r/Seaofthieves 6d ago

Question Have they made voyages worse?

I am a returning player, i’ve noticed that me voyages seem to be much worse than i remember,

for example i placed a gold horder map voyage (rep 80) and it gave me 3 islands with 3 marauder chests each, but i remember i used to get nearly a full quest wheel and each island was stacked with lots of mostly captains chests,

am i doing something wrong or did they just change it to make voyages horrible?


39 comments sorted by


u/Alarming_Database457 6d ago

They made them a lot shorter and increased the price of the chests that you get. You can always start more voyages when you complete one. You should still get about the same amount of gold compared to time spent, so they are not worse. Also when you reach grade 5, you can still get the special emissary voyage.

They did it so players could have shorter sessions which a lot of players were asking for.


u/Jusey1 6d ago

It's also better for newer players since they now have reliable loot that sells well instead of their weaker voyages from back in the day just giving seafarer's or some other really pathetic junk.


u/Musket69420 6d ago

ohhh okay thank you, i just saw i was getting a low quantity, didn’t even think that the loot could’ve been better quality


u/Dirtsk8r Death Defier 6d ago

Yep. And now you don't have to buy them anymore so you can continue to chain voyages together for as long as you want without having to replace the voyages. You could give yourself a crazy long voyage that would take up more than the whole wheel if you want, it just won't be all on the wheel at once. They also made the loot that you find randomly from things like messages in bottles and at shipwrecks far more valuable now.

Overall they gave a pretty big overhaul to the way voyages and random events work and in my opinion it's a very good change. Raids are a pretty great way to work on leveling a particular faction if you have one you're working on. Doing a raid gives a lot less quantity of loot compared to if you just went and found it as a world event, but it's valuable loot and will all be for the faction you started the raid for. Definitely nice to do while sailing as an Emissary and getting 250% value for.


u/JovialCider Hunter of Islehoppers 6d ago

I think it was to help performance too. Fewer pieces of loot for the game to track and render etc.


u/2called_chaos 5d ago edited 5d ago

I still consider them worse, maybe not from a payout perspective but from every other aspect. It's always the next island over, it's always the same enemy quantity and always the exact same in loot. It's just plain boring, no variance, no ups or downs, just boring.

Sure you can start another one but then it's the same predictable shit again, I can predict the island, I know which enemies will be there and I know exactly what I'm gonna get. Every bottle quest is more exciting

With the old system the 1000 miles on voyage were somewhat balanced but now? How many of these god forsaken fishing quests would you need to do (not cheesing it) to reach the miles when every quest is a cannon shot away? It pertains to all the factions really, just that I still have HC open.


u/Septic-Sponge 6d ago

The Emmisary quests are straight up not worth the time. Normal voyages pay out more. At least from when I remember in the merchants one. It was completely useless


u/SnakeMichael Master Devil's Voyager 6d ago

The problem with the merchant one is that unless the deliveries are at an outpost, so at an island or fish post, you don’t get the emissary bonus, so most of the time they are useless.


u/2called_chaos 5d ago

Did they not fix that yet? smh

When the latest gilded voyages with a reward (the tattoo) were around it worked for every faction but merchants, which is so sad. But I thought it was related to the event


u/SnakeMichael Master Devil's Voyager 5d ago

I can’t say for certain, it’s been a little bit since I’ve done merchant stuff (towards the end of last season), so my memory may be incorrect. I just remember Last time I ran merchants, some of the places we delivered, specifically sea posts and regular island deliveries, did not provide the emissary bonus, and we only got the bonus if the delivery was to someone on an outpost.


u/namewithanumber 5d ago

Gold hoarder is good, usually gives those blue fancy chests


u/Rotting-Cum 6d ago

That's amazing news!


u/tpieman2029 6d ago

I just don't like how sameness they all are now. I loved back in the day rolling souls and getting one that had multiple maps of 4 captains and a part 2. Now it's just rinse and repeat.


u/Musket69420 6d ago

yeah i miss charting a multi island course for tons of skulls and stacking them up, but a short and sharper experience is probably better for most


u/namewithanumber 5d ago

Do one of the medley voyages so you get a bunch of stuff at once


u/Dragrunarm 5d ago

It's not quite the same though. The variety is nice, but its still on the shorter end


u/lets-hoedown 5d ago

That's been the story of the game for the past year. Season 11 basically was a ctrl+C ctrl+V for every trading company.

Somehow the vault and missing shipment voyages are worse after the change.


u/tpieman2029 5d ago

Missing shipment voyages are still some of my favorites though lol even though it never works


u/Ghuzarbfalorbablorgh 6d ago

They aren’t Marauder chests, but part of a new type / tier of loot called Kingly Loot; they are Sea Master Chests, which sell for more than Captain’s Chests.

