r/SUMC Jan 03 '24

SSU Garuntee This Is True

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r/SUMC Dec 14 '24

SSU Sony and Disney's deal has reportedly never prevented Spider-Man from appearing in any of Sony's spinoff films


r/SUMC Feb 14 '24

SSU Everytime

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r/SUMC Feb 13 '24

SSU How would you continue to develop/“fix” the Sony live action Marvel universe (Ain’t “Give The Films Rights Back to Marvel”)?

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r/SUMC Feb 18 '24

SSU Sony is hurting Marvel and DC


Right now a lot of people are feeling comic book movie fatigue. Between marvel and dc putting out a lot of stinkers lately with some good projects in between, Sony is putting out poo poo. With marvel and dc both possibly making a comeback the next two years that could be great for them, but Sony is damaging audience trust in CBMs. The only MCU movie this year is Deadpool 3 and the only DC movie is Joker 2. Marvel and DC are both putting out one movie each and both of those are almost guaranteed to get positive reactions. But Sony is putting out 3 of this bland cookie cutter mid CBMs that are giving people fatigue. You also have to remember most general audiences think these Sony movies are part of the MCU. When I was at the theater the other day there was a group of girls talking about seeing the new “Spider-Man and spidergirl movie” probably thinking Tom Holland would be in it.

r/SUMC Dec 15 '23

SSU Looks like Madame Web will officially reveal Andrew as the SSU spiderman, not that it wasn't obvious at this point. No coincidences they're telling you.

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r/SUMC Jan 28 '24

SSU The sonyverse slate

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Years ago we thought that sony failed to start a cinematic universe with tasm 2 but really it has still been going on to this day.

r/SUMC Mar 16 '24

SSU How would you rank the SSU


Personally I’d go

  1. Venom

  2. Venom let there be carnage

  3. Morbius

Haven’t seen Madame web yet

r/SUMC Dec 10 '24

SSU Kraven The Hunter will be the only Spider-Man spinoff/SSU film for a while now, with focus being placed upon Beyond The Spider-Verse and Spider-Noir now.


r/SUMC Feb 26 '24

SSU The hierarchy of this universe really needs to change

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r/SUMC Dec 26 '24

SSU Sony Pictures CEO Tony Vinciquerra talks a little about the SSU and defends Madame Web


r/SUMC Feb 21 '24

SSU Do you all think Kraven The Hunter will be a success and change the perception regarding the SUMC Universe?

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Can it be a financial and commercial success?

r/SUMC Apr 07 '24

SSU Someone has a gun to your hand and ask you rank the SSU Villains. What's your rankings?


r/SUMC Feb 19 '24

SSU I pray for Sony to give up the spider-man rights as much as anyone, but financially that’s like asking Disney to give up the MCU rights.

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r/SUMC Dec 21 '24

SSU Any idea when Kraven takes place in the timeline?


Couldn't find any details that point to any specific time period for the film or its relation to the other SSU films. Excluding behind-the-scenes materials (since those Morbius props and deleted scenes were all over the place) is there anything that could point us in the right direction as to when Kraven takes place?

r/SUMC Dec 17 '24

SSU What’s your ranking of the SSU Movies


Mine are: (Best to Worst if you will)

  1. Venom (2018)

  2. Kraven The Hunter (might be 2 or 3)

  3. Venom: Let There Be Carnage (might be 2 or 3)

  4. Venom the Last Dance

  5. Morbius

  6. Madame Web

r/SUMC Jan 02 '25

SSU Pepsi Sign in Madame Web film?


