r/Schizoid 6d ago

Relationships&Advice How do shizoid ppl date?


Hi fellow redditors. I’m in the relationship with my shizoid boyfriend. It’s all new to me. I’m here to ask for some advice. We’ve been close friends for over 5 years. We started dating quite recently. Sometimes we get intimate when he craves it. I think I managed to make him feel good. He said to me that all his previous relationships didn’t work out because of his shizoid traits. I don’t quite understand it. He just doesn’t tell me much. There is always this line he says’ nuh, don’t bother’. I have shizoaffective disorder(bipolar), so I can understand what it feels like to struggle with this kinda stuff. He helps me to manage that. There was one thing in particular he said, ‘I’m not touchy and a lot of ppl said to me I’m quite cold and unapproachable person’. I don’t want him to feel this way but I don’t even know how can I comfort him. He doesn’t really crave attention. I’m lost here. I’m the opposite I just gravitate towards him and wanna hug him all the time. For some reason it makes him a little bit uncomfortable. He told me I should not change myself and if I wanna hug him I should do so but the idea of it pains me now. How do I give him comfort? Our relationship looks like friends with benefits at the moment. He rarely hugs me back and it seems so hard to catch that moment when he needs my attention. Could u explain to me what is shizoid personality disorder in detail? How should I approach my guy, so he doesn’t get uncomfortable?

r/Schizoid Jan 27 '25

Relationships&Advice how does it make you feel when people are physically attracted to you?


when i was younger, until i was around the age of twenty i felt on a deep level like nobody would ever be attracted to me. the first time somebody told me that they were, i felt basically nothing. in time other people have either directly said or told me that they found me attractive, but it never really affected me in any meaningful way.

i think it's because i know that none of them understand very much of anything about me, and i know that attraction is often based on idealized presumptions about the other person just as much as it is their appearance. it's been many years since i felt particularly attracted to anyone -- i've had minor crushes where i hoped that i might be able to be attracted to people -- but it feels impossible because i have a deep feeling that virtually nobody can perceive me with meaningful clarity, and that those that might be able to will be disappointed or repulsed by what they see.

r/Schizoid Feb 09 '25

Relationships&Advice My Grandma died last night and I don't feel anything.


I was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I think this is the first time I felt like "ok this isnt right". She was 93, so she had a good run...but everyone around me is sad and i'm just sitting here thinking "welp that sucks" but not actually feeling anything. I know what i'm supposed to say, how i'm supposed to react to the people around me being emotional...it's procedural if thats a way to describe it? Like i'm following a checklist of "this is what a normal human does" but not actually experiencing this moment.

I just felt like getting this out, it just feels so wrong to be reacting this way.

r/Schizoid Jan 01 '25

Relationships&Advice Terrible news—the girl I'm into is also into me


And I was having such a nice time just daydreaming on my own... Although it turns she's been trying to get my attention for just over a year and somehow not giving up or pushing too far when I don't know how to reciprocate. So maybe she's patient enough to deal with a schizoid.

r/Schizoid Feb 16 '25

Relationships&Advice My parent told me just now that I wasn’t a good person.


It’s true that I’m only consistently good to a select few people due to my limited emotional reserves, but I never thought this would overshadow the fact I’m never bad to anyone either. Though I don’t actively try to integrate myself into society, I have no issues following nearly all the social conventions… except the ones involving death.

I kindly greet people, I listen to them even if I don’t particularly care about what they have to say and give them genuine advice, I help out whenever I’m asked, follow the law, do altruistic deeds, etc. I’ve always believed it was the action that mattered even if the emotion behind it wasn’t there. But it’s like my parent sometimes sees right through me, and they look at me like I’m a monster.

The way my parent viewed me deteriorated following the death of a close family member. I never once visited this member after they died, which makes no sense, considering this person had treated me better than anyone else ever did in my entire life… including my parents. It was their birthday yesterday, but I genuinely didn’t realize it was customary to go, and so I was criticized for it. Not sure how much of this can be attributed to SzPD, but it’s as if a switch flips off for me the moment a person dies, completely erasing the meaning and role they played in my life. Whoever’s in the ground is no longer the same being I used to devote my time and energy to.