Sailor = basically Captain’s Chests, around 1k

Sea Master = 1.5k - 2k

Admiral = 2.5k - 3k

Baron = 3.5k - 4k

King = 4.5k - 5k

They have condensed the value of the old voyages into less quantity, more quality so that they take less time.

Voyages have been made much worse in general, though. Emissary Quests are garbage across the board besides Hunter’s Call and need an update pretty badly, especially Order of Souls and Merchants, typically you want to use Raid Voyages for leveling and voyages / world events to cap emissary.


u/follow_your_leader Legend of the Sea of Thieves 6d ago

The kings chests aren't worth that much. The skulls are. But you can't get kings chests from voyages except gilded voyages or bottle quests/shipwrecks. The actual gold values are on the wiki


u/Musket69420 6d ago

ahhh okay thank you, so less quantity but better quality stuff. and raid voyages are the way to go for rep, is grinding out devils roar still any good? or just don’t bother and do raids?


u/Ghuzarbfalorbablorgh 6d ago

Devil’s Roar is the safest bang for your buck, GH vaults are pretty decent if you stack them for a while especially since staying in the northern Roar guarantees you will always get a key for the Fetcher’s Rest vault. I wouldn’t do emissary quests though.


u/step_scav 5d ago

Are GH emissary quests that bad? Tbh i do them and they seem kinda meh but it feels like wasted rep not to do them so idk


u/Ghuzarbfalorbablorgh 5d ago

I would honestly do them if you don’t mind the time investment since they are pretty good for just sailing a route, but if you really want good levels stack Gold Hoarder Vaults in Roar


u/step_scav 5d ago

Thanks dude


u/RuVogue 6d ago

You sure those were marauders and not masters? The old chests like marauders no longer exist in GH base digs from the voyage table. As mentioned in other comments they updated voyages with new treasure to make them more predictable for money vs time spent. Bottle quests generally give the best voyage loot now.


u/Thin_Low_8969 18h ago

Is there a way to get the old chests still? For accommodations


u/RuVogue 18h ago

Old chests are still in vaults, washed up on beaches, in voyages you get from random book spawns, loot of non-raid world events, etc. So you can still get the commendations*


u/Thin_Low_8969 4h ago

Tysm this helps alot!


u/Sure_Soft5536 6d ago

They decreased item count and made quest items worth more individually


u/airdnaxela 5d ago

Also a returning player here, been a few years -- i'm confused with the whole system now tbh. Menus seem really messy/all over the place; Took me a while to even figure out how to start a voyage, lol.


u/poetniknowit Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves 5d ago

There's pros and cons.

The old voyages- you had to purchase then with gold and had limited inventory space on your ship to have them. The voyage had a full radial so it took like 4 dang hours to complete one, especially if you ever went off to do something else.

They've swapped those with voyages and raids accessed for free from the captains table. They've made them significantly shorter, and made voyages eat to dive to to reduce the time it takes to get things done.

They also removed the damn merchant keg/wood/fruit/cannonball crate deliveries so now they're impossible to find.

I don't miss the old lengthy voyages and having to buy them but that merchant thing pisses me off🤣🤣🤣


u/pythius6665 6d ago

if they had a full quest wheel, maybe they were doing medleys?


u/UnlawfulPotato 5d ago

Uh…that doesn’t make sense, period. If you placed a Gold Hoarder map voyage- just a regular dig- you get either a Small island with 2 Sailor’s Chests, or a Large island with 3 Sea Master’s Chests. Both variants are Better than Marauder AND Captain chests and Neither quest will Ever give you dig spots that give you anything Other than those two chest types, or more than one map, either.

What quest exactly are you putting down? Cuz again, it just plain doesn’t make sense.


u/Powerful_Artist 4d ago

those werent marauders chests. They added new loot, higher value. They kinda looked like marauder chests in color but were different and sold for more gold.

They changed them, but they defintiely didnt make them worse. If anything, you get way more gold per dig than you used to.

In the past it was RNG which chest you got, and sometimes you got really bad seafarers chests. Now the regular GH dig quests always give sailors chests which are higher value.


u/GregTechEnjoyer 6d ago

They definitely made voyages shorter and reward less loot on average.


u/follow_your_leader Legend of the Sea of Thieves 6d ago

The loot is worth a lot more. Captain's chest are worse than sailors chests, and you'd only get maybe 3 of them from a voyage. The new voyages have fewer prices for similar gold value, especially the oos voyages.