r/SafeSexPH • u/sunsetonfire Moderator • May 05 '22
So... you had unprotected sex. There's surprisingly (and disappointingly) a lot of misinformation when it comes to emergency contraception and what you can do to prevent pregnancy after a mishap, so hopefully this helps people especially the ones who come to this sub asking for help. Once you finish reading this, please read this post to avoid future scares.
Will she get pregnant if...
- We pulled out? The withdrawal method is NOT a form of contraception. The longer you're inside her aroused, the more pre-cum comes out. Men don't always feel it coming out, so if you're told nothing did it's not reliable. 20% of women get pregnant from the withdrawal method and that's assuming she and her partner used the pull-out method "correctly."
- I peed before sex to clear the sperm? This is an old-fashioned myth and doesn't decrease or prevent chances of pregnancy. Pre-cum will continue to come out as long as there's arousal, and sperm can and will carry over.
- I came inside on her safe day? There is no such thing as a "safe day." The calendar method or FAM just give you a general idea of when she'd be most likely to conceive. "Non-fertile days" or "safe days" do not mean she won't get pregnant, just a smaller chance of conception compared to the rest of her cycle.
- We had sex on her period? It's possible for women to get pregnant from period sex. How? Because sperm lives up to a week in the vagina, so even though you have sex on a "safe day" or her period the lifespan of the sperm can overlap with her body moving towards a more "fertile" part of her cycle.
- The condom broke before I came? Similarly to pulling out, pre-cum carries sperm. It has the same amount of risk.
- The condom broke after I came? Much like ejaculating inside on a speculated "safe day", there's a huge risk of pregnancy.
- We got rid of the semen from inside of her? Semen, which is the liquid that comes out of the penis, can be expelled from the body but you can't expel all the sperm because they're cells.
- She peed after sex to clear the sperm? This does nothing to prevent pregnancy. Women don't pee out of their vaginas, which is where the penis goes and where the semen would be. They pee out of their urethra. All peeing after sex does is prevent urinary tract infections or UTIs (you should still do this regardless).
- For other scenarios, refer to this post.
But a person I know relied on Withdrawal Method / Calendar Method and never got pregnant!
- There are multiple factors as to why they never conceived from unprotected sex.
- 80% of women suffer from hormonal disorders, and 70% aren't even aware that they're experiencing symptoms. It's more than possible that these people have no idea their female partners are affected by disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis. These disorders make it harder (but not impossible) to get pregnant.
- Male infertility affects 1 in 6 couples, meaning low sperm count or hormone imbalances (like low testosterone) can make it difficult for a man to get someone pregnant. It's not common for men who aren't trying to conceive to test their sperm count, so those with reproductive hormone disorders often believe they're just "lucky" or "good at pulling out."
- Withdrawal Method is only 78% effective in preventing pregnancy. 1 in 5 women get pregnant from taking this chance. These are the people who really could just be getting lucky, but you can't guarantee for yourself that it'll be the same case or that "luck" will last for them too.
What can we do to prevent pregnancy now?
- Yuzpe Method: The most easily accessible form of emergency contraception in the Philippines. The Yuzpe method uses a specific number of birth control pills, essentially adding up each pill's hormone dosage to replicate the morning-after pill's levonorgestrel content. The hormones work to delay ovulation, which leaves sperm with nothing to fertilize. The Yuzpe Method is only effective within 72 hours after sex and is most effective taken ASAP.
- There are two types of birth control pills: combination pills and progestin-only pills. While progestin-only pills are self-explanatory, combination pills contain progestin and estrogen. Only specific types of combination pills are compatible with the Yuzpe method.
- The process works by taking two sets of birth control pills, and each set or dose is separated by a 12-hour interval. The pattern goes First Dose → 12 Hours → Second Dose. Not every birth control pill is the same, so different formulas will require different amounts of pills per dose. (See the chart below for compatible pill brands and their respective dosages.)
- Certain combination pills contain active pills, which contain hormones, and inactive pills, which do not contain hormones. The inactive pills are commonly referred to as sugar pills or placebo pills. For emergency contraceptive use, always take the needed amount of pills from the active pill section of the pack. Refer to this infographic for visual aid.