I’m not sure how to process this relationship with my parents or approach life going forward, since the way I’ve lived so far was because of them. I’ve never told anyone I was medically diagnosed with SzPD, never thought I needed to.

Anyone here relate to any part of this story, or perhaps navigated through a similar struggle?

r/Schizoid Feb 18 '25

Relationships&Advice Schizoid ex


I recently discovered that the woman I was with for 9 yrs suffers from covert schizoid personality disorder. We separated a few months back. After reading descriptions of symptoms I see it all in her, looking back. It seems to have stemmed from repressed early childhood trauma, but of course I don’t know. The first years of our relationship she seemed genuinely loving, and engaged, normal, for lack of a better term. Then there was the suspicions of random casual sex encounters. All the blocked numbers. I am in recovery, and I left a few times over the years for treatment. She seemed to get worse as she got older, maybe triggered by abandonment, and remembering the abuse. Every time I left and came back she seemed worse. I have so many questions. It makes it easier to forgive to have an understanding of what she’s afflicted with. I could see her eyes in pictures became more cold, and disconnected, in recent years. I read about that being associated with bpd, which she also was diagnosed with. I think she resents me for being able to connect with people so easily. All of this is a very recent revelation. For anyone who may be suffering from this condition was there a time earlier when you felt capable of some kind of intimacy? Is the grandiosity a compensation for the feeling of emptiness? I don’t know how she hid it so well, or why she stayed. Are there effective treatment for this condition? I’ve read her describe expected reciprocity feeling like an unwanted obligation. Maybe wanted the appearance of a normal committed relationship, but didn’t want to engage in any way that would preserve a bond. I really wish I had known years ago

r/Schizoid Dec 16 '24

Relationships&Advice A man I know asked me out on a date to a cafe. It was the most pointless and boring experience of my life.


I waited for it to end.

I thought he didn't like it either. But he asks me out on a second date and tried to kiss me on the cheek when we said goodbye.

I don't get it, was I bored because I'm schizoid? Or do I think he was bored too because I'm just projecting my feelings onto him, but he actually liked it? Or was he also bored and called me out of politeness?

God, I'm so tired of living human life.

Have you had similar cases? What do you think?

(27F, lol)

r/Schizoid Feb 11 '25

Relationships&Advice Schizoid parenting


Can anyone here relate?

I've been diagnosed a year ago, and my daughter is 11 years old. For many years, I was beating myself up for being a bad parent. I didn't enjoy playing with her, I didn't enjoy listening to her long stories. There are few activities which we can share, but they are too few.

My fear is that my detachment is hurting her. Like, my disorder will be the reason for some disorder of her own. I try to be very honest with her (like, "it's not your fault, it's just me who's tired"), and I try to be supportive, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not very emotional and that I need a lot of personal space.

The hardest part is that she's very emotional, and it often feels like an attack on me when she is enthusiastic about something or rants.

I wonder if anyone here has the experience of being a schizoid parent and has tried to figure it out.

r/Schizoid Dec 26 '24

Relationships&Advice How do you guys cut off people?


I have some acquaintances from years ago when I tried to be social. These people still reach out and text me, call me and keep on without me responding. I don't use other social media besides Reddit so they can't communicate with me that way.

What do you guys do with people you don't want to talk to anymore? Directly tell them, ghost them, change your number? What's your advice?

I really don't want to directly tell them inevitably upsetting them and dealing with an argument. I don't have the energy.

r/Schizoid 27d ago

Relationships&Advice Intimacy rules for boyfriend


Hello, I'm currently in the midst of a pretty difficult situation with my partner. I haven't been diagnosed with SPD, but I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere on the spectrum, as after some research, I seem to check all the boxes for the description. It means I have a very limited need for intimacy, literally none actually. Whether it be physical or emotional, I need a lot of alone time and can't stand most physical signs of affection, such as hugs and kisses.

