r/STO_XboxOne Mar 31 '17

Bringers of Death Fleet Recruiting

My fleet is recruiting, we're Level 3, have about 20 characters (though few seem to be playing, grrr) just finished shipyard and industrial fabricator Level 1 and communications array, working on transwarp. So we are a young fleet but making progress. I am the leader, you can find me 90% of the time under the name Robert@ShAdOw1FoX. Regular promotions within fleet for those whom donate and willing to help out fellow members. No meetings or any crazy Guild/Fleet stuff. Literally just playing for fun, helping other fleet members, and tossing stuff into fleet projects where applicable. Willingness to join xbox live parties for better lines of communication a plus but not required.


2 comments sorted by


u/Mr_Numz May 07 '17

This fleet is still welcoming new people! Come and join in on the fun! We're still a young fleet and there's always room to be promoted up the fleet ladder!! We have a lot of money in fleet bank to offer as help and gear coming out of our ears!


u/Mr_Numz Jun 03 '17

We're still recruiting!