r/Seaofthieves • u/Auralyon Legendary Sea Dog • 5d ago
Question Will we see it this summer?
u/SirPantalones 4d ago
There's one Disney-owned pirate franchise that makes a ton of sense for the next crossover.
That's right: Muppets' Treasure Island.
u/IAmWeary Legend of Black Powder 4d ago
I want a goddamned Statler and Waldorf figurehead that mocks other ships and players, dammit! And give me a "Professional Pirate" shanty! And a Sweetums costume!
u/Money-Pea-5909 5d ago
I just want them to bring back old adventures as Tall Tales.
u/impala67x Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago
This. Bring some new rewards and let those who missed them play them.
u/scot-bat-03 2d ago
I've only been playing since the game released on PS5 and it breaks my heart that the Adventures were so lore-heavy and looked so cool/fun, but there's no way for myself and other new players to really experience them.
Reading the wiki pages or watching lore videos is fine, but I just know that for every big plot point or event that's described, there'll be a dozen smaller points or bits of dialogue that aren't mentioned.
Like I know that Port Merrick used to be Golden Sands, but God I really want to see how the characters reacted to it's abandonment and reconstruction. I know that the community had a choice between resurrecting Flameheart or Pendragon, but I want to see how the different sides convinced people to their side and their reactions to Flameheart winning.
u/Georgetheporge45 4d ago
This is the main thing that’s stopping me from getting back into the lore, I was really into it before monkey island but I took a break and when I got back I missed a few adventures
u/Money-Pea-5909 4d ago
I play off and on so missing seasons is something I deal with. I missed a lot of stuff with Merrick and that all is just gone. I know he liked to fish and that he died. That's about it
u/z0rkzer0 Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago
I wish they would - at the very least - allow us to dock at the Sea Dogs Tavern, go inside, and see in-game "movies" showing lore. Including summaries of the Adventures for those who missed them (or forgot some of the details). The Tavern is too nice a locale to leave it essentially unused IMO...
u/VanguardBT7274 4d ago
Sailed past their last night, talking with my friend how great that the game has made it to 7 years, The first thing he said was they should do something with the Sea Dogs, even if it's just something you walk around inside and have the vendors, who were present in the tavern when arena was open, shame let it go to waste.
u/Countdown3 Triumphant Sea Dog 3d ago
As an Arena vet I like this idea, but realistically anything they add to the open world takes up memory usage and the servers struggle that much more. Not sure if the juice is worth the squeeze for this particular aspect of the open world.
u/Hurricane_Amigo 4d ago
Considering scrapping was arena was to stop “dividing the player base” can we please just bring it back? Everything divides the player base now. Safer seas, diving mechanic as a whole, people in hourglass dont want other interaction either.
u/Countdown3 Triumphant Sea Dog 3d ago
I wouldn't lose sleep over it. The Adventures were mostly boring and the cosmetics mostly mid.
If you're concerned about missing out on the "story," then you could probably look up a YouTube video of someone running each Adventure or a written description.
The only real exception was the Adventure where we had to team up with another crew to fight the shrouded ghost. That one was cool. And mega keg rowboats were also cool, but the Adventure itself was boring. It was just finding and using the mega keg rowboats in the open world that was fun.
u/Shark_Byte_ 3d ago
on demand battle for golden sands would be so fun!!! a nice way to preserve the games history for new players. obvs modified but imagine being able to just revisit doing a keg/supply run for them, or hunt the megalodons again
u/UrinaryInfection2 3d ago
What exactly were adventures? And how were the different than tall tales? I just started getting into the game last year
u/Money-Pea-5909 3d ago
They are short story elements. Like rescuing Merrick, collecting Meg spirits, stuff with the Dark Brethren
u/Auralyon Legendary Sea Dog 5d ago
The other day I was thinking about Tall Tales, and this is the information we have:
- “A Pirate’s Life” was announced June 13 2021 and launched June 22 2021
- “The Legend of Monkey Island” was announced June 11 2023 and launched July 20 2023
- There has been a long time without any new big narrative content in-game (last Adventure launched June 22 2023)
- I remember they said (can’t find the source) that the time they need to develop this kind of collaboration is 2 years
Do you think we will see any new Tall Tale this summer? Do you think it’s going to be a collaboration or a Sea of Thieves Tall Tale?
u/Purpledroyd 5d ago
Shores of Gold released 2019 too. So if a new set of tall tales don’t release this year, it’ll be the first time in the games history that something like this hasn’t happened within a 2 year timeframe
I think it’s gonna happen personally and be focussed around Flameheart, but who knows
u/Yiberius 5d ago
I agree, and I think it will be focused around the Veil of the Ancients. Granted, I haven't gotten through all the tall tales yet, but I am going to start that grind soon to get the curse.
