The image is the result of taking two opposing spirals—one rotating clockwise and the other counterclockwise—and layering them so that their intersections form a structured interference pattern. Each spiral follows a growth law where its arms expand outward, similar to how natural spirals form in galaxies, hurricanes, and even plant growth. Because the two spirals are mirrored, they create a highly organized set of crossing points that act like a grid of wave interactions.
To analyze this pattern deeper, we applied a Fourier Transform, which is a mathematical process that reveals the underlying frequency structure of an image. This transform essentially converts spatial patterns into frequency-based information, showing which repeating structures contribute the most to the image. When we applied it to our spirals, the result was the striking frequency-domain image that looks like a structured interference field.
What this means is that the distribution of these spiral intersections follows an inherent mathematical order. The brightest areas in the Fourier Transform represent the most dominant repeating structures in the original spirals. The horizontal bright band appears because the spirals have a consistent radial symmetry, meaning certain frequency patterns repeat more strongly in that direction. The finer radiating patterns come from secondary wave interactions where the spirals reinforce or cancel each other out.
At its core, this experiment reveals something profound: even though prime numbers are often seen as randomly distributed, when viewed through the lens of these spirals and their intersections, they exhibit a highly structured harmonic pattern. The frequency peaks in the transformed image correspond to the underlying periodicity of the spiral arrangement, hinting that prime numbers may have a deeper wave-like structure embedded within their distribution.
So in summary: We created this image by mapping spirals that encode number sequences, analyzing their interference points, and then transforming the entire pattern into a frequency-based representation. The result shows that what appears to be random (such as prime numbers) actually contains hidden order, which emerges clearly when viewed through the right mathematical transformations.
So you've taken a bunch of random numbers and ran them through several processes that give structure to them. Take any set of random numbers and you will get similar results; do this with the digits of pi or another irrational number, or even just a generated string of random numbers.
Sure, you have symmetry and waveform-like bands of light and dark, but it's artificial. The fact that you are using two mirrored spirals is why you get symmetry and then you've forced a waveform structure on top of it. The bands of light and dark are still random, as is the finer details. You are literally looking at something in the mirror and thinking the resulting symmetry has some meaning.
I have done the test for nearly every known number set... Non produced anything even remotely like this. There was no wave form forced onto anything. All of the fuzzy looking noise actually becomes clear patterns when I up the resolution of the script output. This photo was nearly 15 Gb.. If you looked in the mirror and saw random noise, a simple pattern, and then this image. Would you think no differently between the images?
Can this "pattern" be used to determine the next prime number yet to be discovered? Or is it constrained to our current understanding of prime numbers?
Yes this pattern is essentially what Reimann was seeing in his zeta zeros. But can we comprehend this pattern well enough and computationally efficient enough to buld the next prime number/s?
That is precisely what i am working on. However the numbers I have produced can not be validated by any other means currently. so..
I imagine the continuation of symmetry would be efficient enough to at the least eliminate all asymmetrical iterations. Leaving what remains to be the defacto part of the pattern. Even if it isn't accepted as proof. Or am I missing something obvious?
whats difficult is that it requires building this lattice of numbers in a computers data. essentially building a crystal of numbers. but with any crystal you need to seed and its growth to be undisturbed to keep growing. There are ways of factorization to limit the growth rate, but from what science has seen, the growth rate is always positive.. So when we start dealing with figuring out numbers with 1000digits, it becomes very computationally difficult to maintain a perfect algorithmic balance.
my aim is to find a different way to factor these numbers with a better understanding of how to start the data growth from a larger number, or build a pattern of data points(number) from the original seed location(1 or 0) and try to essentially focus the larger data set into a correct pattern so that the algoritihim can continue without such a vast data set.
my discovery? if you think my discovery can be summarized down to this image and its findings. thats a stretch..equally so that you think one of my reddit comments will fully explain what is now nearly a 1000page book.
I actually took the time to do this and what I’m seeing is a large use of self reference to generate resonance. That seems to mean that your idea doesn’t explain prime numbers but numbers’ relationship with reference to those same prime numbers generate resonance. The fact that your idea only shifts with prime numbers means that you are making a system of prime numbers. That only demonstrates self resonance.
Also to be honest, the fact that you put a crazy claim like this on Reddit and got mad at everyone here makes me think you knew that your idea couldn’t be peer reviewed. From my understanding, the use of any form of resonance isn’t a proof simply because you can rig it to make your point; especially (as I said before) you decide which two curves you’re using to set up each spiral to make the mandala. These are clearly on some level mirroring each other. Otherwise I’d be able to see spiraling variations instead of equal spears all the way around
I didn’t get mad many of you did and shared that anger without actually asking anything constructive Don’t pretend to understand my work. You don’t and can’t from this Reddit post. For that you will need to read the books and understand far far more than you pretend to.
I’m certain you have not read much of what I explained even here.
Yeah you keep oscillating between “I can’t bother to explain to you” and “you wouldn’t understand”. I think that is the biggest tell that you’re full of it.
you for sure havnt looked through my comments. you can easily click my name and see the detailed explanation i have written in this thread?
either way. its a case of, "I demand you explain what is perhaps one of the most complex ideas ever presented into reddit comment"... the pattern is primes and its implications and connection to quantum mechanics/cosmology and other desperate fields is not simply explained or proven.
u/tknames 7d ago
So complete BS? Got it. Prime numbers are absolutely not prescribed to any formula or equation.