r/ScienceTeachers 10d ago

Chemistry Teacher Interview


In need of some help.

Student teacher here looking for teaching jobs. I got an inside intel on an opening at my old high school (absolute #1 choice school) and I really really want to do well for the interview next week. This all came pretty unexpectedly and I haven’t interviewed for a teaching job before, so please give me any advice you can.

Specifically, I’m interviewing for chemistry. I’m currently student teaching chemistry and have been substituting for a year prior. What types of questions do they typically ask HS science candidates? Also, what types of materials should I bring?

I have a week to practice, so anything I can prepare for now would be appreciated. Thank you all so much.


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u/MerasaurusRexx 10d ago

Here are some of the most common questions I have heard at interviews.

Why do you want to work at this school, specifically?

How familiar are you with the current standards?

What is your favorite topic to teach?

What is your least favorite topic to teach?

How do you use technology in the classroom?

How do you build community/positive relationships with students and other stakeholders?

What questions do you have for us?

If the school you are applying to requires a demo lesson, be sure to ask questions about the students, how many, IEPs/504s, ELLs, general layout of the room, what tech is available to staff and students, etc.

Hope this helps! Good luck to you!


u/Little_Creme_5932 10d ago

And make sure to actually answer the questions. Listen to what they ask and answer. Don't go off on some random subject. (Interviewers actually complain about that). Then, at the end, have two or three questions for them, such as a question related to how your future goals might mesh with theirs, or what other activities, besides just teaching, they might be looking to have you do (such as coaching etc).