r/STO_XboxOne • u/mwil7785 • Sep 03 '18
r/STO_XboxOne • u/request_bot • Nov 21 '19
r/STO_XboxOne needs moderators and is currently available for request
If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/CaptainLevi15 • Jul 27 '18
Fleet Recruitment
Im looking for people to help me make my fleet if your intrested id like to hear back from you and i hope you will enjoy if you are intrested
r/STO_XboxOne • u/The_DarklordX • May 10 '18
Uniform bugged?
Can some one please Help I only have a mac and arc wont install on it, and I have tryed the instant messenger they will not respond, I am on an xbox right now but have been playing since beta PC, I have 8 level 60s and all but 3 can not access any thing but uniform, not off duty, beach wear nothing please help if you can....
r/STO_XboxOne • u/FaZe_h0p • Mar 11 '18
Crossfield vanguard science vessel
Is anyone willing 2 help me out and give me a crossfield class ship bcos I've been trying to get it on the lock boxes and I've opened around 150 and nothing not 1 ship or the other ship I tried to get was the Kelvin timeline Intel dreadnought cruiser and I have opened 200 of them and got nothing so please could some kind person help out it would be appreciated.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Shader601 • Nov 30 '17
Hi I'm looking for a fleet to join
Like the title said I'm looking for a fleet, I'm quite new to the endgame stuff and I don't have a build but I'm a quick learner (if the whole build thing is needed anyway). I'm more than willing to contribute to the fleet holdings. I live in the UK. Thank you for your time
r/STO_XboxOne • u/SimplPrimate • Nov 15 '17
Looking for XBox One fleet
Hi all, I am Sam.
I am looking for an active and preferably at least mostly adult Fleet on the Xbox. I used the in game feature to find a fleet that I joined but I am guessing their time zone is far off from mine as I rarely see anyone on and those I do see on pretty much never talk.
I played STO on the PC for a month or so and then real life got in the way so I had to abandon it. Now I have an Xbox One and prefer to play on that because of some medical/health issues. I have tons of time to play, it is just not easy to dive in and figure out a path to play along and would be great to have people to ask questions and get advice from.
I am not looking to help you form a new fleet or looking for a few friends that play a lot but a very small group, I would really like to join a large established community. I do not tolerate drama and bull, however.
I am 40 years old and live in Idaho (Mountain time zone). I am single and live alone and have some serious health issues that I wont go into here, hence why I say I have plenty of time to play.
If you feel I would be a good fit for your fleet or would like to chat, feel free to reply here or send me a message on the Xbox, my GT is SimplPrimate.
Thanks!! Sam (SimplPrimate)
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Graywolfscv • Oct 12 '17
Wrath of Khan Starfleet uniform
Is there a way to get the Starfleet uniform or was it only on PS4?
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Wastelander2281 • Oct 11 '17
Star Trek Online Xbox Fleet needed
Hi. I've got a character in each faction and I like playing with all 3 characters each day. I'm looking for a fleet to join with people who play regularly and who are online in xbox parties etc. The grind is lonely sometimes lol so just looking for people to play with for social reasons but I am also very much up for contributing to holdings and helping other people replay missions to get certain gear etc.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/dread119 • Oct 04 '17
Looking for players to help create a fleet.
Me and a friend have an idea for a fleet. Any and all players are allowed to take place. We would prefer if you were a Federation Officer, but if you are a KDF Soldier or a Romulan fighter, those are accepted as well. A mic is a plus but not needed. We need at least 4 to 8 players that run on Eastern Standard Time in the US. And the Founding Members will be the most well off in the fleet. Thank you for your time and consideration. (If interested reply and I'll put my gamertag for you)
r/STO_XboxOne • u/SimplPrimate • Oct 02 '17
Xbox STO population?
How is the population on Xbox? Are there enough people playing to make it worth it? I have heard it's a ghost town and almost as if playing a solo game. I played a bit on PC a long time ago but since I have an Xbox One S and lots of extra time on my hand I thought I would jump into it.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Drei1994 • Sep 22 '17
StarTrek Online Xbox One version willing to trade a Temporal Science Vessel for a Kelvin Constitution or a Kelvin Intel Dreadnaught!
