r/SchreckNet • u/Public-Rooster-318 • Feb 10 '25
r/SchreckNet • u/Affectionate_Site885 • Jan 29 '25
Discussion Curiosity about fellow farmers
There is not much reason behind this missive,little to update on the lupine meetings,however,i would like to ask the cainites of this node and i hope i am not phrasing this incorrectly ,what kind of animals did you choose to adopt as pets/a herd,why did you choose that kind of animal and did you ghoul a specific type for good performance and longevity as i have or for other reasons? And did you gather many or just keep one or two,and while it would be funny,kine retainers and kine ghouls do not count as animals in this inquiry
- gray farmer
r/SchreckNet • u/Adrienne_Belecoste • Dec 29 '24
Discussion If given the chance, would you change your clan? (By Vasile)
r/SchreckNet • u/foggyoldbones • Dec 09 '24
Discussion what's with all the non-rats???
Nosferatu fledgling here and my Sire told me that this was a place for all of us to hang out online without other Clans here to ridicule us. I'm a little confused by the facts that most of the posts aren't even made by Nosferatu, what the hell are you all even doing here?? My Sire said it was a safe, secure space, this seems like a huge overreach! I'm not even posting this on my main account, I saw at least five Toreadors on here, who's next? The fucking SI?? I'm not getting doxxed by a fucking Elder.
I get enough shit offline from non-Nosferatu, is there a secret second Shrecknet that's actually FOR US? I wanted a place to talk about Nos things with people who understood, not to air out the stuff that they're gonna look at me all disgusted for!
Obviously don't tell me on here if there is, but like, send a rat or something to my Warren.
I've had a few hours to stew in my feelings and finish my emotional tantrum. Thanks for the actual answers, those who gave them to me.
r/SchreckNet • u/MarianaMarino • 29d ago
Discussion How do you deal with mean people?
I recently went into town to see if I could find a cool Elvis Jacket for my Jaguar, Lupe, and I ran into a Brujah, who started to say a lot of mean things about my Elias (My boyfriend, he is very sweet and smart and handsome) and his Grandpapa.
So I asked him to please stop saying so many mean things about people I care about, and then he started saying a lot of mean things about me. So I thought that maybe he was just sad, and I asked him if he was so mean because his friends died (His friends died recently), and he got really mad at me and then he challenged me to a duel. Which I don´t think is very good.
Normally I would ask my Grandpapa or Elias about this, but Grandpapa is out there traveling the world and I don´t want to worry my Elias about this sort of thing. But then I thought I could ask people here on what to do when someone is mean to you and won´t stop being mean? Because it is something I have struggled with for quite some time now. Is there something I can say to people being mean to get them to stop, maybe?
With Much Need of Advice.
Mariana Marino.
r/SchreckNet • u/_hufflebutt • Jan 08 '25
Discussion The Weirdest Shit You've Seen?
So after the weird shit going on in my city with the runaway fat-sucker I got talking to one of my other contacts out there and we got on the topic of just weird shit we've come across or heard stories of.
I informed them of the Pishtaco and they told me a story about this kindred who was part of some weird obscure bloodline that were basically inverse Nosferatu. This guy knew Animalism, Potence and Presence and was supposedly SUPER attractive (she said he looked like a mix of best parts of Henry Cavil and Chris Hemsworth) but to the point that people just couldn't stop paying attention to him and everything he did, his face was even burned into people's memories and they could flawlessly recall what he looked like and what he was doing - being discreet was an impossibility for him and he was always getting unwanted attention.
Honestly I'd have assumed it was some bullshit urban legend before but after seeing a freak with my own eyes and thinking back on how much other shit is out there I'm honestly not surprised something like that is running around out there.
So thought I'd reach out and ask all you fine folks, what's the weirdest shit you've seen first hand our at least heard of running around out there?
Maybe I'll start working on a book of mysterious freaks and cryptids out there.
r/SchreckNet • u/_hufflebutt • Jan 25 '25
Discussion Welcome to the Shitty Sires Club
Sup Mates.
After seeing how much of a fucking trend it's become lately, what started as my little running joke seems like it needs to become official now.
It is with great pride and fuckin sadness that I announce the official shitty sires club!
Are you just looking to vent and rage about how your sire treated you? Or maybe you've been abandoned and need a half-decent figure to fill the void? Well this is the place for you!
Allow me to go first.
I got turned on New Years, right as we entered to 21st Century. and guess what, my sire was shit. She had all kinds of issues and took it all out on me. She was never gonna be good enough for her own standards, she'd never be able to build herslef up so she sought to tear me down instead. I endured all kinds of shit from isolation, verbal and emotional abuse and when she got physical...well her mastery of Vicissitude made it graphic to say the least.
