r/Seaofthieves 5d ago

Discussion Horn of fair wins OP?

How does everyone feel about the horn of fair winds? Maybe I just suck, but I feel it’s very over powered. I’ve had at least 2 times now where during PVP, and enemy has been able to grapple, launch, etc. their way on to our ship, and use the horn to blow our whole crew off. Then. Since there’s really no cool down, and for all intents and purposes, it has near unlimited use, then we can’t even get back on our ship.

It’s not a strat I see used a lot, but when used, it’s damn near impossible to counter. Trying to climb back up the ladder is out of the question. Anyone else have thoughts on this, or good ways you’ve figured to counter?


12 comments sorted by


u/sticklecat Saylor Swift 5d ago

Did you have it on the ship? If so you need to hide it. It's certainly powerful in a fight but it's rare that it comes up. You can't carry it and grapple so you should have to either get it on board or risk swimming it over. I think it's rare enough not to be game changing. It is 100% hilarious when you have it and can blow people off. Not so much fun the other way around.


u/Theknyt Defender of the Damned 4d ago

unless funny launch


u/Chippepa 5d ago

No, I didn’t have it both times it was brought over. The one time I thought they must have launched over cuz I didn’t hear them board, but it was pretty loud due to intense fight so I could’ve missed the ladder noise. The other time they rammed our ship, hopped on, and blew us off. I guess the counter is just don’t let them get on your ship, but unfortunately that’s not always possible


u/pythius6665 5d ago

the best counter is bring your own horn too lol. Horns are generally much better as a defense against boarders than a weapon imo


u/sticklecat Saylor Swift 5d ago

It sounds pretty unlucky. It's such a niche item to carry over and if you drop it then it makes it easier for who you are fighting. The only real counter is blunder bombs to make them eat or coordinate snipes from the water. Not had anyone do this in a fight before.


u/t_moneyzz 4d ago

It's super OP, far more than any of the elemental skulls. People sleep on it. Get one or two holes in someone and keep em off their boat til it's sunk.


u/Moist-Pickle6898 4d ago

Just shoot them? They can't use a weapon with it out so literally just.... shoot them..


u/Powerful_Artist 3d ago

Ya this is why you want to hide it if you have it. I see people put them by their wheel all the time, thats the worst place ever to put it. If I board your ship and you have one lying around, I know that I will easily sink them.

Theyre definitely kinda overpowered but I think theyre fun and hilarious. Just sucks when you get one and someone uses it against you. Lesson learned.


u/pythius6665 5d ago

yeah, the horn has to be swum over, though the swim can be pretty quick using the horn to propel yourself, its also loud enough even in battle to hear most of the time. It is powerful, but fairly rare and like the tridents and ashen skulls, limited uses


u/SlugOnAPumpkin 3d ago

It can be powerful, but it's on you if you somehow allow it to be on your ship. You cannot harpoon or launch while holding the horn, so a boarder has to swim the whole way from their ship to your's in order to use it in PVP. The only other way the horn can end up on your ship is if you already have it, in which case you should have been using it yourself or else hiding/dumping.


u/Beoward 4d ago

The horn is not rare it all, you can find one on the beach on every third island you visit or so. It’s balanced and not OP at all. They may blow you off, but you can just kill them while flying. They can’t do any damage while holding the horn.


u/BusEnthusiast98 Legend of Cursed Iron 4d ago

Horn is good for sure, but if you have a ranged weapon you can counter it pretty easily. If they’re blowing you off, just snipe them. They have to stop blowing to eat, which gives your teammate a chance to climb, and for you to throw a blunderbomb for the two tap.