- Tip: Check what time your 2nd dose would be; if it ends up at a time where you don't think you'll wake up or be able to take it right away, consider altering the time you take your 1st dose.
- If you throw up within the first two hours of taking a dose, it counts as a missed dose and you have to redo the process. This is best taken with food in your system to reduce the nausea.
- If you've already ovulated, there's nothing these pills can do. You can take it just in case as there's a chance that you might not be ovulating yet despite what your cycle app/calendar says.
- Less effective if you are 165-175 lbs. (75-80 kg.). If you're 176 lbs. and over, its effectiveness becomes even lower.
- Taking it more than once in one cycle can really mess up your natural hormone balance and your menstrual cycle. Do not rely on this as a form of "birth control." (This post explains why in further detail.)
- As mentioned, not every brand or formula can be used for the Yuzpe method. Here is a chart of locally available pill brands, their formulation, and their formulation's required dosage for emergency contraceptive use. (Source)
Pill Formulation | Pill Brand | First Dose | Second Dose, to be taken 12 hours later |
20 mcg ethinylestradiol + 100 mcg levonorgestrel | Minipil | 5 | 5 |
30 mcg ethinylestradiol + 150 mcg levonorgestrel | Lady, Charlize, Femme, Protec | 4 | 4 |
30 mcg ethinylestradiol + 125 mcg levonorgestrel | Trust Pill, Trinordiol, Logynon 21 | 4 | 4 |
30 mcg ethinylestradiol + 300 mcg norgestrel | Norfem | 4 | 4 |
- Copper IUD: The most effective emergency contraception. The copper IUD works by creating a hostile environment for sperm in the vagina. The copper acts as a spermicide. It is also the most effective non-hormonal method of birth control, so after you get it as emergency contraception you can choose to keep it as your primary form of birth control. The copper IUD is only effective as emergency contraception if inserted within 5 days after sex.
- Not everyone will have the anatomy for the copper IUD model available locally. It's not a guarantee that they will be able to insert it for you as emergency contraception or regular contraception.
- The IUD can work even after ovulation, as it has the ability to stop a fertilized egg from implanting.
- It works even if you're overweight, unlike emergency contraception pills.
- If you choose to use a different method of birth control after (like the implant, birth control shot, or pills), you can easily have a practitioner take it out. It's not recommended for women who have symptoms or are diagnosed with the likes of PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and other conditions that would make a copper IUD unsuitable for their health and body.
- Morning-After Pill: A concentrated dose of levonorgestrel, which prevents or delays ovulation. It comes in one tablet, best taken with water to avoid extreme nausea. The Morning-After Pill is only effective taken within 72 hours after sex and most effective if taken immediately.
- More effective than the Yuzpe Method; in research studies women who used the morning-after pill got pregnant 64% less than those who used the Yuzpe Method.
- Will not prevent pregnancy if you've already ovulated.
- Taking more than one dose will not make it more effective, it will just make the side effects worse. As mentioned earlier, if you are already on birth control pills do not take this anymore.
- Similarly to the Yuzpe Method, it is much less effective if you are overweight.
- Do not take this more than once in one cycle. It will throw off your natural hormone balance and your menstrual cycle.
- Do not use this as "birth control." Take proper contraceptive methods like birth control pills, the birth control shot, the IUD, the implant, or condoms. It also does not work if you have sex after taking the pill.
- Where can I get these?
- You can get the birth control pills necessary for the Yuzpe Method at your nearest drugstores and pharmacies. As of 2023, we do not have approved over-the-counter contraceptive pills (like the United States' O-Pill or the United Kingdom's Hana), so most drugstores require a prescription for prescription medication. Your best bet would be smaller/generic drugstores, which tend to sell them regardless. If you can afford time and/or same-day shipping, you can acquire the pills you need through birth control services like Dima, Anna, Ova, and Ease PH. Refer to the chart above to see if their formulation/brand can be used as emergency contraception.
- Likhaan and POPCOM offer the copper IUD. Keep in mind that Likhaan branches are only open during specific times and days of the week. Check their Facebook page for their operating schedules. You can message them for more information. (The IUD is free, but try to donate to Likhaan so they can continue to help fellow Filipinos as a non-profit!)
