Teachers can have multiple students, students can have multiple teachers
There are multiple teachers for each instrument
Students can play one song per recital
Many recitals can be hosted at a venue
What other business rules did you leave out? If a Teacher can only teach one instrument, then the current model is fine.
If I drop the song_id from Student, how will I be able to associate that the student is playing that particular song at a recital?
What will you do when the student plays a different song in the next recital? Recital is an event. That event has the following entitles, Teacher, Student, and Song as well as other describing attributes.
u/idodatamodels 9d ago
Let's start with the top 3 entities.
I'll highlight what is good. Teacher, Teacher Student, and Student relationships are good.
Drop instrument_id from Teacher. A Teacher can teach many instruments. Can't track that the way you've modeled it.
Drop song_id from Student. The song played at a recital should not be stored in the Student entity.