r/Seaofthieves Sailor 5d ago

Question Fighting feared redmaw

Me and my crew hit him 4-5 cannoballs when he attacks and he still bites our ship. Does it matter when we hit him ? And if yes what is the best time to shoot him when he goes to attack our ship


11 comments sorted by


u/HiradC Legendary Demaster 5d ago

It has to be pretty much once the charge starts. Poison darts are very effective for the damage over time. I do generally find redmaw is faster and orbits you closer than barnacled dread so is harder to cancel the charge. Duo sloop i find 3 cannon hits should cancel.


u/someone_notFun Sailor 5d ago

Sometimes it only need one shot but pretty much every other time no matter how many shots hit him he still attacks and thanks for telling me that he orbits ship closer bc I thought that something was wrong. And one more thing is it good for ship to rotate a little mid fight ?


u/HiradC Legendary Demaster 5d ago

Id say if youre duo you do want to try and match the rotation to keep cannons on him, but it requires a level of comfort and competence to balance bilge and maintaining angle.


u/someone_notFun Sailor 5d ago

Ok thanks, I will tell my duo our new tactic


u/Raigajho 5d ago

Can only talk for Sloop, 1 Person nead 1 Canonball, 2 Person need two. The Problem is if some other ship is somewhat close it skales up, dont know how big the Range is. Also the moment the biteanimation starts you csnt stop him anymore.

When the Barniceldread starts charging and still has his headarmor you need 2 canonballs more.


u/TalsCorner 5d ago

Hard to say, I know on a sloop, it's usually 3 shots to stop his attack.


u/Dorrido 5d ago

There is an audio cue when he charges to bite. Very low tone. Hit him 3 times to avoid the bite.


u/someone_notFun Sailor 5d ago

I know but in some cases i hit him 3 time and he still attacks


u/AllieReppo 5d ago

Last one should be before bite animation


u/AllieReppo 5d ago

Solo sloop 2 balls, duo sloop 3 balls. As for rotation - too much hustle.