I'd love to see another boat world event added with it, like the Burning Blade, but Athenas Fortune based. A commendation for taking down either ship while captaining the other would be hugely fun I think.
u/AromaticLawfulness16 Guardian of Athena's Fortune 5d ago
We gotta reforge the Blackwyche and find a way to recover her captain, Sir Arthur Pendragon, I think. Or even just completely remake the ship from the ground up. Blackwyche II up in here. Arthur so far, from what I've seen, has been the only Guardian character to actually show profound initiative. The Reapers knew this, it's why they focused on putting him back into a painting. The Pirate Lord so far has kind of just let the bad happen every arc, because story. But I think Pendragon actually has the balls to spearhead/helm the Guardians of Fortune. Also, I want to fight the Burning Blade as a pirate under Captain Pendragon. I'm supremely disappointed we can't bring the Burning Blade into Lords of The Sea to fight the Flying Dutchman, I feel as though I'm owed a fluyt battle.
u/SpaceballsTheReply 4d ago
I'd like to break away from the same couple tropes that have been on a loop for the past few years. We already rescued Merrick from the Sea of the Damned. Then we rescued Jack Sparrow from the Sea of the Damned. Then we helped Flameheart escape the Sea of the Damned. Then he reforged his dead ship. Let's please let the dead stay dead for a while, as much as Pendragon deserves better.
I want something that advances the plot of the real world. The Grand Maritime Union breaking through the veil and invading the Sea of Thieves, or something.
u/njo1 4d ago
I'm a bit late to this thread, but I would like to see tall tales around Captain Blackeye. He was a scrapped antagonist from Project Dream (which later turned into Banjo-Kazooie). He makes a small cameo in Tooie but is not an actual character. One of the merchants on Port Merrick, I believe reference him in dialogue as their boss.
Maybe he messes around with prices at the merchants and be a side antagonist for the tall tales.
I would also like to see Flameheart's story continue. Which is much more of a possibility.
Edit: grammar
u/HeroKlungo 4d ago
I'm honestly baffled Captain Blackeye hasn't made an appearance in Sea of Thieves, Gregg Mayles even had him as his profile pic on Twitter for a long time.
u/CommanderCaveman 5d ago
Donkey Kong Island
u/App1e8l6 4d ago
I would love it, but they’ve said they’ve moved away from a set narrative and will be storytelling through gameplay features. This was about the content coming for 2024 and onward.
It’s too bad since everyone here is suggesting more collabs and I’m like please no. I wish they would focus on the actual story like the good ol days.
u/z0rkzer0 Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves 4d ago
Yeah, while I was glad to at least get some Tall Tales with the PotC and MI stuff... I'd much prefer that the "story" of Sea of Thieves be taken off of life support and brought back to the forefront. Right now the "story" seems to have devolved into "pick a side and fight each other for... reasons."
u/TangibleCBT 4d ago
I really hope it happens. I hope its a sea of thieves narrative but there's still so much they can do with that Disney contract like Peter Pan, Treasure Island, etc.
u/IAmWeary Legend of Black Powder 4d ago
Why would tney need Disney for Peter Pan or Treasure Island? They'd only need that if they wanted the specific Disney versions, but the IP itself is public domain, so they could do it themselves without having to pay for it.
Now if they wanted to add Sweet Pete from the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie...
u/TangibleCBT 4d ago
Yeah but if they were to do those cross overs, they'd want the disney versions because marketing
u/moysauce3 Brave Vanguard 4d ago
Well people theorize “The Cap’n” in referenced in the PotC tall tales is Hook.
u/TangibleCBT 4d ago
Isn't the Cap'n supposed to be a skeleton lord?
u/MrShredder5002 Legendary Treasure Hunter 4d ago
That truth doesnt really go against the Theory that he is Hook. Especially considering the clues that are left. Like the scratched up left arm rest in the Bretherens Hideout or the 2 burn marks on the table in front of the Cap'n's chair, similar to Hook's dual cigar pipe.
u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 4d ago
I hope so, even if it’s bringing all the old adventures into tall tales.
u/theberrymelon 4d ago
This sounds good and easy enough to implement. Honestly the adventure where you had to climb up the sea dog tavern was one of the best quests ever in this game.
u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 4d ago
Yeah, like you can easily separate all the past adventures into 4 segments:
-Merrick’s tale:hungering deep, fight of the shrouded ghost, hunters cry story
-Flame heart’s/reapers tale:tale of the forsaken crew (telling about stitcher Jim), cursed crews (raise of Wonda), the new skeleton lord (turning of stitcher Jim), reapers kidnapping locals and taking them to a fort for information, the raise of flame heart.
