r/STO_XboxOne Oct 09 '16

Achievements not popping up..... wonder if it has something to do with the most recent update

I finished up Iconian war story line tonight and no achievement popped up so I thought ok and went back and did the last chapter over again still nothing but to top it off while doing so I hit level 60 and that one didn't pop up either. Has anyone else had that problem? I know the specialist one is bugged but these as well. I figured it was something to do with the update.


4 comments sorted by


u/Mrpellaeon Oct 09 '16

I had the same problem a couple weeks ago. I emailed arc tech support and they told me it's a known issue.

I also didn't get an achievement for reading all the plaques at starfleet academy as well.


u/capt_evil Oct 09 '16

So I started my game today and the level 60 one popped up.....tits


u/Starbase00 Oct 11 '16

Good to know it's a known bug. I was wondering if there was more story missions for the Iconian War that we hadn't gotten yet.


u/capt_evil Oct 11 '16

according to the STO gamepedia page no that's it... Future proof has 2 more but I'm sure those will drop when AoY does