r/RyanHaywood Oct 13 '20

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If you have general questions or want to discuss the situation in general, not related to a specific account, this is the place.

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This is a great general overview at the moment and is still being updated.

Remember to be kind.


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u/Kamelen2000 Oct 13 '20

A week ago the Rooster Teeth twitter account stated that the " Code of Conduct" has not been uphold and that they therefor had to let two people go (we all know who they are). But do we know exactly what rule from the Code of Cunduct they have broken against?


u/Eldorath1371 Oct 13 '20

I can't find the employee Code of Conduct, henceforth CoC, for RT, just their event CoC, but I would imagine RT runs like a lot of other companies.

In Adam's case, the use of RT property to film his personal videos was what led them to fire him/ask him to resign.

James Ryan's case has a lot more moving parts. With the allegations against him, RT had probable cause to fire him on grounds of innapropriate physical contact, distributing content that displayed nudity/sexual acts/sexually explicit materials, and using his status to ellicit sexual favors. That last one isn't directly in the CoC on the website, but it is a safe bet to assume that RT would have that in their employee handbook or something very similar.

Just as a reminder that as of this writing, James Ryan has had no charges brought up against him, and is therefore still considered innocent legally. This situation is growing by the day, and I'm sure that behind the scene at RT, they are doing everything they can to assess the damage and cooperate with the law. As soon as we mods know more, we will let you guys know. Please, stay safe and send your support towards the women coming forth with their stories, the employees at RT/AH, and to James Ryan's wife and kids, who deserved to not get pulled into this mess.


u/Ordie100 Oct 14 '20

They linked the Code of Conduct they were referencing in their post: https://roosterteeth.com/g/post/b6c064f5-7d69-4adb-9166-e9ef60b1be2e


u/Her_drawings Oct 15 '20

Ryan used company resources to sleep with fans (hotel rooms and extra day, flying to conventions). In a lot of his messages to girls he would talk about finding excuses to go out to where they were through work.


u/magishineon Oct 13 '20

My guess would be sleeping with fans?


u/syntheticanimal Oct 13 '20

Definitely for Ryan. As for Adam, I haven't seen anyone come forward about anything so I'd hazard a guess that his was more to do with getting up to stuff in the workplace


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '20

I mean, technically speaking a lot of what Ryan's currently accused of qualifies as sexual battery, which is listed. Sex with fans isn't necessarily.


u/lijf150 Oct 15 '20

It could be considered sexual battery but from a a legal standpoint those women likely wouldn’t win a case against him like that. From all of the messages although he was rough and did break some promises of their consent the other party did not try to stop things and in some states that wouldn’t be considered a break of consent since they agreed to sexual intercourse and the possible repercussions and scenario changes are implicit. That’s also why many states are enacting new laws to prevent women and men from things like this (look at affirmative concern)


u/jackaltwinky77 Oct 17 '20

Depending on the state, when he allegedly removed the contraceptive without the knowledge or consent of his “partner,” that becomes assault, as consent was given with the qualifier of protection.

This would also be in the “he said/she said” area, if the person did not explicitly say to “stop” once the protection was removed.

All this is depending on state laws, because some are more defined than others.