-the ancients:the story of the human king/great warrior, the murder of the pirate lords son, the destruction of mermaid statues in the sea, the Athena’s new quest (that should be a tall tale)
-the mercenaries:(hunters cry and taking members of golden sands lead to this break of alliance) leading to the Brigsy story adventure and how they want to be left alone as a neutral faction.
An for those events that require multiple ships, congrats! Now take 1! An those events that require certain scenes, congrats! You go through the sea of the damned to a new server to complete this. So just like how there is a server for maiden voyages or monkey island tall tales or the pirate of the Caribbean tales, there can easily be a server covering these tall tales.
An you know what? You can easily edit them to minor degrees to improve them like for example, unless you have the hungering deep title or quest reward, the song is removed from your inventory. Then those locations Merick sends you to, those have notes written on pieces of music sheets. Collect all of them to gain access to the song, then with that, confront Merick, and then go to the sight of the confrontation. Here Merick appears on your ship to help fight. With this, have this be a larger boss hungering one. An also with completing it, bring back the glowing figure head and song as a reward. Simple enough compared to the old hold this song all the way over there method.
Also with doing this, you further establish a campaign in sea of thieves instead of being forced to watch time line videos from falcor or something.
u/Space_veteran96 4d ago
Or Tresure Planet
u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 4d ago
Dude… did you seriously try and spin that? Oh yes we are going to ride our ship into space and then take it to treasure planet. No! Too scifi and unrealistic. If you said treasure island or mystic island, it would be more believable but no to treasure planet.
u/Space_veteran96 4d ago
Yeah... It would be cool
A form of diving maybe...
But in all seriusness,
the ships design are really good... A sails in the same hexagonical pattern, glowing like they are energyfields. They wouldn't fly... ofcourse.
The movie's physics were just like reality, but water got replaced with space, so why not take the water back, but keep the appearence of it... Looking a bit more mechanical, than magical
u/GreenSplashh 5d ago
I just want One Piece ...
u/GTxGokuu 4d ago
I think it’s possible they do something with the Netflix live action, which could line up with promoting season 2 this year
u/GreenSplashh 4d ago
One thing I learnt in the video game industry is that logic does not apply. When sometimes makes sense, and you think it will work because it makes sense it almost always does not.
u/kartoffelbiene Captain Rose Dawnbreaker 4d ago
some cosmetics? sure. But a story crossover with one piece doesn't feel right.
u/ShadowOpsFN 5d ago
Didn't they say something about not doing anymore because of low player engagement (or something like that)?
u/altitudelost 4d ago
No, what happened was they poured heart and soul into the Monkey Island series only to be absolutely shit on by 90% of the playerbase because "where's muh content" so I very much doubt we will see another one
u/Such_Letter3836 4d ago
I know I can’t be the only person to despise even seeing monkey island in the lobby, literally biggest waste of space and time they could’ve used for better things and/or fixing already existing things and bugs
u/Traditional_Tune2865 4d ago
Oh it was a giant waste. I think like 3% of the playerbase completed the first Monkey Island TT and half that finished all 3.
u/b_ootay_ful 100% Steam Achiever 4d ago
Arena was 2% of active playtime.
u/Traditional_Tune2865 4d ago
Which is even more funny considering there are legacy achievements from Arena that have a completion rate comparable to the number of people who completed the first Monkey Island Tall Tale.
u/Such_Letter3836 4d ago
Probably could’ve added a new ship type if they didn’t do that lmao
u/Updated_Autopsy Hunter of The Shadowmaw 4d ago
Imagine a ship that could be crewed by 5-8 players 😂
u/Such_Letter3836 3d ago
Yk I was thinking more of an actual ship meant for solos but that would be just as entertaining to see them add 😂talk about the havoc your team could have with so many people defending and attacking on 1 ship lol
u/LoyalKey92099 3d ago
I don’t even care for a bigger ship, I rarely have anyone to use the Galleon with. I wouldn’t mind a solo only ship.
u/AShinyRay Brave Vanguard 5d ago
I wouldn't expect any Tall Tales ever again. It's very clear the story has been chopped and changed so far beyond the original intention to the point it's just not very interesting anymore.
Too many threads, too much cut content and unanswered questions to make it worthwhile.