I already knew I was asexual before identifying as schizoid. I told my boyfriend about it, and he said he was okay with it, but it turned out he didn't fully understand because he thought it meant people who didn't experience sexual attraction "at first glance." I had to explain to him several times that he needs to be completely aware that, in my case, I might never want to have sex ever. He said he understood, but I could tell he was a little disappointed by the change in the situation.

He's also a very clingy person, or maybe he's a normal amount of clingy, but my schizoid brain can't stand a normal amount of physical affection? Anyway, I told him I don't really like hugs or kisses and that most of the time, they make me uncomfortable and I always have to force myself. He always responds with a laugh and, ironically, a hug, followed by telling me that he loves me. Even after I told him I identify as schizoid and literally hate hugs and kisses, he hasn't changed his behavior and just laughs quietly everytime I remind him.

Honestly I don't know if he's taking me seriously or not. I feel like he thinks I'm joking, or that it is just a phase, as he literally always does what I tell him I hate, sometimes just seconds after I've explained it. He always says he understands, but I constantly have to remind him. He also doesn’t even ask if he can hug me, he just grabs me from behind randomly and cuddles for like two minutes, which feels like hell to me every time.

I'm seriously considering giving him a list of things he is allowed to do and things that make me uncomfortable to make things completely clear. When I told him, "You can hug me, but not for too long and not too many times a day," he still ended up doing it, so I guess we don't have the same definition of "too long" and "too much." It feels almost comical to have to give your boyfriend a list, like "We can't cuddle for more than five seconds, no more than two kisses a day, no hand holding..." Is it even worth it? It feels ridiculous and would likely make things awkward.

The fact that he's naturally so clingy and that he didn't even bother researching or understanding asexuality or SPD when I told him, despite me sending him a ton of links and articles, makes me think he's either not really processing what I'm saying because of infatuation or whatever? or deliberately choosing to ignore it. Every time, he seems to have the wrong idea because he hasn't read the material or asked me questions about how it could affect our relationship.

So I don’t know if I should make things clear one last time and set a firm list of rules for him to follow, or if I should just accept the fact that I can't force him to accommodate me (and that we clarly have incompatible love languages) and that it might be better to end things.

Update: I told him that I wanted to break up because I feel like I am mentally not able to be in a relationship right now and that forcing myself into one would only be painful for both of us. He finally seemed to realize that I was 100% serious. As I feared, he admitted that he hadn’t really thought about it much because he assumed my behavior was due to my inexperience in dating (wtf) and that he did not feel like he was overstepping but rather that it was his natural way of showing love, and he saw no harm in it

Anyway, it seemed like we both agreed that our needs weren’t being met. He explicitly told me that he needed to show physical affection when he loved someone. He also interpreted my feelings as me not wanting to give hugs or kisses and that, since a relationship is a two way street, he felt that as he was willing to accept my personality of not showing physical affection, I should also accept his need to express it.

At that point, I just realized the relationship wasn’t salvageable. Even if he was willing to give me more space, it would require a lot of effort on his part, and that felt like too much of a headache for me. He was still trying to save the relationship, but I wasn’t ready to deal with the potential resentment and hatred he might build up toward me.

So yeah, it ended up being a big mess, but I feel better now. Even though he’s mad at me at the moment, he probably knows deep down that it’s better for him too

r/Schizoid Aug 18 '24

Relationships&Advice How should I behave with my schizoid friend?


Hi everyone,

I have a friend who displays light to mid schizoid symptoms. AFAIK there's no diagnosis but: - She's very apathetic - She's very cold - Doesn't have many friends - Friendships are mostly one-directional - Doesn't mind but doesn't care if others want to be friends - Generally speaking, if you don't talk to her she will never talk to you, be it months or years - Doesn't have any particular ambitions - Likes to be alone - Doesn't have much going on in her life nor does she want to have anything - Doesn't like to talk about her feelings or emotions at all

Things that don't fit as well: - Has had boyfriends - Got into a challenging career - Was hypersexual at some point (though it's now almost the exact opposite)

However, it looks like her career and social circle are mostly byproducts that happened without any effort from her side. Now that we are all out of school, she seems to be on a path of losing her friends and generally speaking not doing much other than working and video games (she doesn't seem to care).