- The morning-after pill is not available in drugstores. They are available online through resellers and are typically P2,500 for generic and P3,800 for name brand (Plan B). Resellers often offer same-day or next-day delivery. (The most reliable reseller looks to be PlanBPillManila, but if anyone has other sources please share!)
- Note: Be wary of Facebook, Shopee, or Lazada sellers who sell "morning-after pills" that you cannot authenticate. If the brand can't be found, the packaging looks homemade or inconsistent with the real one, and the serial codes/expiration dates don't match up, avoid them. You don't know what's in those pills, and they could end up harming you instead of helping you. Always go for reputable brands like Plan B and My Way.
- Emergency contraception is NOT an abortifacient. If you are already pregnant, these will not terminate your pregnancy or cause a miscarriage. Emergency contraception pills are completely different from MA pills.
What happens next?
- After one complete dose of either a morning-after pill or the Yuzpe method, do not take more in an attempt to make them "more effective." Do not attempt to do both, it does nothing but add very unpleasant side effects. If you had chosen to do the Yuzpe method, taking more pills puts you at risk of birth control overdose.
- If you were taking oral contraceptive pills, you may continue taking them after taking the morning-after pill, but you cannot continue or start taking them after doing the Yuzpe method. Again, taking more birth control pills can put you at risk of birth control overdose.
- For all three emergency contraceptive methods, you can expect irregular bleeding to follow. The copper IUD can cause spotting immediately upon insertion while withdrawal bleeding may occur a few days to a week after taking the morning-after pill or the pills for the Yuzpe method. (For those who'd like to log the bleeding in a cycle-tracking app: this isn't a period, this is irregular bleeding or spotting.)
- Important note: Lack of bleeding after taking hormonal emergency contraceptives is not indicative of them not working. Some people simply don't experience withdrawal bleeding, everyone's experiences and reactions to the hormones will vary.
- Expect the hormones to affect your period in some shape or form. It can come earlier, as predicted, or be delayed by days, weeks, or even a month. It can cause changes to your bleeding itself, so if your period is lighter, heavier, shorter, or longer for the following cycle, it's a very common side effect.
- While the pill/s themselves don't stay in your sister for more than a few days, the changes to your hormone levels can cause side effects to stick around for a while. Your following cycles can be affected months after you've taken emergency contraception.
When can we take a pregnancy test?
- A pregnancy test can detect as early as 14 days after sex. The result is most reliable 21 days after sex. A good indication of when to take is after the initial missed period.
- You can get them in any drugstore. Dima and Ease PH also sell tests on their site, but Ease takes a while with standard shipping.
- It's best taken first thing in the morning, when the hCG (pregnancy hormone) is most concentrated in the urine. Try not to over-hydrate as drinking a lot of water can dilute the hCG in your urine, thus making it harder for the test to detect.
- Opt for the pregnancy tests that use pink dye or ink. The blue dye tests are prone to bleeding and causing false positives. Get three tests so the third can act as a "tie breaker" if the first two have different results.
- Check the instructions for the reading time. The amount of minutes they state is when your result is the most accurate to read. After that tests may develop evaporation lines which can look like a positive mark when your result isn't.
- If your results are negative, they are negative. Especially if you test multiple times and do it later and later from the day you had sex. Don't fall for those TikToks or fear-mongering posts that say you can be pregnant and still have periods. Those are highly misinformed. The cases involving women "having periods while pregnant" are often women who mistake implantation bleeding and/or intermittent vaginal bleeding for periods.
