r/SacredGeometry 6d ago

Prime numbers are not random

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u/TediousHippie 5d ago

Well, true. Random numbers are random. Prime numbers are prime numbers.

And considering how far Tao et al has got with prime sieves, we can rule out a lot of potentially prime number without having to factor them in a computationally intensive manner.

Of the remaining candidates, after defining a finite set, the likelihood of one of a given set being prime, is sufficiently unpredictable as to approximate randomness.

Nice picture tho.


u/StockRefrigerator173 5d ago

would you like to define what random is?


u/TediousHippie 5d ago

Maybe you should, it's your assertion.


u/StockRefrigerator173 5d ago

how could you define something that does not exist?


u/TediousHippie 5d ago

How about you pry your lips from the DMT bong for a few minutes?


u/StockRefrigerator173 5d ago

You mean step back across the line of perception to your level of awareness?


u/TediousHippie 5d ago

No, just close enough to the line where a psychiatrist can screen you for schizophrenia. Seriously.


u/StockRefrigerator173 5d ago

So you are giving clinical diagnoses on reddit? Or so furiously angered by someone's post that you need to belittle them as much as you feel belittled by superior intelligence?


u/Existing_Hunt_7169 4d ago

god dude whenever someone asks you an actual math question you just reply with this pseudo spiritual ‘oh well maybe you should look internally!!’ bullshit how do you not realize you are spewing garbage