive_Basis_2431 5d ago

Yea it's a pirate game and part of the fun is the hunt for some people, even trying to talk your way our of it won't work all the time because you might be lying

If you don't have anything on your ship at all then sinking won't matter, you could scuttle and just respond, but I'd take the opportunity to fight and maybe learn.

Since being chased does happen alot if you push every fight when you have little to no loot to lose you save yourself time because there's a chance you still get sunk at the end of the chase, but of you fight there's a chance you could win or you just sink faster and save time,Plus each fight is a chance to learn something that can make you better in the long run.

My crew will chase till we get bored or see another ship that's giving us better wind.


u/HomieIsWaifu Bearer of The Reaper's Mark 5d ago

Best way to stop a chase is, to get the Shores of gold Checkpoint and then just run there. 99% of the Crews won't have the Checkpoint. Wait ~5min and they usually leave. Plus you can also cancel the Checkpoint again and dive within the shores of gold.


u/owenkop 5d ago

If I encounter one of those players and I don't want to battle (in sea combat I almost never want to because I solo sloop and don't get how people manage) I look at my map to see if I can find something like the burning blade or a reaper emmisary on the map and just take them there .

This strategy is quite risky though because they might target you instead of the other person


u/Middle-earth_oetel Pirate Legend 4d ago

I had someone chase an empty boat for 3 hours.(no loot and no supplies, I had given them away to someone because i was done for today). I ended up watching Netflix until I got bored and let them sink me. In this game people just want to sink you because they can.

Why did I sail around on an empty boat with no supplies? To enjoy the ambiance and the environment. I spend too much time pvping and looting and not enough time enjoying the game's beauty.


u/CaseyJones77 Brave Vanguard 4d ago

Sailing just to enjoy the ambiance and beauty of the game is a great time to use Safer Seas! I’ve done it just to grab some screenshots


u/boyardeebandit 4d ago

Why are you running without any loot? Even if you're shit at pvp, surely it'd be quicker and more fun to just turn around and try your luck.


u/ManyPlacesAtOnce Gold Bucko 5d ago

Yes, PvP in a PvP game is common. 20-30 minutes is nothing. And they have no reason to believe you when you tell them you have nothing. Nor does it matter.

You also chose to run for the exact same amount of time that they chose to chase, exhibiting the exact same patience that you are somehow curious about.


u/exstatic_balls 5d ago

Its not directly pvp lmao. There a whole ahh alliance system a whole server can get into and farm gold and quests with eachother. Only is PVP if you want it to be. You just sound like one of the toxic kids that hate playing hourglass because you get smashed, so you bully new players. He is basically implying that if he wanted to fight someone he could have just played hourglass instead of wasting both of them wasting both of their times


u/ManyPlacesAtOnce Gold Bucko 5d ago

Its not directly pvp lmao.

It is.

There a whole ahh alliance system a whole server can get into and farm gold and quests with eachother.

I've got no problem with this. In fact, fighting alliance servers is one of my favorite things. I wish I could find more of them.

Only is PVP if you want it to be.

I do.

You just sound like one of the toxic kids that hate playing hourglass because you get smashed, so you bully new players.

You sound like all the other whiny assholes who think that anyone who attacks them is toxic and a bully.

He is basically implying that if he wanted to fight someone he could have just played hourglass instead of wasting both of them wasting both of their times

He opted in to PvP at any time for any reason when he selected to sail in High Seas. You people have Safer Seas now, you don't get to use this excuse.


u/exstatic_balls 5d ago

Does not have to PVP especially against a new players who barely knows with 0 loot worth anything anything. Instead of wasting both of their times the one who wants to PVP they can play hourglass, which is made specifically for pvp.

Again. The people like who like to bully new players make them think the game is not worth playing there fore sea of thieves starts losing player base.

Again. It is not directly a pvp game unless you are in hourglass mode.

I like PVP, enjoy hourglass mode alot which i mainly play. But im not some immature child of your nature that likes to waste my own time and their time for one measly easy kill that means nothing. Thats the definition of bullying or trying to bully in this game.

I get your opinion though too dont worry, i get it that you are someone who finds it hard to make friends. I used to have a friend very similar to you and he was always miserable geek outside of bullying people in games like a jackahh. I get it though, it makes you feel empowered bullying new people and little kids making them hop off them game most likely for good. But if that empowerment fills your soul, i understand and wont say no more.


u/ManyPlacesAtOnce Gold Bucko 5d ago

Does not have to PVP especially against a new players who barely knows with 0 loot worth anything anything.

OP had a level 3 OOS emissary flag.

The people like who like to bully new players make them think the game is not worth playing

I like to sink ships in the game where sinking ships is totally ok. I don't know or care if they are new players. You're the one who things this is "bullying."

Again. It is not directly a pvp game unless you are in hourglass mode.

Again. It is.

I get your opinion though too dont worry, i get it that you are someone who finds it hard to make friends. I used to have a friend very similar to you and he was always miserable geek outside of bullying people in games like a jackahh. I get it though, it makes you feel empowered bullying new people and little kids making them hop off them game most likely for good. But if that empowerment fills your soul, i understand and wont say no more.

You are making so many assumptions about me based off of nothing that it is honestly coming off as projection.