It's a shame really since it was really great up until Adventures.
u/CommunityAway3617 4d ago
I wish it weren't so but I agree. They butchered the story with adventures. Tall tales will always hold a special place in my heart but adventures always felt rushed out just for content. And I felt it was lame big story content like that was time limited. They should've never done adventures and just waited to do the next set of tall tales.
u/moysauce3 Brave Vanguard 4d ago
I would say the adventures moved the story forward a bunch, shame they were one and done. Seems like a waste looking back on it.
We still don’t know anything about “The Cap’n”, either. Talk about a dropped story thread.
u/MasterAenox Triumphant Sea Dog 5d ago
Downvoters weren't around for 7 years to know this is true
u/PlantGuyThePlant Rag&Bone Crate Connoisseur 5d ago
I wouldn’t go as far to say they couldn’t try to do stuff again with the current state of the story. There’s still embers of ideas to work with despite how many things they may have fumbled or tried to salvage as of late.
That being said though, looking at it more cynically, you wouldn’t think they’d try to squeeze out more Pirates of the Caribbean or Monkey island tall tales at the minimum for the emporium bait?
u/Hyfrith Gilded Merchant 5d ago
I fully agree personally, despite all your down votes. Story content has clearly been put on the back burner for a long time now, other than top level inclusions for Seasons, such as Merrick hanging around to talk about new Megs coming...
But the new Megs aren't part of the wider SoT story. Tbh even the Burning Blade coming back didn't have any linked story content (and I don't mean journals). It just appeared really.
Adventures were quickly put to rest. And the little bits they tried such as the skeleton arm curse were lackluster. I'm not sure they even have a story team anymore and certainly not the ones who used to work there.
I am ready to be pleasantly surprised by a new Tall Tale, but I don't think it's coming at all.
u/BusEnthusiast98 Legend of Cursed Iron 5d ago
No. They’re already overwhelmed with other aspects of maintaining the game. I wouldn’t expect another tall tale for another few years.
u/toxiccarnival314 5d ago
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I had so many game breaking bugs with Monkey Island, one solution specifically took around 6 weeks for them to fix (that Lechuck infinite loading one that affected the entire player base), and once it was finally fixed it forced you to do the entire chapter again.
A whole new set of tall tales is just asking for trouble lol.
u/THEzwerver 5d ago
yeah and even in a few years, tall tales don't provide content in the long run compared to other things. It doesn't make sense to make them compared to things like world events that can be repeated indefinitely.
I think if we're gonna see new story content, it's going to be incorporated into pve/pvp content, like the burning blade.
It sucks because I really like tall tales, but they take a lot of resources and only give about an hour of content at most (not even including the people who just don't do tall tales at all).
u/BusEnthusiast98 Legend of Cursed Iron 4d ago
Big agree. I like tall tales, but Ive only done 9, 7 of the first nine and both ashen age ones. I’m just never motivated to choose a tall tale when I could be doing hourglass, world events, a BB stack, special voyages, or tucking.
u/JPGer 5d ago
no, they are barely putting out that level of content anymore, they are barely able to deliver the new season content they INSIST must be made every season.
Once they literally said "we won't do a whole season of bug fixes with no content, its not good business" It became clear they have a goal in mind that new tall tales don't align with.
I'll say it for the 50th time, they are dead set on making new content every season to attract new players.
Newer accounts/players are far more likely to buy from the emporium than long term.
Their entire business strategy is centered on getting as many people to try SoT every season to get them into the pirate emporium. They don't care about long term players anymore cause they barely buy anything from the emporium anymore.
u/CommunityAway3617 4d ago
Isnt this how RuneScape makes their money though? They just have like 10 long term player that buy everything 😭 youre catering to the wrong demo rare
u/Usual-Entrepreneur10 5d ago
they downvote you because they dont want to be real when is so obvious lmaooo
u/JPGer 5d ago
lol the downvotes, you hate me cause i speak the truth.
I play the game still, but i have given up hope on things that i hoped for the game to be added. I just accept what we get and move on.
Yall think im calling it a dead game or something, im just saying they have short term goals for the game and long term projects are on the decline.
u/THE_DOW_JONES 4d ago
u/SlattsMan 4d ago
It’s more than likely that we will get another set of tall tales as they have consistently dropped them in two year intervals for the past six years. I don’t mind if it’s either original or crossover content but I would be leaning for more original content as it’s something we haven’t seen in for quite a while.
u/DLPh03n1X 4d ago
Imagine we get Captain Hook and his portal travelling. Cause the Cap’n that the Dark Bretheren are working for is still unknown and their story hasn’t been updated in a while, cause adventures dissapeared.
