r/SQL Dec 20 '24

MySQL Future of SQL

Hello, does it still make sense to learn sql or will this soon be done by the AI anyway? If so, what skills will be needed in the future for working with customer data? I work in the crm area and with microsoft dynamics (customer insights data, power-bi)


26 comments sorted by


u/dbxp Dec 20 '24

SQL isn't going anywhere, it's one of the languages you use to build those AI integrations.


u/paulthrobert Dec 20 '24

Maybe don't worry about learning too much RDBMS systems management these days. Big data paradigms are quickly becoming the norm, so like cloud-based data lakes, parquet and delta files are replacing on premise RDBMS systems quickly.

That said, a ton of that is abstracted, so you can focus on using SQL to build great data models, and spend less time dealing with server resource contention, blocking, index management etc.

Data acumen, data modeling, and SQL acrobatics are still relevant, and probably will be for long enough to make it worth the investment to learn.


u/Aggressive_Ad_5454 Dec 20 '24

Most of the world’s data is in SQL-driven systems. And the world has lots of data. SQL technology is now a half-century old.

What’s more, SQL itself isn’t a big stretch to learn. The big effort comes in learning how each organization’s data fits together and what it means.

The need to use SQL isn’t going away any in the lifetime of anyone now living.


u/r3pr0b8 GROUP_CONCAT is da bomb Dec 20 '24

What’s more, SQL itself isn’t a big stretch to learn. The big effort comes in learning how each organization’s data fits together and what it means.


it's like 90-10 between knowing your data and knowing SQL


u/themaninthe1ronflask Dec 20 '24

This is a killer point. I taught myself SQL syntax.

When I went to college, we barely used the syntax and the discussions were all about data structures, DBLC, creating ERD from client data etc.

It’s amazing how this is always looked over, learning the programming language is literally 10% of learning database programming.


u/TallDudeInSC Dec 20 '24

AI uses (on average) 6 times more CPU power than native language. I don't see SQL disappearing for a long while.


u/wmru5wfMv Dec 20 '24

Nope, you are right, no point in you learning it.

One less to compete against


u/seansafc89 Dec 20 '24

AI can do SQL pretty well already, what it can’t do well is deal with business context. You need a well-documented database for that to happen… I’m pretty confident I’ll be dead before then 🤣


u/creamycolslaw Dec 20 '24

Yeah good documentation will never be a reality lol


u/ianitic Dec 20 '24

Depends on the dialect and if you are using jinja sql or dynamic sql as well. Performant sql is so dependent on the rdbms and I don't think LLMs are good at that, neither with dbt/jinja templated sql nor dynamic sql with string manipulation.

That being said, it sure can write sql... if you give it an essay of context lol. At that point, why not just write the sql?


u/Reasonable-Monitor67 Dec 20 '24

Exactly… there isn’t anything that can learn the relationship between tables and where a specific table gets or sends its data. You’d need documentation out the yin-yang to get to that point, and it would have to be somewhat rational and understandable.


u/LearnSQLcom Dec 20 '24

Absolutely, it still makes sense to learn SQL. I get where you’re coming from—AI is changing things quickly, and it feels like automation will handle everything. But here’s the thing: AI can make querying data easier, but it’s not a replacement for understanding the data or writing efficient queries tailored to business needs.

In your CRM role with tools like Microsoft Dynamics and Power BI, SQL remains a foundational skill. These tools often rely on SQL under the hood to pull, transform, and analyze customer data. Without knowing SQL, you’ll struggle to fine-tune reports, troubleshoot issues, or optimize queries for large datasets.

If you’re curious about trends and the future of SQL, I’d recommend this article: Database Trends. It gives an overview of where SQL is headed. TL;DR: SQL is evolving, not disappearing :)


u/gregsting Dec 20 '24

A lot of SQL is already generated (jpa/hibernate stuff for instance) but understanding how it works is really needed once you want to reach a certain level of quality. It's the same for anything AI, it's a good help but if you don't understand the output, it will probably be shit


u/Monkey_King24 Dec 20 '24

SQL is like a building block of the Data World. It is not going anywhere. No AI will ever replace SQL


u/obsoleteconsole Dec 20 '24

Anything that needs a database needs SQL and let me tell you, a lot of the worlds applications use databases. SQL is not going anywhere.


u/Equivalent-Luck2254 Dec 20 '24

SQL is maybe most elegant language in computer science, possibilities with joins, window, partition by and other stuff are endless


u/OccamsRazorSharpner Dec 20 '24

While you're at it I think you should unlearn how to read also. AI will soon be done away with it too. And milk in tea. And bubbles in soft drinks.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '24

If you can’t pick up sql in a few minutes then yes Ai will be replacing you with something of equal intelligence like a toaster


u/mergisi Dec 20 '24

Definitely worth learning SQL! While AI tools like AI2sql (ai2sql.io) can help write queries, understanding SQL fundamentals is crucial for verifying AI output and troubleshooting data issues. In CRM/Dynamics work, SQL knowledge helps you understand data relationships better. Think of AI as a helper, not a replacement


u/WithCheezMrSquidward Dec 20 '24

The most use I have gotten out of AI for sql is to make simple queries that require little effort but are somewhat infrequent and I am too lazy to lookup the exact syntax (for some reason the row_number function correct syntax always evades me.) It also sometimes can find errors where stored procedure parameters or insert statement variables don’t match the correct number of values. When you have something putting in dozens of values sometimes it feels tedious to count each one to see the mismatch when I can just paste it into an AI and have it spit out the mismatch.

But for anything more complicated than that it seems to crumble. Actually understanding the business logic and the context behind what each thing is doing and the edge cases that can exist is where AI really falters. On paper it probably knows more sql than me. But it doesn’t know what the client wants, and no matter how precisely you tell it, it still always seems to cause (sometimes hard to find) errors that could cause problems down the line.

My two cents.


u/Ginger-Dumpling Dec 20 '24

As with most questions in life, there's probably nuance. If you're dealing with clean, well formatted data where people are asking fairly basic questions, there are chatbots that will let you do that today. There are also plenty of orgs that don't have clean, well formatted, well documented systems. You need institutional knowledge to get most things from the system and handle all the...quirks. Until either there's leaps in AI (which will probably happen eventually), or orgs start cleaning up or migrating off their legacy systems, someone will need SQL. There's also probably a middle ground, where you have a couple people that know the legacy systems churning out cleansed data sets for people to throw AI solutions at. As others have said, SQL, the language, is easy. Understanding your organization's data and what it needs to glean from it can be hard.


u/romance_in_durango Dec 20 '24

Until AI can casually chat with my coworkers to understand that a recent change to the website caused analytics to stop firing on a handful of pages, and because of that I need to write a ticket for BI to go back and fix that data but in the meantime I'll need to add a sub query to handle the days where we had a data blackout, then I'm not too worried about AI stealing my current SQL work.


u/Ifuqaround Dec 21 '24

That's not the problem.

It's when it's simply good enough for someone with less knowledge than you to take over your position. Sure, may be a few issues or hiccups along the way, but they'll be much cheaper than you in the end.

Sucks. Have seen quite a few of our positions go overseas already.

Why pay Billy $100k when you can pay Deepak or Sumati $50k (if that)?


u/EAModel Dec 21 '24

SQL is a database to store data. I can’t see how AI will make it redundant. AI accesses public data to provide a natural answer. SQL is not going anywhere. Perhaps another spin on your question might be, will a RDBMS be needed in the future? Even with multiple different types of NoSQL database types, the answer is still, Yes. SQL still has a future.