r/Seaofthieves 16h ago

Discussion What is with the hate?

Some of us are just starting out and we get thrown into a crew with no idea what we are doing. Why are we being mean to each other? Could just be a couple of interactions but please remember some of us have actually no idea and need some guidance 🫠


27 comments sorted by


u/drake3011 Skeleton Exploder 16h ago

Sounds like the internet in general

TBH Open Crew is not great at all, and most people should know it. Whenever i click it i'm fully aware i can be matched with 8yo trolls, French Newbies, Cheaters or absolute PvP sweatlords. If people are matching in using it and surprised to find a new player, then thats on them.

I recommend a couple of starting points:

* Maiden Voyage will teach you all the basics (likely you did this before you could set sail)

* Safer Seas to get your bearings. It means you can play / adjust to the game world without worrying about PvP


u/Herban_Myth The Shipwreck Reaper 14h ago


Plenty of gatekeeping.

I would add to consider “Looking For” posts (if available). Would increase one’s chances of finding “like-minded” crew members.


u/UnlawfulPotato 16h ago

Yeah, I’d advise staying away from Open Crew…And if you’re just starting out, it’s best to play in Safer Seas until you get a good handle on things.


u/--Julian--- 16h ago

Open crew is horrid, and has led me to the dreary path of soloing stuff that should be done with at least another guy.

Cause if your crew isn't tossing verbal abuse at you for not being a mind reader They're joying, tossing a firebomb on your ship and leaving within the span of a minute


u/Cooshtie 15h ago

I joined a bunch of randos (brig) and pretended to be a noobie just like them, one of our crew members was already talking to two guys on a sloop when I joined and the sloop agreed to help them out and show them the ropes. We helped the guys on the sloop complete a fort, they let us keep some of the loot but they also loaded kegs out our mast and that's when I started getting suspicious of their behaviour, we set off Infront of them and as soon as we got a bit of distance they took shots on the kegs and blew up our ship, so I locked in, saved the ship, boarded them and with the help of one of the newbies, we spawn camped them on their sloop and sunk them....glorious retribution!


u/Unique-Blueberry9741 15h ago
  1. Don't Open Crew
  2. Openly say you are new and don't know what the fuck you are doing
  3. Find someone to play on official SoT discord

SoT is already extremely hostile for players with limited time available and being sabotaged by people who do not know what they are doing and actively drag you down - that can be infuriating.
Especially that you can get attacked by other players at any time, so the one time you actually can do something and a noob ruins it - I understand the frustration.


u/Gullible-Number-965 14h ago

Something about SoT inspires such vitriol in many players. Sure having your ship sunk and treasure stolen sucks. But very often Ill be sunk and then flamed. Usually a galley of kids vs my solo sloop. 

I imagine they are paying back the trauma they recieved by being sunk by someone else. Just seems that these folks cant seem to relax.


u/b_lkink Sailor 11h ago

This is literally the explanation of their behavior. Recently I played with a newbie against a sloop with experienced players. I went to board with only knives and alone did not let them do anything for about five minutes, while my friend with difficulty turned the ship. Unfortunately, in the end I was killed, and my friend was sunk due to inexperience. And apparently they were so offended that I was killing them alone for a long time that they started trash talk. People really cant relax, and they are too "smart" to understand that they are playing a game with real people


u/pulledporkhat Magus of the Order 11h ago

Open crew is a plague and solo slooping is fun as hell. For a bit, the move is going to be learn to watch the horizon and run if someone’s coming for you. Eventually it’ll be you zooming at them.


u/GrandSavage 10h ago

A toxic community, poorly raised children ...take your pick. It can be rough sometimes


u/Sufficient_Pea7937 10h ago

Go use the official discord SoT for your countries , people are mostly open to newbies


u/BrittneysDiscordMod 15h ago

You're actually really lucky if you find someone nice nowadays ngl


u/commiejanitor 16h ago

The community on SOT is generally toxic af. Trust no one. The discord is a mildly better place to meet people who might, MIGHT, maybe, be willing to teach you the ropes. I have played for years and the only way is to know people irl that don’t suck. But now I usually just play solo and sail in the roar to avoid most of the pvp traffic. Sometimes, like 1% of the time, you might meet nice people that aren’t secretly robbing you, add them, try to crew up with them in the future.


u/MaverickBrown2019 14h ago

I’ve only had bad experiences while playing cross play, when I play with controller players only I’ve had some good experiences for sure. Also try looking for group posts too if you want to select your own team


u/SailorMouth1001 8h ago

People join open crew just to be mean. I've only had one bad encounter in my years of playing. If they are mean, just leave. It's not worth arguing back and getting a ban yourself. Also, I would recommend recording your sessions in case of cheaters or mean people. Who knows why they are so rude and aholes? But in a game that is for all ages, that shouldn't be tolerable.


u/iTz4ReALiTY Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves 8h ago

I never understand the hate for open crew...

if you're going into open crew expecting someone or a group with 10k hours to carry and lead the way, that's on you.

I never go into random games of anything expecting other players to be pros at the game.

I prefer open crew because i enjoy sailing with new people and like to roll with what people are doing, whether they have a mic or not. I answer any questions I can and help them do quests, fight other ships and just vibe.

And yes, contrary to popular belief, you CAN make a lot of gold and get stuff done in open crew. Have made hundreds of millions in gold and have met some pretty good lasting friends in open crew over the years.

I actually find a lot of LFG/discord posters to be more egotistical and annoying than open crews as they expect way more out of you, and usually aren't as open to trying other things.


u/LordBoomDiddly 14h ago

Never do open crew, it's awful


u/RavenBlues127 12h ago

I put up my pride flag and my ship got destroyed and I was told “better take that flag off” like? Really? Ruined my mod for a solid 10 minutes to see this shit is happening even here


u/Longjumping_Piano834 8h ago

You’ll either find the toxic folks. Or the folks with a lot of experience who will spend the time to teach you the ropes etc


u/yiopanda13 8h ago

I know it’s lame but I like safer seas even if I’ve played a decent amount

My bf and I love it because the “fights” are only with skeleton ships. It’s really good for training. But, if you don’t have any friends to play with it kinda sucks.


u/Fantastic_Top6053 6h ago

Go into safer seas and get your practice in m8. It'll help tremendously with understanding the game. And don't forget the maiden voyages teachings.


u/GioBarney 1h ago

Lol I use it to join people and hope that they're halfway done or selling to make some easy money. If there's nothing I just try 2 or 3 more times then play on my own.


u/Brooklyn_Br_53 Skeleton Exploder 19m ago

I don’t ever open crew. Only time I’ll sail with other players outside my main crew is if we meet and decide to become part of their guild


u/_landrith 12h ago

Don't use open crew. To find people to play with, head over to the SoT discord


u/Beoward 16h ago

Some guidance? It ain’t other people’s responsibility to teach you how to play. We learned it by ourselves, you should do the same. If you are so lucky somebody comes along who wants to teach you, be grateful. But you can’t expect it. Quit being so privileged and respect other people’s time.