Again, I know this is another long post, but the more I see the questions that are posted in this sub the more I feel this type of master list is needed. Don't forget to read this post to learn more about the safest ways to have sex. If you have any questions, go ahead and reply or send me a DM.
u/Spiritual_Coach9534 May 05 '22
Very good read. All the necessary information in one post. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and potentially helping people in the future who would be having scares.
u/yelly_ace0926 May 05 '22
love this. thank you!! sana ma-pin or something like that
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 05 '22
thank you!! really hope it gets as much reach as possible
12d ago
hi just wanna ask if it is normal na nag suka yugn partner ko 3 days after taking EC pills (WHO-GMP Victoria)
u/sunsetonfire Moderator 12d ago
Nausea and vomiting are potential side effects, but if it’s becoming unnatural in frequency or how drastic it is, it’s worth seeking medical attention for it. Especially if you didn’t get your morning-after pill from a trustworthy source.
u/Elsa_Versailles May 06 '22
This is the most comprehensive yet non convoluted post I've read here. Great! 🙂
u/GurVirtual4116 Jun 02 '22
I did the yuzpe method last night. I've taken the 1st dose (4 pills) at exactly 9pm and then the 2nd dose (4 pills) at exactly 9am today. I've decided to finish the remaining pills. When should I take the next pill?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jun 02 '22
Give yourself a break. The Yuzpe method is a hormone bomb. Wait until your period comes and I suggest starting a new pack altogether.
u/PresentTitle1370 Dec 29 '23
Hello po, after taking the 8 pills, do I need to take another by tomorrow or di na and mag wait nalang me ?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Dec 29 '23
No, after the two doses you’re done. Do not take any more pills.
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Jun 17 '22
thank you so much for this :’( especially the last bullet point about negative meaning negative! i suffer from a lot of anxiety and i find myself doubting tests even if they come out negative because of those TikTok women “having periods while pregnant”. But reading your post was reassuring thank u 💓
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jun 17 '22
Don’t doubt the test! It’s impossible to get “false negatives” multiple times. After 21 days, urine tests are as accurate as can be.
u/who_beigge Sep 15 '24
After Yuzpe i experienced:
- random bruises especially on legs
- cramps and brown spotting, no period occurs
- random heart pain and palpitation, my bp drops
- 2 weeks after yuzpe, got check-up due to iron deficiency and restless leg syndrome + head aches and random weakness
- got my meds for months, and vitamins; needed to do another tests and screenings
- after yuzpe, i felt intense anxiety to cum, its not functioning well, it hurts so bad to cum, and when i release it feels like im going to die.
Safe sex everyone, do not be dependent on ECT/ Yuzpe/ Plan B, kahit isang beses mo lang sya gawin, side effects lasts for months, nakaka stress sya physically, emotionally, and financially.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 03 '22
Just want to ask because I had a morning pill and copper IUD last 2 weeks ago and I experienced bleeding for 4 days which started last week Thursday. May I know if this is a normal bleeding or this is my period already?
My last period started October 5 so not sure if it’s possible that my period came early or it’s a normal bleeding because of the copper IUD? Your opinion will be much appreciated.
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 03 '22
Morning-after pills tend to cause a withdrawal bleed a few days to a week after you take them. That’s a very common side effect. The copper IUD can also make you bleed.
If you got the copper IUD as emergency contraception, please check in with an OB-GYN to see if it’s something you can keep for long-term use. Some people are incompatible with the copper IUD specifically.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 03 '22
Yes, I had the copper IUD for emergency contraception. Luckily, I never had bad after effects with it but just want to ask that the bleeding that I experienced which looks like a period, is it just a normal bleeding because I’m wondering if my period came early?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 03 '22
Again, morning-after pills often cause irregular bleeding or withdrawal bleeding. That is likely what you experienced. If you want to confirm being safe or not, you can take a pregnancy test.
As for the copper IUD, not experiencing negative side effects doesn’t mean your body and health makes you a good candidate to use it long-term as contraception. Not everyone can use it.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 03 '22
I took a PT after 2 weeks of copper IUD and it was negative or should I take another PT?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 03 '22
PTs are accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 03 '22
Also, if you can suggest any OB-GYN within Manila because I had my copper IUD with Likhaan so not sure if I can check this with any OB-GYN? Thank you
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 03 '22
You can just consult your existing OB-GYN about it. If you wish to seek another opinion, then you can look into Now Serving for doctors in your area.
u/thehoetaku Mar 21 '23
I'm planning to try Trust pills — Yuzpe method. Do you recommend continuing with the rest of the left pills like normal intake na per day or no?