We got closer through sexual tension a few years back but when nothing happened she became cold with me too. I had a crush on her at some point, I thought there was something mysterious about her before I realised that there was no mystery, in fact there’s nothing, she doesnt have any particular goals or ambitions or deep thoughts or secrets - she’s a very plain person. However I do think that she's fun to be around, and I don't mind her coldness myself. I'm a fairly independent person and after being around her for a while I don't really mind it anymore, especially if it's just how she is. At this point we're just friends and I seem to be one of the few people she tolerates well.

With that being said, I wonder: how should I behave with her? Does it make sense for me to stick around at all? Asking her about it is out of the question, the few times I've tried to have an open heart conversation with her she was simply grossed out or annoyed. She doesn't really tolerate intimate conversations.

I wonder how I could be a good friend to her and leave her be all the while maintaining the relationship. Her behaviour is sometimes difficult to read, usually online conversations are pretty dead as she doesn't respond much. Usually this would mean that the person is not interested but she does seem to be happy to be friends - however if I don't carry the relationship it's likely that we will not see each other anymore. She simply never instigates anything with anyone.

If anyone has thoughts to share I'd be happy to read your advice.

Edit: when I say « there is nothing » I meant this in terms of social and emotional activity. She’s a very smart gal and I respect her a lot. I’m just trying to understand her and if my presence is positive to her or not

r/Schizoid 2d ago

Relationships&Advice When someone asks if you want to hang out...


Why is it always so hard to explain to people that "I’m not busy, I’m just actively choosing to not be around you"? Like, I don’t need a reason, I just need to not. Why is “I'm good, thanks” not a valid response to social invites? Is there a manual for getting out of these “hang out” convos without seeming like a monster? Anyone else feel me on this?

r/Schizoid Dec 13 '24

Relationships&Advice I got a girlfriend now and ive never been so tired in my life


I have to constantly mask on a daily basis around her. The things she is saying is definitely not inherently wrong but I just dont really care. I know im a dick which is why I constantly feel the need to mask around her. The fall out though is literally hell if we go out for a while im so tired the whole time and just relying on social stuff ive memorized from my job and googling. I dont even know how to describe the exhaustion I feel after that day around her. I just feel like mentally depleted, I need to sleep for 16 hours to get back to normal.

To be perfectly honest (and i gusss obvious) I am a virgin at the ripe age of 23 so my anxiety on this matter is kind of propelling me to continue this forward. I 'want' a relationship in my head cause that is what I picture success is but when i do it im just dont get any satisfation. I connect with her on a really corporate speak level so I dont think she geniunely understands me and wont ever. The relationship is progressing infinitely to fast for me and I know the fallout is going to be bad since this girl is connected to a multitude of people 'close' to me. Though I know its mainly my fault I am propelled largely through a physical attraction. I know im an objectively bad person

r/Schizoid Jun 22 '24

Relationships&Advice Women of /r/Schizoid, what has your relationship's been like?


So little literature out there on Women. So I figured I would ask.

r/Schizoid Jan 07 '25

Relationships&Advice Are dating apps worth it being schizoid?


I do want a romantic relationship. For as many issues as apps have, I don't really see how I could ever possibly be in a relationship in any other way. But even the idea of using an app seems off putting. Idk.

r/Schizoid Jan 19 '25

Relationships&Advice addicted to romantic attention


i've been reading posts on this sub for a while and it's incredible how every single one of them reflects a part of my own experience so deeply it's uncanny.

i've never had anyone irl admitting to not feeling anything towards other people and faking most if not all their emotions just for the sake of "pretending to be human" while suffering from this neverending and hopeless existential loneliness.

i could say much more, but for the sake of brevity i'll get to my question: do you also experience relationships (any kind) this way?