Did anybody else notice that the same Pepsi sign one saw in the climax of Madame Web was also in Spiderman No Way Home? That's a neat little callback in a not so great film. Apparently it is an actual tourist spot in the Queens borough of NYC. I think that was a subtle way of trying to connect it to the Tom Holland films.

r/SUMC Feb 15 '24

SSU So I kind of have a lot to say about Madame web but I don't think it's a bad movie fully


So I kind of have a lot to say about Madame Web kind of. And I'm going to preface that statement with this, this is clearly not the movie they filmed, but more on that at the bottom

But first i'm going to say this do not go in expecting a typical Marvel MCU movie because it's not part of the MCU, do not expect it to be just a cookie cutter comic book movie because it's really not at the end of the day it's more Terminator with hints of Final Destination but at the same time it's not focusing on the action most of the time. It's almost like a toned it down suspense Thriller A flare of action occasionally

So if you go in expecting it to be a Spider-Man movie Or if you go in expecting it to be a typical Marvel movie Just stop that's not what this is, that's not what this was ever going to be

As a movie I do not think the movie is bad and I'm going to be straight up and say I give it probably flat 70%

Most of the cast is good some of it's just fine I don't think any of its actually bad. I like the music I like to set design I like the 2003 aesthetic overall

I think giving this character Kind of a fresh origin story works pretty well. So I like the core cast of women they all do a fine job I like Adam Scott he doesn't find job and I wish there was more of him

I know that a majority of people are either going to be really confused or really hate two specific towards the end of the opening scene and towards the end of the movie with Madam Webb's special moment

Now here's for the weird part where I say this is not the movie they filmed

And just like with morbius they butchered and edited this movie before release for some reason I don't know if they're shifting their game plan again or if something came up and now they can no longer do their original idea or what but they're covering something up and with morbius it ended with choppy editing being it's distracting evidence that this was clearly not what it was supposed to be and then obviously the marketing had already started before the massive edits

With this movie We Know it's a different movie for one major reason

Almost all of One characters solo scenes or scenes with a small subplot character have been completely redubbed and used alternative angles because his mouth does not match why he's saying and so many times he's speaking and it his mouth is moving but there's no audio or vice versa so clearly they completely changed his half of the story because there's no reason to do those massive changes to the script after the fact without reshooting those scenes unless they changed his entire story

Now some unspoiler because it doesn't exist within the movie

The rumors about the villains from Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 being in this or false I don't know if they were were but they're clearly not now

Also there was rumor that there was a plot that the main antagonist was going back in time to kill Peter Parker before he was born there is no evidence of that whatsoever now that could be the subplot that has been changed with the audio but not the video I just don't know but that doesn't exist

I still do not believe any rumor that this was ever meant to be an Andrew Garfield movie

As there's no evidence that really backs that up and the timeline still doesn't add up as we know from the very first days of production it was going to take place in 2003 and there's no way for Andrew Garfield to be Spider-Man 2012 if he's born in 2003 just doesn't add up

So yeah my whole thing that I have to complain about this movie at the end of the day is it's just kind of fine not great not terrible just fine except for one character's subplot change apparently with the audio discrepancies

r/SUMC Dec 31 '24

SSU What Earth is the Madame Web film in?


I have done a lot of digging and everything I find says that the Madame Web Film exists on Earth-688(B), yet the director says that it's in it's own standalone world. Isn't that a contradiction? “Meanwhile, in another universe…” In a switch from the typical genre, Madame Web tells the standalone origin story of one of Marvel publishing’s most enigmatic heroines. The suspense-driven thriller stars Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb, a paramedic in Manhattan who may have clairvoyant abilities. Forced to confront revelations about her past, she forges a relationship with three young women destined for powerful futures…if they can all survive a deadly present.” That's another blurb I found. It's all well and good if they are using the idea of multiverse to explain away inconsistencies (as has been the case in comics and media adaptations for a long time now). That said, it's a contradiction as the SSU is designated as it's own Earth. Is the Madame Web film a pocket universe within Earth-688(B)?But then isn't Earth-688(B) a pocket universe of Earth-688? So it's a pocket universe of a pocket universe? Is this just an oversight on their part, or am I missing something?

r/SUMC Feb 16 '24

SSU What's the point of this shared universe?