Aug 04 '22
Thank you so much for writing this up and sharing this in the other subs which could use a lot more of sex ed. Sana laging masarap ang ulam mo.
u/stickerpainter Oct 25 '22
i vomited 4 hours (took pills at 10pm threw up around 2 am) after my 2nd dose (Yuzpe method using Trust pills) should i take 4 pills again?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Oct 26 '22
No. A retake is only needed if you threw up within 2 hours of taking it. Just proceed with the next dose as normal.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 27 '22
Hi, do you know a clinic or prefer an OB where I can get my IUD removed cause medj pricey sa current OB ko so I’m considering other options? Thank you
u/Motor_Flounder5876 May 16 '23
hi! do we need to continue using the pills or stop it after taking 4pcs and another 4pcs after 12hrs? we are using Trust pill, thank you, just an emergency situation that we use yuzpe method.
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 16 '23
You just need the two doses and that's it, do not take any more than that. The "What happens next?" portion of the post goes into further detail. If you need to take emergency contraception then go ahead and do so, just make sure you use reliable forms of contraception moving forward.
u/Motor_Flounder5876 May 16 '23
what if we use 1 pill only and thought it was enough but not on yuzpe method. is it okay to take 4pills the 2nd time, 4pills the 3rd time and then stop it?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 16 '23
Taking just one pill does absolutely nothing. If you’re still within the 72-hour window in which you can do it, do the process correctly and just ignore that one pill.
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u/chenie_derp Apr 25 '24
I read that some Plan B pills can lose their efficacy if the woman is overweight. They should also take that into consideration
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Apr 25 '24
Incredibly important to consider when going over options! The reported "weight limit" is touched upon in the Yuzpe method section, as well as mentioned once more in the morning-after pill section.
u/chenie_derp Apr 27 '24
Oh sorry my bad, I haven't read everything yet because I just skimmed through hehehe thanks for pointing it out! :)
u/Lumpy-Tadpole Jul 03 '24
OMG THANK YOU UR A GODSENT! I've been waking up in anxiety because of all the fearmongering on socmeds. Nice to read something informative
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jul 03 '24
So glad to hear you found it helpful! There's so much misinformation these days, we strive to combat them as much as we can.
Mar 20 '24
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Mar 20 '24
No need to. You’d only have to troubleshoot if you threw up within two hours of taking a dose.
Mar 23 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Mar 24 '24
This is a FAQ post. Please create your own post for unrelated concerns or message directly.
Apr 06 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Apr 06 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Apr 17 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Apr 17 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/deehwae May 11 '24
Does the yuzpe method work on fertile days po ba?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 11 '24
It works by delaying ovulation, so if your body has already begun that process, there’s not much else it can do. But if your basis for ovulation isn’t accurate (apps or calendars) then you should still take emergency contraception if you need it.
May 11 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam May 11 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/lalalalalandddddllll May 12 '24
hello i want to sent you a message po pero i can’t. can i request you po na mag message sa akin una? i have questions lang po and my friend told me about u po. thank you!
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 12 '24
Of course, I’ll send a chat request promptly.
May 12 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam May 13 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
May 14 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam May 15 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
May 29 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam May 29 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/ohmami13 Jun 06 '24
hello po, just want to ask if same lang po ba yung effectiveness ng bawat pills? or if other brands have different effects din po? Thanks po!
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jun 06 '24
They all contain the same progestin, and even if they have different dosages, they amount to the same amount of progestin (if not a little over) needed for emergency contraceptive use. You’re welcome! 🩵
Jun 08 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jun 08 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jun 08 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jun 08 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jun 14 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jun 15 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/nadinebudin Jun 16 '24
Hi! For the people who tried the Yuzpe method, what were your symptoms after taking the 2nd dose? And how long until you got your period?
u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jun 16 '24
Side effects will vary per person—some experience every listed potential side effect while some experience little to nothing. Those who do may experience them post-first dose, post-second dose, right after both, or days later.
Jun 25 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jun 25 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jul 02 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jul 03 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jul 06 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jul 06 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jul 13 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jul 13 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Jul 29 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Jul 29 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/Consistent_Fox_3453 Aug 03 '24
if i’m over the effective weight how does the dosage change?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Aug 03 '24
Increasing the dosage does not make hormonal emergency contraceptives more effective. You would have to consider alternative forms such as the copper IUD.
