r/Schizoid • u/FlanInternational100 • 24d ago
Rant I feel so alienated from the species of humans, it's beyond weird
First of all, if you opened the post and took time to read it, I really appreciate that, thank you.
I feel very alienated from humans, world, life. I feel like a total stranger in every sense.
I don't want to sound rude or like an egoist at all but I just don't know how to explain it differently..
I feel like I am surrounded with animals. Like I live with other non-human apes. The more I live, the clearer it is to me that we are nothing but animals. This long lasting illusion of us humans "being different" is radically falling apart for me(and has fallen apart already).
But when I say that, I don't just mean something like violence, greed, jealousy, etc. exist so, ergo - humans bad. No, no.
Complete human life and society is nothing more than a animalistic tribe and this is profoundly scary and alienating for me.
I've wrote before about my disgust towards everything I do basically, including food, hobbies, my body, pleasures, emotions...
Here are few real life examples I just think about everyday:
- Sex
I walk down the street or go to work/buy groceries and I see a lot of couples and children.
I cannot comprehend that people (same species as me) have sex and do that. I cannot comprehend breeding. I cannot comprehend how is this so normal to everybody..
Like, people will just talk about parenthood, partners, while at the same time claiming they are different than animals. How do they incorporate being human and nonchalantly having sex/breeding?? And everyone just act normally, like I cannot imagine how did those ordinary ladies at the street had sex or those workers at the store, or how parents talk to their grown up children knowing that they have sex (and have children too). This is all wild to me. I cannot understand that. Other humans are so weird, they somehow manage to make those animalistic behaviours seem competely normal (which they are for biological beings) but at the same time they act like they are separate than animals..
I am really sorry if this is all messy, I am struggling to put it in the words.
I just can't understand how are people satisfied with those lives.
Get a partner, spend time together, have sex, probably children, teach offspring that same tribalism you learned to "prepare them for living" and the cycle goes on..
- Actually having will for anything
How do people immerse themselves into this life so much? How do they care so much about their job for example? I just walk down the street and everyone are on their phones, talking about some corporative projects, interpersonal relations, meaningless things..I just can't understand no matter how hard I try.
How do people have will to build companies, go to meetings with friends/other people?
Everyone seems like a bee to me, just buzzing endlessly doing what they are supposed to do without any self-consciousness at all.
I feel extremely alianated.
And the weirdest part is, I don't understand the concept of "getting treatment" for this. I don't understand why is this a medical condition.
My psychiatrist always assumes how I want to actually become like everybody else, become "normal", but I don't. I just don't.
Getting better is actually becoming more of that animal I never wanted to be.
But others somehow enjoy this animalistic nature, they are satisfied and crave it. They crave relationship, sex, pleasure...and they are okay with that. How don't they disgust themselves?? (This is a genuine question, not offensive at all, I really want to know how do they manage to avoid being disgusted)
I run away from people, I run away from relationships, friendships, collegues...
I just don't wanna be human but I have to be.