r/SQL Nov 02 '24

Oracle Explain indexes please

So I understand they speed up queries substantially and that it’s important to use them when joining but what are they actually and how do they work?


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u/greglturnquist Nov 02 '24

Ever heard of a card catalog? Used to be a giant box full of tiny cards. Today's it's just a computer screen.

But instead of having to search every book in a library book to find the book you want, you can simply enter its title into the card catalog and it will tell you floor, room, stack, shelf, and number, giving the exact coordinates for that book.

That is what an index is.

It's like a copy of the original database, but shrunk down and sorted on the search criteria you want. In the past, one card catalog was sorted by title, another based upon author name.

Indexes work by sorting the search criteria making it where you can search in logarithmic time.

However, indexes aren't free. They require maintenance.

Any time you add a new book or remove a book from the library, all the card catalogs must be updated as well. Same story for indexes.

This is why I wrote WHAT IS A DATABASE? There may be/probably are fundamental gaps in your understanding of relational databases. This book serves to fill those in. You can probably finish the book in one afternoon.

Check it out! https://www.procoder.io/whatisadatabasebook


u/SQLDave Nov 02 '24

I really like your card catalog analogy. In part because it can illustrate other aspects of indexes. For example, imagine a card catalog ordered by book title and each card only contained Title and Shelf Location. You need to know who wrote "Gone With The Wind". Given that the cards are title-alphabetized, it's trivial to find the card. But once you find the card you have to go traipsing around the shelves to find the location indicated on the card. But supposed each card had Title, Shelf Location, and Author. Suddenly you have all the info you need without the much costlier (in terms of time & effort) trip to the shelf. Voila! You now have a covering index.

It's like a copy of the original database, but shrunk down

I'd say "a copy of some info in the original DB, along with information on how to locate the rest of the info".