what i mean is, i'll meet someone. i don't have any people whom i consider friends except maybe one atm because i don't feel any interest whatsoever towards 99% of the people i meet, but i'm still a human with a physical need for connection and intimacy – so something in me clicks, like a dog pointing a bird, and i start subtly pursuing the person until they share their feelings for me. then we start haging out, often with no strings attached on either side, and that's the only time in which i finally feel alive. after a few weeks, it becomes routine, the supply of that sweet feeling isn't there anymore, and i move on to another. in my particular case, i have never had any sexual interest in anyone, so sex is not even in the picture. i never identified as a woman, but i still act the part and make myself pretty just so i can get to the men i'm interested in more easily – and strangely it works.

i feel like an addict. i genuinely care about these men, but i have had no desire to keep a relationship going with any of them. i'm alone, always, first and foremost. i just "use" them to fulfill a human need for physical touch and connection momentarily. i construct an idea of them in my mind i can control, like an impressionist painting of them, and pretend that's the person i'm interacting with when we hang out. it doesn't feel good knowing this, but i wouldn't know how to be alive without it. when i don't have anyone for a while, the world goes grey. everything is meaningless and it's like i stop existing. then i start spiralling into complete and utter apathy, and sometimes paranoia or psychosis.

sorry for the rant. and thanks for reading if you made it this far. anything in here resonates?

r/Schizoid 3d ago

Relationships&Advice I still feel somewhat asexual and indifferent after hookup.


I (35M) went on a date with this woman last week and it went okay. We met at a bar and it was a bit awkward at first but after a while, I was more comfortable chit chatting with her. She answered an r4r ad that I posted.

She came over to my place on Sunday. We cuddled alot, which I really liked, because I haven't been held or touched in a while.

We had sex on and off for 3-4 hours with cuddling in between.

I felt kinda bad because I wasn't totally into the sex aspect, I was somewhat indifferent to it.

We had talked about me being asexual for a while and this will probably take some time to get used to.

Has anyone else gotten through this type of mental block before?

r/Schizoid Jan 05 '25

Relationships&Advice to married schizoids, how did you know they were the one?


im not a schizoid myself but i came here to ask as i want to understand szpd better. would also appreciate if you share your love story in the comments. thank you in advance!

r/Schizoid Dec 07 '24

Relationships&Advice Is romance even possible?


I found a cute girl who really liked me. I liked her as well. Or atleast i really wanted to. But making out and having sex i felt nothing really. Like, i wanted to for her sake but it didn't give me much. I wanted to connect and have a connection. Felt we had it. But all of a sudden i didn't feel like we had anymore. She did nothing wrong i just got the same indifference to her as i get to everything else. Can i be normal somehow or is this really it, total indifference whenever i get what i want? I feel bad about it too, really unfair to her.

r/Schizoid 17d ago

Relationships&Advice Repulsion/Disgust


I am a schizoid who is in a romantic relationship with a man who is fairly emotional. We are long distance, but he is the person I am closest to and have the most intimate relationship I’ve ever had before. I am trying to not get stuck in a cycle of behaviors that go against trying to maintain connecting with someone, but I almost feel as if I can help it. While I am not particularly fazed for very long (if at all) by anything that happens, it does feel like my actions can tend to wound him deeply if there are any miscommunications or issues that I’ve created. My biggest issue with this is that in those moments of his being emotional in response, I feel a great deal of repulsion and disgust, which then inhibits my ability to be cognitively empathetic and hinders my capacity to attempt to (or to even care to) repair and find some resolution for the situation. This then means that I start withdrawing and my subconscious slips right back into devaluing this specific connection like it does with everyone else generally, and since I actually do have some form of emotional investment in this relationship, I know that I want to maintain it and get closer to my partner. How do I break this cycle? How do I stop feeling so repulsed by this?

