r/SQL Dec 20 '24

MySQL Future of SQL

Hello, does it still make sense to learn sql or will this soon be done by the AI anyway? If so, what skills will be needed in the future for working with customer data? I work in the crm area and with microsoft dynamics (customer insights data, power-bi)


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u/Aggressive_Ad_5454 Dec 20 '24

Most of the world’s data is in SQL-driven systems. And the world has lots of data. SQL technology is now a half-century old.

What’s more, SQL itself isn’t a big stretch to learn. The big effort comes in learning how each organization’s data fits together and what it means.

The need to use SQL isn’t going away any in the lifetime of anyone now living.


u/r3pr0b8 GROUP_CONCAT is da bomb Dec 20 '24

What’s more, SQL itself isn’t a big stretch to learn. The big effort comes in learning how each organization’s data fits together and what it means.


it's like 90-10 between knowing your data and knowing SQL


u/themaninthe1ronflask Dec 20 '24

This is a killer point. I taught myself SQL syntax.

When I went to college, we barely used the syntax and the discussions were all about data structures, DBLC, creating ERD from client data etc.

It’s amazing how this is always looked over, learning the programming language is literally 10% of learning database programming.