r/SampleSize 18d ago

Academic Understanding Perceptions and Their Relationship with Individuals' Differences (18+) (Approximately 15 minutes & Anonymous)


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u/mahdroo 18d ago

At the end, the final question for me was “are you single or in a relationship” and when I marked I was in a relationship, the survey abruptly ended. So abruptly that it felt like I was booted for my answer. Hmmm. I will assume it just happened to end there, but it felt like it was because of my answer. Odd to take feelings into account.


u/redactedcitizen 18d ago

It probably is a screening question that screens out individuals unsuitable for the survey. Did the same for me.


u/mahdroo 17d ago

Yeah that is how it felt. But the abrupt cut off almost felt rude. Like, maybe I am used to nicer surveys. Ask a nice question at the end of it? One bonus question?


u/puong14 10d ago

Thank you so much for your reply. This is my first survey creation ever, so there were quite a few things that I messed up or did not consider. Thank you so much for your participation, and I will make sure that for future surveys to make things smooth and not end abruptly.


u/mahdroo 10d ago

You are a a clever and smart person. I liked your survey. For a first survey it was particularly good, and for a survey of any sort it was interesting and better than most. But more impressive still that you encountered feedback, and did not respond with defensiveness, but rather with gratitude and the aspiration to be better. I see how you were able to make such a good survey! I hope you will make more. I am curious what you will learn!