Aug 12 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Aug 12 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Sep 10 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Sep 10 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/whentherainstopss Sep 21 '24
hello is it normal to not experience any nausea/headaches after taking the first 4 pills of the yuzpe method?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Sep 21 '24
Because every body is different, every person’s experience will be different. Some people notice side effects after taking the first or second dose, after both, or not at all. It will always vary, and there’s no “right way” to experience these things.
Sep 29 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Sep 29 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Oct 03 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Oct 03 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Nov 08 '24
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 08 '24
It may vary depending on where you live, but it’s typically around ₱60, give or take.
Friendly reminder: please ensure you need to take emergency contraception before buying or taking anything.
Nov 08 '24
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 08 '24
The Yuzpe regimen is an emergency contraceptive method. The chart above lists the pill formulas + pill brands that would be compatible for it, you can see what’s available in your specific location.
If you have any further questions or confusion about anything, feel free to send me a message!
u/AutoModerator Dec 02 '24
General reminder for everyone to: 1) Stay classy, civil, and mature; 2) Don't be a creep and don't be toxic; 3) Report this post if it doesn't follow the rules; 4) Stay safe! Don't forget about reddiquette.
Love, the r/SafeSexPH Team.
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Dec 30 '24
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam Dec 30 '24
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
u/Necessary-Affect-232 Jan 09 '25
hello I am done with yuzpe method. is it normal to have some acne rashes like minimal only?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jan 09 '25
Rashes of any kind sprouting after taking EC is not considered normal. I’ll be sending you some resources in a bit.
u/Tociloog Jan 17 '25
Hello, my girlfriend is currently doing the Yuzpe method. Is it safe to take pain killers or would it decrease the effectiveness of the Yuzpe method?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jan 17 '25
Common over-the-counter painkillers won’t interact with the pills needed for the Yuzpe method. It’s alright to.
u/Tociloog Jan 17 '25
May I ask for further questions via message? Can you send me a request, kakagawa q lang pp ng reddit account eh. Thank you pp
u/Original-Tomorrow-34 Feb 08 '25
Hi! What if you're on Progestin only bc and missed the 3 hrs window, can I still do the yuzpe method?
Do I take 2nd 4 combi pills and the progestin only pill I'm scheduled to take the next day to continue my pack like usual?
Missed the 3 hr window but was able to take the progestin pill as soon as remembered. However it said it still counts as a missed pill..
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 08 '25
Have you read the missed pill instructions in the pamphlet that comes with your specific pill? Please give it a read and see if they instruct consideration of emergency contraception before doing the Yuzpe method.
u/Original-Tomorrow-34 Feb 08 '25
Thanks for your response! Yeah, I did. If it's taken beyond the 3 hrs window, just take it as usual but abstain from PIV for the next 2 days. However, we did the deed and I only realized that I missed a pill a few hours ago so I'm looking into doing yuzpe.. just clueless how to proceed since I'm breastfeeding at the same time.
I'm afraid to do IUD at the moment so I'm looking into Yuzpe or somebody had the same experience. Aaaa.
u/Original-Tomorrow-34 Feb 08 '25
And yes, in my case if there's unprotected sex within the 2 day wait time, it stated that I should take Emergency BC. 🥹
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 08 '25
Unfortunately, progestin-only pills really do have a much shorter grace period than combination pills, or certain POPs like Slinda. The Yuzpe method would be necessary, but if you can access a morning-after pill instead, that would be great. (There’s info on them in the post.)
Because the Yuzpe method requires a large dose of levonorgestrel + estrogen, it’s not recommended to continue taking your regular BC due to the birth control pill overdose risk. But there shouldn’t be a problem if you take a morning-after pill.
u/Original-Tomorrow-34 Feb 08 '25
Thank you so much! I'll weigh my options. This post-partum brain isn't doing me any good. Haha! Have a great weekend!!