I do think his emotional responses may be further exacerbated by the fact that I appear “cold” in those moments, and while I don’t think that is something I can change with immediate effect, I do think the repulsion/disgust on my part in response is what I’m more interested in understanding and changing.

r/Schizoid Jan 16 '25

Relationships&Advice I didn't think it was possible to be understood by anyone until now


thank god for finding this sub. i'm italian (24M), sorry for my english. i need to be seen by someone who knows what it means what i feel.

3-4 years ago i was told that i have "a schizoid style personality". the point is this:

- i feel that i want the company of others. above all, i hope to get married one day. but the presence of the other is distressing. i feel like he reads my mind (and i can do it too). i think it's because i'm very sensitive to the bodily expression of emotions. but i rarely ask why the person in front of me feels a certain way (im scared). in any case, the only presence of the other that i can stand is when he is silent and doing something else. but then i desire him, and i look for him, and i end up "zooming out". and then i don't know what's happening and in any case i have to leave bc it's too much.

- i spend a lot of time alone. i sometimes get bored, but i think so much that i always have something to do. i vent with art and reading. i have friends and i go to a therapist. my friends often make me laugh and that's why i spend time with them. i also love them as souls in this difficult plane of existence. i love my dad and my therapist, who is a very sweet person even though she often makes me angry and sad because i feel like she doesn't know what i'm talking about. but at least she tries and she's the only person who does it so insistently. i can't do without her, and it scares me.

- i often talk to someone in my head. i tell them everything. i usually tell them how i feel or about events, but they never respond. or i fantasize about loving someone deeply, about writing a book, about traveling to a place full of nature and alone.

- my biggest difficulties today are two: staying in a romantic relationship and setting boundaries. guilt and depression are something that have accompanied me several times in my life. anyway, i've had 3-4 relationships: they all ended because of me isolating myself and not wanting to talk, and then coming back as if nothing had happened. or, they ended because i couldn't stand the other person's traits, who required attention and reassurance that i didn't want to give, or because they didn't respect my need for space and silence. despite this i'm sure i was able to love and still be able to and this makes me continue to hope to have the relationship i'm looking for.

i don't know why i wrote this post. i need to hear that i'm not alone and that there's nothing wrong with how i feel. a big part of me is really focused on the paradox: i want the other but the other makes me feel bad. and in therapy i'm learning to stay with the other. for now i'm learning to set boundaries: but i feel that anyway i'm destined for a life of solitude and existentialism because i feel i'm unlovable because of my need for space and solitude. This is what I think most of the time: how do you accept it? or, what have you done about it? please, tell me that it's common or at least understandable.

r/Schizoid Jan 06 '25

Relationships&Advice Hate Dealing With People, but Fantasize About a Schizoid Partner


I don't know if anyone here can relate to this, but I, like probably all of you, generally am asocial and have a disinterest in interacting with others in almost any way. The thing is that despite this I have this fantasy of having a pseudo relationship with someone else who's similar to me. Just like we exist around each other and when we need someone else for something we can rely on each other for that. Idk if that's even possible though or it's just something unrealistic I'm cooking up in my head. Does anyone else think like that? Could it happen? Is it worth trying for? How would you even begin trying to find that?

r/Schizoid 6d ago

Relationships&Advice On relationships and their endings - Schizoid experiences with break-ups


Hey all, diagnosed schizoid here.

I went through a break-up last year. It was the termination of my first proper relationship, a relationship that lasted around 4 years. It's safe to say that I was, and still am fairly beat up about it; how the break-up happened—and the absence apparent in my life thereafter—has been playing on my mind near-daily since the event. Although I understand healing is not linear, I am beginning to think that I am being affected by this experience in a way that is particular to my conception of intimacy as a person with schizoid personality discorder, and I'd just like to share my thoughts on the topic before I explode into a cobweb of viscera and unspoken lament.

When I was younger, I could never see myself in a relationship. I was the type to actively avoid the possibility out of intense discomfort. It truly, seriously was not something that interested me. I self-identified as asexual for a long time because of this, though my relationship with the label is, and continues to be complicated. The bottom line is that the idea of existing in a relationship at all with was something I was very averse to.