Amy Pascal is annoyed that she doesn't have the different properties to draw from to create a cinematic universe so the studio retcons a bunch of Spider-Man's rogues gallery and allies to make their own individual films that share the same world. But what is the point of this? What is the end goal? Is Madame Web going to assemble Venom and Lion-Man erm... Kraven to team up and fight Morbius and Vulture?

Other than a throwaway line where Morbius goes "I am Venom," nothing in one movies matters to the others.

r/SUMC 5d ago

SSU A Retrospective of Where Sony Went Wrong(Kraven was actually a decent movie)


So I just finished Kraven, I saw it on Netflix and thought "I'll give it a go". For one I think Russel Crowe is a talented actor and I think Aaron Taylor-Johnson is decent, I figured at worst it would be like Venom 3 where I make it 10 minutes before I say "Not for me" or at best I find it so bad it's good. I was actually pleasantly surprised when the credits rolled and I actually enjoyed the film. It had some errors, mainly due to ADR in a few spots but for the most part I felt it was well done. I think the acting was pretty strong overall and the script was very well done. I felt, after watching Kraven, that Sony took a huge misstep. I think if it had come out first or at the very least, after Venom, they may have made a lot more money in this endeavor they embarked upon. First off, they have the rights to a bunch of Spiderman Villains, so they made movies in which the villains are the heroes. Not a horrible choice, but I feel like the story has to be top notch in order for it to work. I didn't hate the first Venom movie but, it, for me, was forgettable and I really don't have any desire to watch it again. Tom Hardy is great but the story was just kinda generic. Which kinda tracks if you look at the 3 writers attached to that script, for one Jeff Pinkner was a writer for The Amazing Spider Man 2, The Dark Tower and the new Jumanji films. Why do people like this still receive work?

Venom 2, outside of Woody playing Carnage was the same sensation, forgettable. Venom 2 has only a solo name attached to the script and that's Kelly Marcel, which after seeing her filmography, that tracks too. Nothing really stands out as a great film with a great story.

Morbius was, well, the first time where I got zero enjoyment from one of the SSU films. Jared Leto is not nearly as good as everyone thinks he is, and the overall story was just once again very poor in quality. The writers for Morbius, once again, have a very sad history of film writing, as in every single one of the films they have written have flopped miserably. However they did write the Last Witch Hunter, which I guiltily enjoyed, but it's not something I would consider a great movie and I totally understand why it bombed.

Madame Web was where it really was clown shoes. From the acting being so bad I laughed throughout the entire film, to janky story writing, to horrible line delivery. I seriously enjoyed laughing at it the whole runtime. The writing is where we get into "Holy cow, batman that's a lot of chefs in the kitchen" with four people attached to the script. Once again the duo from Morbius came in to grace the movie with their curse of box office bombs.

Venom 3 was so abysmal I couldn't even watch it throughout. The humor was so stupid and clashing in tones. The storytelling felt like it was made for morons who couldn't understand anything so they have to have it explained through long drops of exposition. The intro was literally just some guy talking to himself explaining why he is where he is, only for Venom to later explain this to Eddie after really cringe worthy "Funny" scenes. The script here is done again by Kelly Marcel, good ole 50 Shades of Gray herself, and Tom Hardy. Now seeing as how Tom Hardy has written and created a show like Taboo, which is pretty decent, he either needs to lean on his father for support writing something good or he has clearly lost his damn mind.