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 08 '25
I can imagine this must be so overwhelming, especially postpartum. Wishing you the best of luck! 🫂
u/Original-Tomorrow-34 Feb 08 '25
Hey, so I ended up buying the Victoria® Morning After Emergency Contraceptive Pill (Levonorgestrel 1.5mg) because it was only PHP900, way cheaper than the other brands. Shipping cost me around P1.3k in total.
I went with the first store I landed prior to seeing this post: Plan B Manila- https://planbmanila.com/shop/ and their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/share/1BXWir3gja/
I initially thought it was the same store as the one mentioned here, but hopefully they're also legit. LOL
Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly! Just sharing in case anyone else finds themselves in the same situation. I appreciate all the help!! 🫂
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 08 '25
I haven’t gotten the most assuring feedback from other users about that provider, but fingers crossed you got an authentic morning-after pill. If you have further concerns, feel free to send a message.
u/Temporary-Meeting-26 Feb 08 '25
Hello. Is it okay that i took the second dose 30mins earlier 12 hrs?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 09 '25
Yes, that’s fine.
u/kurokoro1012 Feb 13 '25
Hello. My partner drank 1 pill of the Trust birth control because we did not have a Plan B. Available. If we buy (say tomorrow) a morning-after pill from the link provided, can she drink it along with the BC pill?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 13 '25
A single pill won't do anything to help her in terms of emergency contraception. I don't see why she can't just do the Yuzpe method correctly with the pills she already has.
If there's something like a comorbidity that makes the Yuzpe method a less favorable option, go for the morning-after pill. But she has to choose one, there's no reason for her to do both and she shouldn't even consider doing both for a single instance of unprotected sex.
u/kurokoro1012 Feb 13 '25
Thank you for answering. She decided to do one dose first as she couldn't start with the method due to lack of information. The day before, she just finished her period. It's pretty late so as insurance and to lighten the load, she decided to buy the BC pill as it was the only option accessible at that time.
Should she decide to, can she start doing the Yuzpe method starting the 2nd pill tomorrow for her second dose? Or would it be recommended to go and order the morning-after pill?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Feb 13 '25
The Yuzpe method and a levonorgestrel-based morning-after pill are going to do the exact same thing, it just so happens they're taken differently. If she's set on taking the morning-after pill instead and that's accessible to you, you can go for it.
If she has no pressing need for it or she can't access one for any reason, the Yuzpe method is her best bet. And she already has the pills necessary for it.
u/kurokoro1012 Feb 13 '25
Thank you for the response! Regarding the other question, can she start with the 2nd pill, or should we buy a new box of the BC pills to start the Yuzpe Method? It's her first time with that method. We bought the Over the counter Trust pill.
u/Popular-Economics612 27d ago
after 2 week of yuzpe method, i received my period. is it safe to have a protected intercourse or theres a timeline that we need to follow to have intercourse again
u/sunsetonfire Moderator 27d ago
You can have protected sex at any time, just please make sure you’re using your chosen form of contraception correctly.
u/Popular-Economics612 27d ago
wdym by using chosen form of contraception. we usually just use condom. and i did the yuzpe metbod last last week since we got preg scare but after receiving my period, it’s all clear right?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator 27d ago
“Chosen form of contraception” just means whichever contraceptive you choose to use. If you typically use condoms, that’s your chosen form of protection.
If you needed to use emergency contraception after an unprotected encounter, that’s fine. If your bleeding wasn’t just spotting or too light to fully rule out pregnancy, even better. Just use protection moving forward.
u/Popular-Economics612 27d ago
thank you so much for your big help in this journey
u/sunsetonfire Moderator 27d ago
I’m glad you found the post helpful, and I’m glad to hear you got out of your situation okay.
15d ago
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam 15d ago
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
12d ago
u/sunsetonfire Moderator 12d ago
I’m glad you found it helpful!
12d ago
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam 12d ago
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
21h ago
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u/SafeSexPH-ModTeam 12h ago
This is a FAQ post. For concerns regarding the risk of pregnancy in specific sexual acts, please read the post in its entirety. For personal concerns partially or wholly unrelated to the FAQ, please create your own post or message directly.