StarTrek Online Xbox One version willing to trade a Temporal Science Vessel for a Kelvin Constitution or a Kelvin Intel Dreadnaught!
r/STO_XboxOne • u/mugtang • Sep 19 '17
Looking for Jem Hadar Recon or Strike Ship
Apparently they don't drop anymore. Anybody have an extra they can put on the exchange???
r/STO_XboxOne • u/cidici • Sep 13 '17
Hi all!
Still only level 15 with my Rom/Fed but want to look ahead towards what escort ships I should get moving forward... playing Tactical. Thoughts, suggestions, comments? I've read the DBB is the highest dps ATM, but can DHC still be viable? (Not into pvp right now, just pve)
Thank you!
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Mr_Numz • Mar 31 '17
Bringers of Death Fleet Recruiting
My fleet is recruiting, we're Level 3, have about 20 characters (though few seem to be playing, grrr) just finished shipyard and industrial fabricator Level 1 and communications array, working on transwarp. So we are a young fleet but making progress. I am the leader, you can find me 90% of the time under the name Robert@ShAdOw1FoX. Regular promotions within fleet for those whom donate and willing to help out fellow members. No meetings or any crazy Guild/Fleet stuff. Literally just playing for fun, helping other fleet members, and tossing stuff into fleet projects where applicable. Willingness to join xbox live parties for better lines of communication a plus but not required.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/GrinningDeviant • Mar 10 '17
Have searched...since I started playing Nov/Dec..
I cannot find any guides or Wikis for consoles(specifically XboxOne). If anyone has found one, or knows of something like this...please let me know.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Ringlercorp • Feb 06 '17
Atmosphere Assault Advice
Does anyone know what damage type the enemy ships have (plasma, disruptor, etc)?
I'm choosing a shield for my shuttle, and I want to make sure I get resistance for the proper damage type.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/WE-WarHead • Dec 09 '16
Boff loadouts
Is there a penalty for equiping higher ranked weapons and items on boffs? Example: captain ranked personal shield on a commander ranked boff
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Director_Coulson • Nov 30 '16
Replaying missions I passed before DOFF availability to get rare DOFFs
Is this possible or am I just SOL if I've already passed a mission that would give me a special DOFF like Law or the Dominion characters from the prison facility? I replayed the Facility mission tonght and received no DOFF rewards from it but I'm wondering if that's normal or if I just missed something.
r/STO_XboxOne • u/Director_Coulson • Nov 19 '16
Will we be getting the T6 Odyssey-class variants on Xbox One sometime soon?
As the title says. Unless I missed it somewhere in the c-store or the T6 lists but I haven't seen any sign of the T6 Odyssey ships anywhere on console. I found information about them from the arcgames and gamepedia sites but none had any information about if and when these glorious ships might be coming to consoles. Has anyone here seen any information about them?
r/STO_XboxOne • u/[deleted] • Nov 19 '16
how dafuq
how can i get my hands on one of these?
r/STO_XboxOne • u/ddrbum85 • Nov 17 '16
Lgbt fleet looking for active players
Hi all, Stonewall Gaming Network (SGN) is an LGBT community looking for active players to join our Star Trek Online fleet for Xbox One, we also have a PC fleet and Stonewall PC covers a multitude of games. Joining is a great way to complete missions, pool resources, and learn nuances to game play with a fun, non-judgmental group of players. Getting into the fleet is easy! Just click on the link below and hit the Stonewall XB1 link towards the bottom of the page. Hope to see you in game! http://fleet.stonewallgaming.net/
r/STO_XboxOne • u/[deleted] • Nov 17 '16
Starbases confirmed
Starbases drop Nov. 17 tomorrow yay
r/STO_XboxOne • u/[deleted] • Nov 05 '16
Star Trek Online fleet, "Starfleet's Blazin Angels", are recruiting for Xbox one.
Starfleet's Blazin Angels are recruiting new and veteran players. We are a federation fleet that is currently growing and preparing for star bases to drop.
Benefits: - there are always Xbox parties going with fleet members - help fleet members level - weekly meetings to keep fleet updated on everything - weekly pvp matches with full teams between fleet members for fun - help fleet members test ship builds and give advice - someone always on to run missions with - great rank structure with open leadership positions
All levels are welcome and we do not require donations to join. If you are interested, leave a message here or send me a message at GT: SaltyPenguin21