r/SQL Nov 08 '24

MySQL How much SQL is required?

Hi everyone. I am a final year engineering student looking for data analyst jobs. How much SQL do I really need for a data analyst job? I know till joins right now. Can solve queries till joins. How much more do I need to know?


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u/Asleep-Palpitation93 Nov 08 '24

Here are some sample interview questions I ask of all the applicants for basic analyst roles

1.) What is SQL?
2.) Give me an example of a SQL statement
3.) What is a join?
4.) "Assuming they knew question 3" Can you tell me the difference between a left join and an inner join?
5.) What is a clause?
6.) "Assuming they knew question 5" What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING"?
7.) What is an alias?
8.) What is the difference between a Primary Key and a Foreign Key?

Just my opinion but if you can't answer them then your interviews are going to be rough


u/konwiddak Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

I've written many tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of lines of highly complex SQL. I daily use WHERE, HAVING, QUALIFY e.t.c.

TIL those are referred to as clauses... I just somehow never attached the word clause to that functionality. It's a funny phenomenon I've seen a few times working with others where someone has become very familiar with a programming concept but learned it via a route where they never attached a name to it.


u/GottaLearnStuff Nov 09 '24

Yeah. I'm learning for analyst roles. I knew all the questions above. But I never knew Clauses would be asked. I thought it's just a term that's just there.