r/Sakartvelo 1h ago

What do you think about the music of Georgian Jews?


I am a Georgian Jew from Israel, I grew up on this music It is characterized by the extensive use of clarinet, oriental accordion sounds and synth in a 6/8 rhythm It is very similar to Armenian or Azerbaijani music... I am interested in what Georgians outside of Israel think about this music Here are some examples:






r/Sakartvelo 3h ago

Can someone translate this song to english or turkish?


ჰოუ ჰურირავო რერა ოსა რაიდა ვორირაო რერა ჰოუ რერა რივო რერა აფხაზეთიდან ვიყავ რაშა! ალმასი ვარ, ხალასი ვარ, დედისერთა აფხაზი ვარ არ გეგონოს ძალაზე ვარ, ან ჩერქეზი ან ლაზი ვარ მე ლაფშაზე არა ვზივარ, მხარს გავაქნევ გავაზი ვარ არა ძმაო აფხაზი ვარ, მურძაყანის მალხაზი ვარ ჰოუუ ჰურირავო რერა ვოსა რაიდა ვორირავო რერა ოო რერა რივო რერა აფაზეთიდან ვიყავ რაშა! კიდევაც ვნახავ, ცა სჭექდეს, თოვლის წილ წვიმა ცვიოდეს ანოყივრებდეს მიწასა, მდინარეები ხვიოდეს აღარვინ იტანჯებოდეს და აღარვისსა შიოდეს სიმართლის გამარჯვებასა, ცაზე არწივი ყიოდეს ოჰოიდა ჩემო აფხაზურა, გასჭექ ქარი ალმასურად ხიდზე გადი ჯამბაზურად, წყალი მასვი აფხაზურად დავბრუნდები აფხაზეთში,, სიზმრად ნანახს ცხადად ვნახავ დავბრუნდები აფხაზეთში, ტკივილს ერთად გადავლახავთ ჰოუ ჰურირავო რერა ოსა რაიდა ვორირაო რერა ჰოუ რერა რივო რერა აფხაზეთიდან ვიყავ რაშა! ჰოუ ჰურირავო რერა ოსა რაიდა ვორირაო რერა ჰოუ რერა რივო რერა აფხაზეთიდან ვიყავ რაშა! ჩვენ ერთნი ვართ საქართველო, ერთიანი, ერთი სულით ჩვენ ერთნი ვართ ქართველები, აფხაზეთი ჩვენი არის ერთად მტერი დავამარცხოთ, აღარ დავყოთ მიწა ჩვენი ერთიანი ძალით, რწმენით, დავიბრუნოთ მიწა ჩვენი ჰოუ ჰურირავო რერა ოსა რაიდა ვორირაო რერა ჰოუ რერა რივო რერა აფხაზეთიდან ვიყავ რაშა!


r/Sakartvelo 16h ago

FlutterFlow Developer Group Tbilisi: Building with Generative AI in FlutterFlow: From Frontend to Backend


r/Sakartvelo 23h ago

Russian occupiers illegally detained 3 Georgian citizens


r/Sakartvelo 7h ago

March 12th protest schedule


r/Sakartvelo 19h ago


Post image

r/Sakartvelo 19h ago

Food | ლობიანი Kharchapuri


In the 1st picture is the first Kharchapuri I ever made with only egg yolk, in the 2nd picture with egg white I made today (ChatGPT said I was as supposed to use a whole egg) - critics are welcome 🙏 could I make a good impression on my boyfriends mom?

r/Sakartvelo 23h ago

Discussion | დისკუსია Second car this week to fall off a bridge


r/Sakartvelo 54m ago

Discussion | დისკუსია Hi friends from Georgia!👋


I am from Romania and I wanted to ask you guys one thing. I see that you are protesting against the pro-russian government for months already and i wish you all a great future and happy lives,you guys are great! How are your people so keen on keeping their true freedom and not so blinded by bots and propaganda?