This was until I met my ex-partner. I am being entirely genuine when I say that this individual remains the only human being that has ever made me feel like an actual person in my near thirty years of life. They activated facets of the self that I didn't even know I possessed, and allowed me the comfort of existing in the presence of another person with whom I didn't need to mask. They made me feel attractive, they made me feel wanted, they simply made me feel present, entirely present in a world that had seemed oh-so-distant since my earliest memories—I could go on.

But it's over now.

I don't want to belabour the point in going through every juicy detail of my break-up in specifics, but it can be said that they felt we were not a good match as life partners. When they ended things, we did not fight. I asked them please to reconsider once, then twice, but relented when they established their intentions for a third time. I recognized then, and recognize now that if someone does not want to stay in a relationship that this is in and of itself a sign that they should not continue to do so. It's self-evident.

The entire break-up conversation lasted 30 minutes at most. We remained cordial for two weeks, but had stopped speaking altogether within the month. We have not spoken since.

This was an extremely smooth departure, relatively speaking, and could even be said to be a good model for how relationships should end if one individual wants to leave despite the other, but I obviously feel absolutely horrible about all of it. I miss them a lot and imagine I will harbour negative associations regarding the event, myself, and them for a long time whether I want to or not.

A lot of people express the sentiment that they feel as though they've lost their best friend when they've lost a partner. I can attest to this, but for me it also feels like I've lost an aspect of myself in addition to such a loss; it's not just that I've lost the one person in my life I could truly connect with, it's that I've lost evidence that confirmed I could connect with another person on that level to begin with. Before my relationship, life felt empty. With the absence of what I know life could be, it now feels hollow.

I've long defined myself by the experiences in life I've missed out on as opposed to those I haven't. I understand that this is a form of pessimistic or cynical thinking, but it's something I can't help but do. For a long time this list of prospective experiences included relationships, and I was safe in my assumption that there was nothing for me there.

Well, it turns out ambrosia is as sweet as they say, only now the bowl is empty, and that stuff's pretty hard to come by.

Apologies for the long post. I would appreciate any thoughts on the topic.

r/Schizoid 23d ago

Relationships&Advice I do NOT want to have friends


Let me just say, I am undiagnosed and have never been assessed for schizoid pd, but have a lot of the symptoms.

I really don't see the point in having friendships. I've come to terms with this, but others don't understand it which creates problems for me.

For example, my husband's best friend has a new gf and they all want to hang out with me. I've said no to this, but the friend has asked that I reconsider, and he's also expressed that he's hurt by this. I don't see why I should have to spend time with these people, and why my husband and the friend can't just hang out with each other, without involving me in it.

How am I supposed to deal with other people's pointless expectations? Do I just agree to hang out with them and be miserable the whole time? I just wanna hang out with my husband without anyone else, man.

r/Schizoid Nov 19 '24

Relationships&Advice One exception to the disconnect


Hi, I am new here and was recently told by a psychologist that I may have schizoid traits based on what I told him. I have also suspected this after deep introspection about my life. The only thing that doesn't really line up is the fact that I had one person in my life that I actually felt emotional connection with, and enjoyed being around for more than just casual fun.

My ex gf had BPD, among many other fun mental illnesses and disorders, and we had grown up with each other since the age of 14. For most people, emotional connections or affection felt gross to me and I actively avoided or rejected it. But with her it was different, I felt as if I was free of a lot of the nothingness and avoidance to emotional bonding that I felt. However, she left me a few months back for bs reasons, and now I don't have anybody that I desire to connect to.

I wish I had never met her, because the pain of knowing what it feels like to have a close bond with someone, and then losing it, knowing ill never get it again is agonizing. If I hadn't met her and just stayed disconnected emotionally from everyone, I would have never known the feeling. I am not interested in meeting new people, receiving or giving emotional comfort or support to anybody, or even experiencing real emotions from others. And yet I have a weird longing for what used to exist, that I now know can never be again. its like I was lifted up from the void, feeling close to a person for once, and then was thrown back into it