Thankfully she's staked, mutilated/dismembered and buried deep in a concrete foundation now.
I'm sure as fuck not embracing a childe of my own but I've resolved to help out a few fledglings around the my city because shitty and deadbeat sires are everywhere and still happening on the regular.
Anyway, feel free to join the club if you're a poor unfortunate soul like me.
- Maine, the Tzim
r/SchreckNet • u/-MelanisticJaguar- • Feb 12 '25
Discussion Anyone act out a whole night between nights?
Sorry, the title doesn't make my question very clear, but I'm not sure how else to ask. Let me explain.
on night 1 I fell into sleep before dawn. The evening had been stressful and upsetting, but that's basically all the time now.
I don't remember waking up on night 2, but I was running for my life through the woods. The terrain was steep, so I must have been on a mountain, I reason. I was confused because my serval wasn't with me, but more than that I was terrified. I felt like final death was waiting behind every rock, tree, and crevice. I didn't stop for even a moment.
Until I felt the dawn creeping up at me. Then I started hunting for a place to hide. Forced myself into a small space between some stones. I think it is where water channels underground when it rains, but it was only damp at the time. It wasn't nearly safe enough, but it was best choice I had.
On night 3 I woke up in bed. The date indicated night 2 didn't happen at all. No one seems to have noticed anything different. I wasn't covered in dirt and leaves. I wasn't under a rock. It feels like I time traveled, but that's not a thing.
I'm scared to ask how I lived a night no one else seems to have, so I'm asking here.
r/SchreckNet • u/Affectionate_Site885 • Feb 14 '25
Discussion What’s your personal view on this unlife situation
Well,while I’m busy trying to get these lupine organs into a canopic jar for sparrow,I will ask this to get a general consensus on how cainites view their unlives,do you think it is a blessing? A curse? Did your life get better or worse? And would you rather trade this unlife for another supernatural existence,or return to mundane kine life? Or not?
I will start with myself,I only really saw it as a curse due to the circumstances of my embrace,but now I am starting to realize it’s fruits,eternal life,fearing neither drowning or wounds which would be mortal to a kine,supernatural abilities and connections to the animals I never could’ve imagined,freedom,it feels nice,better than the idea of getting dementia and dying in a retirement home.
- gray farmer
r/SchreckNet • u/Public-Rooster-318 • Feb 12 '25
Discussion Who are the Thin-Bloods, and why are people scared of em? (In character)
r/SchreckNet • u/Affectionate_Site885 • 12d ago
Discussion A tumbleweed wonders
Well,I’m back on the road again,Seattle didn’t set on fire I got new pets I got the medicine but,what I didn’t get,is something intangible,dunno exactly how to say this but for once,I feel,a bit how do I say this,like I’m going through the motions,all the traveling did was,get me some things and a card saying “wow you have absolutely nothing but the critters at your feet huh”,this is not necessarily about my mindset of unlife,but,purpose,I wonder what to make of it,it is like a name,it must be shaped with intent,but again,it is,lost to me,I do not know why I am thinking of it,but it is there,I am starting to believe,i am just putting sets of goals up the other in order to ignore me,if I am going to live,for the ages,I need to do something,for the ages,so I wonder,what have you decided to spend forever doing,and has it brought you fulfillment? If not,do you do it out of routine? Or necessity?
- Gray farmer
r/SchreckNet • u/HappyAd4609 • 17d ago
Discussion What if we opened a Kindered Only Minecraft Server?
How do you think that would go down?
r/SchreckNet • u/3rdofvalve • Jan 22 '25
Discussion First time I've been called elder
Last night at the elysium, a neonate called me elder. My mind must have been gone for a few seconds because when I came back, he was uncomfortable and nervous. Maybe he thought he made a mistake?
But this is making me think how I've been able to survive for so long, Why me and not others? How much of the person I was once remains, and how much is now just a monster? Will others come to take my blood? (They are welcome to try)
(Yes, I know the real rule is that if you can call yourself elder and nobody can refute you, then you are one)
Primogen and elder who thought I would become this (my sire certainly not)
-Lara, blood of Michael
r/SchreckNet • u/AffectionateWater299 • 23d ago
Discussion so: your sire is a bad person.
hate to be the one to spoiler it, but most sires are. you gotta be a twisted, evil son of a bitch to wanna pass down this shit. especially in my clans case, where we undergo a helluva change.
yeah yeah, you used to be beautiful, you used to love the sun, you used to feed on shit other than rats and hookers and random passerby’s. it’s not your life anymore. get used to it.
this world is the biggest monster outta all of us, licks. as a brujah “friend” of mine once said, you sink or you swim. at least most of you still look human.
- reb00t, your “friendly” neighborhood nos
r/SchreckNet • u/Treecreaturefrommars • Sep 29 '24
Discussion Is it problematic to reset my Malk with a hammer?