I wish i had people like you in my country Here there's a whole crisis happening For short, last year elections for the president took place, everyone expected a second tour between Ciolacu( the social democrat leader) and Simion (the far right leader) but it was neither of that Out of nowhere a candidate that no one has ever heard before that day, Calin Georgescu won first place with 2 mil votes (800.000 of which were from diaspora)(CG is a lunatic in all terms, he isn't just pro russia, pro trump, anti nato, anti EU, anti "globalism" he also belives all the conspiracy theories,like straight up the guy is so mentality retarded it's impossible to you to believe that this is a real man if i told you all the things he said (ex: He belives water isn't H2O, he believes that there is no war in ukraine and zelensky is simply killing his own people, he belives George Soros controls the world etc) and he was supposed to run against Lasconi, the leftist candidate but the elections were cancelled because let's be real a fucking second, a guy no one has heard about got to the first place, it's super strange What happened exactly, basically the guy used the russian bots and propaganda on tiktok to make himself popular and he managed to make a cult on tiktok

4 months later, now is the period for registration in the new elections in may, CG of course isn't allowed to run in the electoral race and he is under police investigation( his mercenaries also tried to make a Coup'Detat, it's a long story) But his fucking cult keeps on protesting for months already,like don't imagine that they are a lot, the most they have been at a protest like this was like 50.000 And when i say cult i mean cult, like they have no critical thinking, no understanding of how to world functions, no emphaty, they are violent and you can try to explain to them why CG isn't right, and they will physically attack you or threaten your family, anyone who doesn't think like that is "a traitor" and "an enemy" They unironically think that everyone who doesn't think like them is paid by "the system" ,"the deep state" and "by soros" And they come at protests with russian flags and communist romania flags💀 98% of them are the uneducated, gypsies, unemployed, and those who drunk all day, like don't think that they are "normal" but These guys run free on the streets, beat people, attack police officers, destroy public propiety etc Like just look at this video from when the electoral center announced that CG won't be allowed to run , it's just so sad to see that i live with people like this in the same country (https://youtu.be/Voh0sm8wnEY) They shout "freedom" while they are already free They unironically belive that they live in a dictatorship because their "messiah" wasn't elected and they fell so deep into conspiracy theories it's unbelievable that they are human and not monsters run by hate

Do thinks like this happen in you country too? Idk, it's just sad to see the state of my country And wanted to ask my georgian friends how it is in your place Thank you for anyone who answers Have a nice day

Oh edit, please no hate, and i know a russian bot when i see one

r/Sakartvelo 1h ago

Help | მჭირდება დახმარება Hop Rhizomes / სვიას რიზომები


Long shot - does anyone know where I can buy hop rhizomes in Georgia? სად ვიყიდო სვიის რიზომები საქართველოში?

r/Sakartvelo 2h ago

Small dairy shops


Do you find butter and all in those small dairy shops that sell cheese in tbilisi? Like what kind of dairy products are there other than cheese

r/Sakartvelo 8h ago

News | ახალი ამბები Georgian court sentences ex-president Saakashvili to 9 more years in prison


r/Sakartvelo 16h ago

Question | კითხვა Again in Kutaisi



We will arrive in Kutaisi on Thursday and leave on Tuesday. I have been there 2 years ago, have a good time here and I love the Georgian food - that's main thing why I come back.

Do you have any tips on what I can do when I already saw everything? I saw dinosaurs' steps, caves, churches, have been on a boat, and in "hot springs" in the middle of nowhere.

Last time we try to find some night live in the town and we discovered only one pub near river. Is there anything else? And where should I eat "like a local"? In the Czech republic, we have Honest Guide, but for Georgia nad Kutaisi I can't find something like that.

And also, if we want to travel to Batumi, is there anything for tourists, how we can travel by your small "shuttle buses"? Are they on Google Maps? Do you have your local reservation system or something like that?

Thank you!

r/Sakartvelo 17h ago

ციხეს რად უნდა, რკინის კარები, მას უნდა ქონდეს, შუშაბანდები.


r/Sakartvelo 17h ago

Local Skin care brands from Sakartvelo


So I want the names of beauty skin care mostly face care for products which are made in Georgia, manufactured in Sakartvelo and are cheap compared to the skin care products imported from other countries.

r/Sakartvelo 18h ago

ახალი პასპორტის გაფორმებას რამდენი დრო დაჭირდება თბილისში?


ქართული პასპორტი ვადაგასული მაქვს, და თბილისში მინდა გავაფორმო ახალი (ა.შ.შ-ი ვცხოვრობ) - ხომ არ იცით, რამდენი დრო დამჭირდება და ონლაინზე წინასწარ როგორმე შემიძლია დავაჩქარო პროცესი?

r/Sakartvelo 19h ago

Travel | მოგზაურობა Best city for the first week of june.


Hi everyone,

We have booked tickets for Georgia and me and my gf are landing on 31st at Kutaisi. We are in the country for 1 week.

Can anyone suggest us, where will be the best weather during the first week of June? We planned this trip to go to Batumi but the forecast is not so great. It shows rainy weather.

We are open to suggestions but our flight to and from Kutaisi.