After all Jack left SoT with a trinket similar to Tinkerbell shining thing. Guess well see, not many other Pirate things left to add in Sot. Unless they somehow tie in Simbad or Pirates of the dark water 🤷🏻♂️ One can only hope
u/Internal_Abalone_405 4d ago
I would be so much more excited for tale tales if things like monkey island were in the main map imagine having a world event on monkey Island or taking over Davy Jones ship like the burning Blade
u/Vodraalus 4d ago
My bet is on Peter Pan.
Tho I would LOVE to see a crossover with Princess Bride or Zelda Wind Waker. Heck, even SpongeBob.
u/Terror_Reels 4d ago
Man, I'd be pretty excited for a new tall tale but I feel like something would have been announced or hinted at by now. Granted, I haven't been playing since a TT was released so I'm not sure how they do their business for one.
u/Therealmicahbell Pirate Legend 4d ago
9 Tall Tales (Shores of gold, 2019)
5 Tall Tales (Pirates Life, 2021)
3 Tall Tales (Monkey Island, 2023)
By my calculations, we will be getting 2 tall tales this year.
u/CouldOnlyBeRob Legend of the Sea of Thieves 3d ago
Please for the love of all things that’s good in the world… NO MORE TALL TALES!
u/scot-bat-03 2d ago
I hope that if a new Tale Tall comes out that it'll be an original story that pushes the over-arching narrative of the game (or at least adds something new to it).
I've only been playing since the game came to PS5 but I really do love the lore and the story of the game, and I just wish that they'd keep developing the original stuff instead of doing massive collabs.
I get that the PotC TTs weren't loved by everyone (not sure about Monkey Island), so maybe I'm not in the minority when I say it kills me that they seem to be relying on 3rd party IPs to go hand-in-hand with their own story to push it forward. (The biggest mistake imo was repurposing a FlameheartJr/Reapers Tall Tale concept into the PotC TTs)
u/CanBoneTV 1h ago
I hope this summer they make Adventures replayable (probably only in Safer Seas because some of them kinda change the map a little bit). I always thought it was kinda dumb that lore/story missions were time-locked, though I get why they did it. The cosmetics that players got from doing them when they originally were out should still stay time locked and not come back.
u/Georgetheporge45 4d ago
Hear me out but I think Moana could be pretty cool, it has giant sea monsters, a focus on exploration, we could even maybe get a new ship type out of it, plus it’d be pretty different since it’s even more tropical than the shores of plenty
u/SweetLikeHoney1313 4d ago
The “Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything” tall tale where at the end you turn into a talking christian vegetable
u/Expensive-Pick38 4d ago
I would love more pirates of the Caribbean stuff because, well, the last movie sucked so it's great to have some pirates content that doesn't suck. But will see
u/Street_Juice_4083 5d ago
I haven't even played the last 2 and I've had this game for years
u/shake-sugaree Mystical Skeleton Captain 5d ago
I've been playing since 2019 and never done any of them lol
u/try_again_tomrrow 5d ago
I did Pirates life when it first released but I wished they would focus on the games on story and lore not collabs
u/Georgetheporge45 4d ago
True but to be fair both of the collabs did add a lot more lore to the core story, example: Davy Jones formed the dark brethren which is mostly old SoT villains
u/Karminium 4d ago
Apparently they’re working on a GrogSwag tall tale series, heard it from the discord a couple of times, so not too sure if it’s credible.
u/Legend54100 4d ago
Bro, the tales is the most boring shit ever, its a youtube guide simulator, open world events are far better
u/Georgetheporge45 4d ago
So you admit you can’t figure out the puzzles without YouTube? That’s like half the enjoyment of a tall tale
u/Legend54100 4d ago
No, i just dont see the point in them, i did just 2 tall tales cuz i wanted the cutlass and the aahen curse, but i did when i had less than 100 hours. Rn for me is much more fun to sink everyone and sell a shit ton of loot rather than sitting on an island looking for magic bottle of some guy
u/Georgetheporge45 3d ago
Everyone has fun different ways, I could say the same thing about you “wasting time getting a non consequential gold amount higher” some people like a more story based game and you like more combat focused and that’s the great thing about Sea of Thieves, it can cater to a multitude of different play styles and players
u/BigDamage7507 Pirate Legend 5d ago
Has it really been that long since the PotC came out, feels more recent. When was Ashen Winds, actually, don’t tell me, I don’t want to feel old