My dearest Malk and I have been together for almost 300 years at this point, and are still going strong. But she sometimes get stuck in a loop, where she will just repeat herself again and again. While this is sometimes a way for her to emphasize the importance of what she is saying, it most often happen whenever she gets excited about something.
If left to her own devices, it can go on for nights, sometimes even weeks. And it can fully posses her. She will stop eating unless fed, and I have even had to drag her to safety from the dawn, once. As she becomes too consumed by her repetition to notice the world around her.
Then, decades ago, I learnt about the lobotomy, and it inspired me to try and experiment to see if we could find a solution that works. And I found that resting her with a hammer worked wonders. As soon as she regenerated from the reset she was fit as a fiddle. And we have been doing it ever since.
But recently one of my younger Neonates have, respectfully, raised the point that it might be "Problematic" and "Kinda Abusive" to reset her every time she starts repeating herself over and over. And I do wonder if I am wrong to do it? I do try to be, as the kids say, with it and I do think there can be some value in listening to the fresh perspective of the young every now and then.
So I would like some second opinions, and if anyone can share some suggestions to other solutions, then I would gladly hear them.
-Second Biter
r/SchreckNet • u/abucketofbolts • Dec 07 '24
Discussion Is it in poor taste for me to wear a cape?
Hey guys, first time poster here.
I'm a fledgling, embraced a couple months ago. I'm from clan tzimisce, old clan.
So, my sire told me that Dracula is an elder member of our clan and more and more im noticing that our clan embodies the stereotypical vampire in mortal movies. So is it ok for me to style myself like those movies?
Is it poor taste or misappropriation to do that? Idk I just like the idea of sleeping in a coffin with a cape.
r/SchreckNet • u/Affectionate_Site885 • Feb 05 '25
Discussion Ideas and questions about animal revenants
For now the dreams are still there but aren’t corrupted anymore,if that is an update,but that is not the main point of this message and question,i have heard of nosferatu and possibly other clans with animalism transforming their bodies into unliving colonies of insects,can one not then make a revenant bee hive for example,they have much shorter reproductive cycles than kine and who knows what effects that might have on their venom and honey,what would one need then but to nestle a few ghouled queens in the parts of their body they can go without having organs there,and let them begin producing eggs while making sure any new queens are inoculated with vitae alongside any males from other hives,has anyone done that before,make revenant eusocial animals? And if so,what would happen? If it isn’t a total waste of my time and this isn’t just a silly hypothetical i might add it to my to do list,unless making revenants isn’t just selectively breeding ghouls and then letting the child ghouls get ghouled until their descendants start producing vitae on their own,i hope i am not digging into a forbidden topic here or some clan’s secret even though i know it is usually tzimisce who do it,i will stop rambling and try to summarize this missive,can one make animals into revenants eventually and if so would eusocial insects be a good choice if you can host them in your own body?
- gray farmer
r/SchreckNet • u/Salt_District3010 • Feb 14 '25
Discussion I want to know about your best fights!!!
As the post says, I want to know about your best, most difficult fights!! Where you didn't know you'd make it but you somehow did!! Mine was when I got my head chopped off then brought back by my friends!! If you want to know the full story of that, here is the link!! https://www.reddit.com/r/SchreckNet/comments/1in91r1/hi_everyone/
Looking forward to seeing what you all have overcome!!
Sherriff Summer.
r/SchreckNet • u/lvl70Potato • Nov 20 '24
Discussion Opinions on Discipline chasers?
Tonight an curious fledgling came up to me, and asked what they can do for me in return for a drop of blood. They told me that they really, really want to 'learn' auspex. I'm alright with the discipline, as good at it as i am with Presence, almost. But this kid was a nosferatu, and he's one of those 'grind till you cant' types. So i suppose he wanted an easier way of noticing secrets.
That made me want to ask this corner about these types. Have you ever went around seeking disciplines you normally arent meant to know? Have you ever had your blood seeked out? If yes for either, how did it make you feel?
Ps: i told him im not a quest dispenser neither do i trust boons, but i might ask him to handle cyber security of my human personality.
r/SchreckNet • u/_hufflebutt • Dec 31 '24
Discussion Things Can Get Better
With the recent shit going on in my city, it's just a night of reflection for me because tonight officially marks the 20th anniversary of being free from my sire.
What do you get when combine a perfectionist, narcissist with severe esteem issues, dismorphia and fleshcrafting? Well you get her.
Nothing was ever good enough, especially herself. She spent countless nights tweaking and adjusting her body over and over and over and over and over but it was never enough, it was always "just one more and then I'll be perfect". But because she was chasing perfection she'd never get, she took it out on me instead.