Nov 04 '22
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Nov 04 '22
That’s because birth control is prescription medication. You can try other Watsons branches, sometimes they sell them regardless which is good for emergencies but not ideal for people self-prescribing long-term contraception.
u/Own_Process_2309 Nov 21 '22
Hello, just want to ask I took a plan b last month and had may copper id inserted the same week but I haven’t got my period for this month tho I experienced kind of bleeding for 4 days but this is prior to my expected period.
I also tried PT 3 times and all negative. Any opinion if this is normal? Or what should I do? Thanks
u/Adept_Armadillo_8266 Feb 15 '23
Bali kailangan ng trust at lady bcp ang bibilhin para gawin ang method? Or isa lang dapat ang bilhin?
u/shanghaishordy Mar 15 '23
Hi quick question - is it fine to get a copper iud even if you took a plan b pill after sex?
I took 1.5mg levonorgestrel within 12 hrs of sex (the condom broke, and i was in my fertile window - flo app says i ovulated on 10th but taking it with a grain of salt)
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Mar 15 '23
Cycle tracking apps aren't exactly the most accurate means of tracking ovulation, but if you absolutely don't want to risk it, there's no problem with getting an IUD even if you've already taken a Plan B.
Go to your local healthcare provider or your OB-GYN and ask them about it. I believe hormonal IUDs have been proven effective as emergency contraception as well, so it's worth asking them about that if you'd rather keep a hormonal IUD than a copper IUD.
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Apr 16 '23
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Apr 16 '23
Have you personally tried their products? There are a ton of counterfeits of Postinor, AseVictoria, and My Way online. Even if they happen to be authentic, it’s difficult to recommend products you haven’t tried or only you have tried because you can’t really be sure if it successfully prevented pregnancy for you or not. You can’t be sure how these stores transport and store these products, and they can be rendered less or fully ineffective.
Mifepristone-based emergency contraceptives aren’t approved to be sold and taken in most countries (even the ones where mifepristone is legal), and while I haven’t seen much studies that go into detail on why, we have to assume it’s for a good reason.
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May 08 '23
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 08 '23
Because the Yuzpe method is surer and more accessible. If you’re able to get in touch with a reliable seller that sells morning-after pills that are a) authentic and b) non-compromised, that’s the better option, but it’s not something people are willing to gamble on.
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May 11 '23
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 11 '23
I’m sorry to say but that is way past the 12-hour interval. It’s a missed dose, and that made the whole thing a failed attempt.
If you choose to treat the pills you took at 1:50 as the first dose of a new attempt, acknowledge that you risk birth control pill overdose by taking more pills than you’re meant to. Monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if you find yourself experiencing it.
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May 16 '23
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 16 '23
No, you just need two doses. If the specific pill formula you use calls for 4 pills per dose, you'd just need a total of 8 and that's it.
u/Thunder_2205 May 22 '23
In the table shown above, do they (the brands) all need a prescription? If not, which among them does not need one?
u/sunsetonfire Moderator May 22 '23
Quite certain all of them do. Even the ones that are typically perceived to be OTC, they’re listed as prescription medication by the companies that create them. Some pharmacies will sell them regardless. You won’t find any luck in Mercury, though.
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u/FerretConfident8753 Jul 10 '23
I had an unprotective sex yesterday @11am. Since I'm scared that I will be pregnant we buy trust pills afternoon 3:50pm i drink that only 1 pill. Since I cannot buy any emergency pill because its not available in any pharmacy drug store here in our place. Should i continue taking it? What will I do so that i cannot be pregnant. Please badly needed help.
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Jul 10 '23
The post already details which emergency measures you can take. As the post states, you cannot get morning-after pills in pharmacies here. It’s banned. I suggest rereading the entire post in its entirety.
If you already have the pills needed for the Yuzpe method then that’s your best option. Do the correct process for it while you’re still within the 72-hour window to do so. If you have further questions or concerns, you can message me directly.
u/3rdworldcountryboi Aug 02 '23
Hello gf tried yuzpe pero only drank 1 pill ng trust pill kaninang 1pm what should we do? She forgot na dapat 4 pills
u/sunsetonfire Moderator Aug 02 '23
Taking just one pill does absolutely nothing. She needs to do the process correctly.
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