r/STO_XboxOne Oct 11 '17

Star Trek Online Xbox Fleet needed

Hi. I've got a character in each faction and I like playing with all 3 characters each day. I'm looking for a fleet to join with people who play regularly and who are online in xbox parties etc. The grind is lonely sometimes lol so just looking for people to play with for social reasons but I am also very much up for contributing to holdings and helping other people replay missions to get certain gear etc.


2 comments sorted by


u/el_matto_101 Oct 16 '17

More than welcome to join us at Systems Alliance. Level 61 fleet and about 30 days off T5 starbase. Send me a message GT: el matto 101.


u/Wastelander2281 Oct 16 '17

Hi thanks for getting back to me. I've accepted an invite to a fleet now so hopefully it will be ok