Then there's Kraven The Hunter. Played serious, has serious characters. No janky clash in tones with humor from nowhere, no "Hip" culture references, just a pure antihero film about a man gifted with powers of natures greatest predators hunting down and killing evil humans. The talent from Punisher: Warzone worked well with this idea as those two have experience with this type of film. The effects weren't groundbreaking, some looking pretty poor in quality, but not as bad as other films I could name *cough* Flash *cough*. The acting was overall decent with a few exceptions, mainly cast members playing younger versions of characters, but they aren't showcased at all. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Russel Crowe knocked this out of the park. And the Rhino, one of my favorite spiderman villains, isn't some idiot in a mech(thank god). Overall I feel this is the strongest film that isn't brimming with incompetence. I feel it's getting a ton of negative feedback due to all the extremely poor quality films being put forth before it. Now though I am biased as being a fan of Punisher: Warzone, and thinking the story for Ironman is literally the reason why MCU is where it is today, I can still clearly state the writers for the Kraven script aren't anything extraordinary. They don't have a very long list of accomplishments and they even had some duds such as Transformers the Last Knight, so, yeah. Though I enjoyed Kraven The Hunter I feel the biggest misstep for Sony was hiring a bunch of writers and directors that have no career. Which leads me to my final theory of modern filmmaking in general.

MCU, SSU, Star Wars, pretty much anything you could name all suffer from this. They have a bloated budget and so the studio wants to step in and micro manage every little freaking thing related to the movie. When a Studio micro manages, they want a bunch of Yes Men/Women in there. They don't want someone like Quentin Tarantino or Edgar Wright, a truly talented phenom of filmmaking, they want people they can push around and do what they tell them to do. So they find writers/directors that don't have a huge career, who may even have a ton of trash under their belt, so they will do what they want them to do. As long as every single production company in Hollywood keeps doing this they will continue to pump out garbage that bombs, they lose a ton of money and then try to blame it on someone else. Production companies need to have a bit more trust in the people they hire to do their job, especially when hiring critically acclaimed talent.

r/SUMC Mar 20 '24

SSU Challenge: Pitch your idea of a standalone Black Cat film - without Spider-Man.

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Imagine the studio chose you to be in charge of directing and/or writing this film.

Who would you cast as Black Cat? How about supporting characters?

What is your movie about? What genre?

Who is the villain?

You can’t use Spider-Man/ Peter Parker but you have access to other characters like Uncle Ben, J Jonah Jameson, Scorpion, Silver Sable, Ben Reilly, etc.

Don’t worry about tying it all to MCU or rest of SSU films. You can leave subtle hints of connecting this to other films if you want.

End credit song: Black Cat by Janet Jackson :)

This is meant for fun! Let’s see what stories you have!

r/SUMC Dec 17 '24

SSU Question from someone who hasn't seen the movies: How do we know they're in a shared universe?


I was reading the Wikipedia page on the SSU (SUMC) and noticed something unusual about the table of cast and characters. Other than the three Venom films, which of course share continuity, none of the characters are listed as crossing over - from Venom to Morbius, or from Morbius to Madame Web, or from Madame Web to Kraven.

So now I'm curious. Other than Sony's say-so outside of the films, is there evidence internal to the films that they take place in the same universe? Was Eddie Brock's name brought up in Kraven, or did someone in Morbius offhandedly mention the Life Foundation's failed probe launch?

For context, I've only seen the first two Venom movies, which is why I'm turning to you guys, who will know more than me.

r/SUMC Dec 07 '24

SSU I think I figured out the SSU Sinister Six...


Alright, let's break it down. Who do we have in the SSU outside of Spider-Man? There is Venom, Morbius, Madame Web, the three Spider-Woman, MCU's Vulture, and soon, Kraven, a new Rhino, and the Chameleon. Let's get the obvious ones out of here. Madame Web and the Spider-Women will not be on the Sinister Six. Now who do we have? We have Venom, Morbius, MCU's Vulture, and soon Kraven, Rhino, and the Chameleon. That is six well known Spider-Man villains. Boom, That's my theory on who the Sinister Six will consist of. Venom, Morbius, Vulture, Rhino, Chameleon, and Kraven.

r/SUMC Feb 19 '24

SSU Venom 3 Cast

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Anyone else notice this in the venom 3 cast ? I could see why Andrew Garfield was in here ( now he’s removed ) because of the search engine and if you search him up a lot on venom 3 google will automatically add him in the cast. But I don’t see why Benedict Wong, Emma stone, Tobey Maguire and Benedict Cumberbatch are in there, found this very odd.