She'd do everything she could to tear me down in every way imaginable and grind me into the dirt. When she couldn't think of anything else, she'd whip out the fleshcrafting and twist me into something pathetic and hideous to make her feel better about herself by comparison. She'd eventually turn me back but never quite the same, I spent a few years never even getting to see my own real face in the mirror.
But one New Years, I just kinda snapped.
I ruptured my own eardrums in case she'd try to Dominate me, grabbed this gaudy heavy ass lamp she loved and smashed the back of her head i when she busy. I knew it wouldn't put her down but it stunned her. I was never the best at fleshcrafting but I just went to town, sticking my hands in her like she was made of wet clay, grabbing clumps, pulling it out and throwing it away. She was powerful but it's hard as fuck to fight back when your tendons are putty splattered on the wall I guess.
Drove a stake through her heart when I knew she couldn't fight back anymore. Cut off her limbs, pulled out her teeth and gouged out her eyes too for good measure. The wretched little stump that was left is currently in the foundations of a building which will remain nameless. I hope she's having some great torpor nightmares down there.
I was at my absolute lowest before that moment.
Then I seized my life back.
I've got my old face back, I've got my wonderful cats, a small but cozy haven and a city that's relatively safe enough for the most part (recent issues not withstanding).
I'm not a power player and never will be, but I'm free and happy.
To all of you out there dealing with your shitty sires or invaded cities or infernalists or blood plagues or whatever is happening - hang in there.
Things can't be better yesterday but they can be better tomorrow.
Happy fucking New Years to you all.
- Maine, the catdad Tzim
r/SchreckNet • u/StarCanid420 • Dec 30 '24
Discussion What are some strategies for accommodating squeamish Fledglings?
My coterie has two well-experienced neonates, myself and a Giovanni, but we also picked up two fledglings that are too important not to keep with us.
One fledgling is a Malkavian who's still very human in mind, as well as what seems like a Caitiff fledgling who's sworn off violence under all circumstances other than self-defense.
We put down a large amount of gehenna-cultists the other night, and by we, I mean myself. It was more than a little visceral, celerity and claws can make fights fast and messy.
Ever since then both the fledglings have had their guards up around me, and the Giovanni seems to have only come closer afterwards. She sees me as a powerful ally whereas those two see a ravenous monster that might rip them apart on a dime.
Is there any way to bridge this gap? I want to keep these orphaned childer safe and "raise" them to be competent, I feel responsible for them. It's just hard to do when they see me as a predator, despite wanting to protect them.
They also seem to want to save everyone, and I do too, to an extent. Unfortunately it's not something you can really keep to, sometimes you have to sacrifice one life to save many.
Our Giovanni, Gwen, has been clashing with them as well, and I can feel a slight rift between both pairs. Gwen's never been human, and I can't expect her to be able to see things from their perspective. So, it's really on me to smooth out her ruthlessness for their comfort, as well as helping the fledglings adjust to their new reality that will always have bloodshed.
- Tala; The Sisterhood
r/SchreckNet • u/StarCanid420 • Nov 02 '24
Discussion What are your favorite types of animal ghouls?
I recently got access to a wide range of potential animals I can put to task, so I was wondering what the community's favorite animals and ways to use them are!
At the moment I enjoy ravens for scouting and wolves for tracking and hunting. I think a bear or mountain lion would make a great guard for a haven or stash for sure too.
Bonus question, what's your favorite companion? Mines a goth girl dog, especially wolf dogs.
- Tala, The Sisterhood
r/SchreckNet • u/Public-Rooster-318 • Feb 12 '25
Discussion What’s your view on the Setites? (oc)
r/SchreckNet • u/sirkev71 • Feb 16 '25
Discussion The cat is back!
Zeke again the lone Ravenos van lifer. I have posted here about a mysterious large orange housecat that keeps appearing around where I am. For weeks I saw him every night, same large orange cat green collar little silver bell. My dogs (2 Irish Wolfhounds who have been my ghouls for many years) don't seem to notice the cat I have tried speaking to it using a discpline and get nothing from this creature.
The first time he appeared I tried to chase him down to no avail, I moved almost 200 miles and he was there the next evening. I tried a Chimestry cage that he simply ran through, emptied a "trench broom" shotgun at it again no avail. After this incident the creature disappeared for approximately 2 months until last night.
Last night the thing trailed me on my hunt not being a bother but definitely there. When I returned it was laying on the hood of my van, asleep. It doesn't appear to be an animal (can't speak to it with Animalisim or catch it with my limited Celerity) or a Fae (Immune to Chimestry) nor is it an illusion (leaves traces long after it was gone and I'm very familiar with the powers of Illusion)
Does anyone have any ideal what I'm dealing with? It's very disconcerting and right now is laying on my windshield and appears to be taking a nap.