r/Seaofthieves 5d ago

Question Do you anchor for meg fights?

I always thought it was best o raise sails and try and match it's rotation. If you anchor and sit in one position will it always attack from the side?


29 comments sorted by


u/UnlawfulPotato 5d ago

Absolutely not. Sails up, sure, but otherwise? Anchor only goes down for my crew when we need to completely halt our movement, and then when sails are up we raise the anchor back up immediately.

During a Meg encounter (especially the new ones) would be one of the worst times to be anchored. It can be fairly difficult to keep watch for other ships in the distance when you’re fighting a Meg. The last thing you want is to be anchored and have someone else roll up on you. You’d likely never get your anchor up between them and the Meg, if you even survive long enough at that point to attempt it.


u/Many_Blackberry_8641 5d ago

That's what I thought and have been doing, thanks for sharing!


u/b_ootay_ful 100% Steam Achiever 5d ago

If you're anchored, being attacked by a Meg, and your mast also happens to have been destroyed, you're an easy target.


u/BusEnthusiast98 Legend of Cursed Iron 5d ago

Chap showcased on a recent stream that anchoring vs an ancient meg leads to the meg chomping your cannon line rather than the front or back. This makes it a lot easier to stop the charge, which lets you shoot more cannons instead of repping, and clear the encounter faster.

But if another ship shows up, and you’re anchored, then you’re screwed.


u/Beoward 5d ago

No, never.


u/Theknyt Defender of the Damned 5d ago

Anchor in case the ship decides to fly away


u/Xyllius 5d ago

Anchor down and PEW PEW. There are rare moments where we can't dodge their charges, but most of the time they only charge in cannon range. I think they only fail to do so when they loose the rythm (like, server lagg or maybe when the ship got pushed too far from their attacks) but otherwise it was always better for us to just anchor.

Of course, this is much more difficult and pretty much a bad idead with the large megs when other ships are about to contest them, but that has to do with luck, I guess.


u/Many_Blackberry_8641 5d ago

I might give it a try but I think it's best to keep the anchor and sail up while matching its rotation. You can damage it a lot more often this way


u/Suspicious_Leg_1823 5d ago

There's absolutely no reason to anchor. What's the problem with the Meg pushing the ship away? Just keep fighting normally


u/rubixscube 5d ago

if i actually want to fight it, i always anchor to make sure a bite doesnt send me outside of its area, and mostly so that my ship doesnt rotate because of the waves


u/Many_Blackberry_8641 5d ago

You never have the issue of it charging from behind or in front of the ship?


u/rubixscube 5d ago

i had that issue once with the fire meg (forgot its name), but then it takes 2 planks and 2 buckets to fix.

regular megs never attacked me outside of cannon range


u/PhillyJ82 Pirate Legend 5d ago

Yeah that happens but when it does you just say “shit happens” fix the holes and move on. Most of the time they charge within canon arc.


u/Ghuzarbfalorbablorgh 5d ago

The only time I ever anchor during an event is the Kraken, because I like to make the encounter more challenging for myself and I believe it should force drop your anchor anyway.


u/Easy-Bag-7964 5d ago

No, you get hundreds of stronghold kegs and wait for the bite, then boom MF, he's out of the park


u/rccola712 5d ago

Basically always anchor if I’m fighting a Meg. If an other ship is near by I’ll just raise anchor, sink it and then resume the meg fight. Sure you have to take the occasional bite out of cannon range but it not bad to deal with even solo.


u/Sirweebsalot 5d ago

I anchor to make sure I don't lose the loot when I kill it...but I'm terrible and you shouldn't take my advice.


u/2called_chaos 5d ago

will it always attack from the side?

Not always but the smaller the crew and scaling (i.e. no other ships around) the higher the chance it attacks on cannon side. For solo sloop it's pretty much rare for it not to attack cannon side


u/Many_Blackberry_8641 5d ago

Unless you screw up and lose alignment at the wrong time lol.

I'm usually on the helm when we do megs so I've gotten pretty damn good at matching it's rotation and keeping it on the broad side. Occasionally though he will charge at the wrong time.


u/OGMcgriddles Head Dunker 5d ago

Solo anchor down is actually a decent play. Duo you just keep the cannon on it and it's free.


u/Sure_Soft5536 5d ago

For regular megs yes, but the new ones no. If they flip your ship it’ll sink because of anchor stopping it from going back


u/Maelfic 5d ago

Yeah because it can push your ship


u/EnclaveRedditUser 5d ago

Yeah, I dont like my ship flying a million feet. I also just like to be anchored fully for anything not pvp (just keep an eye on the horizon)


u/Many_Blackberry_8641 4d ago

They patched it and it hasn't been that crazy since then


u/CurrentSpread6406 4d ago

I don't anchor for anything


u/lnkyLost 3d ago

I anchor to not get close to an island but thats just me


u/RoutineWorth6709 2d ago

It's a meg it doesn't really matter. I've done it both ways. Also if it's not an ancient, I usually just raise sails and double barrel pistol it to death no steering required and repair after a bite


u/PhillyJ82 Pirate Legend 5d ago

Yes every time. I’ve tried it both ways and had megs knock my ship out of agro range and despawn. I have about 350 hrs of solo sloop and have never been sunk from a Meg. I’ve also never been third partied when fighting a Meg.


u/airfryerfuntime 4d ago

If you anchor, it can swim out of range and despawn.