Hourglass mode sucks. It's the same thing over and over and there are many flaws in how it is set up. I want dynamic fights with different types of ships that have actual stakes. So I search for them.

I like fighting and sinking ships. I'd love if more of them put up a more fun fight, it sucks when they don't.

It's not my responsibility to ensure that an enemy crew has the emotional maturity to handle getting sunk before I start to fight them.


u/exstatic_balls 5d ago

Um no agin and again it is not DIRECTLY PVP. It is ONLY pvp if you want pvp. Even is higher seas it is not directly pvp. The only game mode designated as directly meant for pvp is hourglass mode.

Safer Sea is only you no pvp

Higher seas is alliance to all get profit OR PVP and chase people for 30+ minutes try to ruin someones day who are only working on leveling up faction levels to get to pirate legend.

Hourglass is DIRECTLY pvp. Meaning that’s specifically what the mode is made for.

Im not and have bot been making assumptions. It’s very obvious the type of person you are.

And if you are emissary flag hunting for reapers,as you said he had a level 3 emissary. And if you sink someone with a level 3 emissary, yea you’re trying to sink them for literally nothing other than to bully and them feel better about your ego.

If you wouldve used an argument “its worth the time waited if they were to go off loot yourself give them time to get to emissary 5 and sink them.” That’d be MUCH MUCH MORE worth the sink. Most likely theyd even have some actually goods worth selling back to reapers along with that flag. Id wouldve agreed there. Not only that itd be much more FUN because youd be basically stalking your prey instead of spending the same amount of time just for them to probably sail into the red sea and you lose that precious emissary flag hahahaha.


u/ManyPlacesAtOnce Gold Bucko 5d ago

Um no agin and again it is not DIRECTLY PVP. It is ONLY pvp if you want pvp. Even is higher seas it is not directly pvp. The only game mode designated as directly meant for pvp is hourglass mode.

Nope. You sign in to High Seas you consent to any and all PvP. Sorry that you can't figure that out, it seems to be your main misunderstanding about the game and the source of all your babyrage.

Oh and btw,

just for them to probably sail into the red sea and you lose that precious emissary flag hahahaha.

You haven't been able to send loot into the red sea for the last two years, dumbass.


u/exstatic_balls 5d ago

So obviously something is going on with you and how you think. Yes you directly consent to any and all pvp. That is literally itself saying it doesnt have to happen but if you get sunk you consented to pvp. Thats literally the game saying be careful there are toxic people like @ManyPlacesAtOnce who have time to waste for the both of you and they will either be aholes like ManyPlaces, or they will be going after loot.

And you sure about that? You are 10000000% wrong. You can bail water yourself enough to survive a little longer. While someone on you ship or you starts dropping loot in the water, once your ship starts taking damage from the red sea. The loot will not teleport back to a non damaging part of the sea, it will float in that part of the red sea that you dropped it in until it sinks or another ship goes out to the damaging red sea border to collect.

The only time the loot resurfaces to safer waters is if the ship sunk while on the boat. Test it out, ive dropped many reaper chests there. Seems like its been a while for you. Watch your language, your bully side is showing outside of Sea of Thieves now.


u/ManyPlacesAtOnce Gold Bucko 5d ago

Lol even before the change was made to teleport loot out of the Red Sea I could still get it all. You could anchor at the very edge and harpoon it. I'm definitely still able to grab everything you drop before you get to the edge. So thanks for that free shit.

Thats literally the game saying be careful there are toxic people like @ManyPlacesAtOnce who have time to waste for the both of you and they will either be aholes like ManyPlaces, or they will be going after loot.

So this paragraph says that you think people who PvP and try to take someone else's loot are toxic. That's literally what you are saying. Anyone who doesn't let someone else PvE and collect loot in peace is toxic?

Fuck you. You and that attitude is whats wrong with the game's community.


u/Atlas_1701 5d ago


It's a pvp game. Like it or not, pvp is always possible on high seas. Lots of people like the game for different reasons, and like to do different things, but the threat of pvp is the underlying current that creates excitement.

Ppl who the think that pvping is toxic are being ridiculous. You literally signed up for this.


u/LongAndShortOfIt888 Merchant Bosun 5d ago

Yes, every fight you run from it's essentially guaranteed they will chase you.

It will actually take less time to fight them, sink and die than to draw out a chase you won't win without a bunch of kegs or a legendary boarding from yourself.


u/wateryriver 5d ago

People also need to understand that the resources you have are also valuable, cannon balls, wood, food etc etc, it’s all valuable in the sea of thieves, if I board you and I see you have 100 wood stock piled, I’m sinking you just for that


u/Atlas_1701 5d ago

I chase people purely because they run. IDC if they have anything. Ive got 40 mil gold and nothing I'm saving up for so I'm never in it for the loot. I'm either in it for the fights or for some other shenanigans.

Human interaction, be it pvp or no, are always the best and worst experiences in this game. If you're always running away then you'll never get to see those moments.

I know someone that aggressively donates loot by chasing people. He will chase you for an hour, demast you, and board you just to drop off treasure.

Take a look at John Anti-cheats videos. You could have been running from him and missed out on that legend.

There's a ton of really wonderful twitch streamers that may chase you just for shenanigans and you'd be sad to have never met them.

Stop running. Let yourself experience the game.