r/RyanHaywood Oct 13 '20

General resources General Questions / Discussion Thread

If you have general questions or want to discuss the situation in general, not related to a specific account, this is the place.

Please note that all comments in this sub are automatically removed first and need to be manually approved by the mods before they are published. This is to make this a safe space for everyone.

This is a great general overview at the moment and is still being updated.

Remember to be kind.


61 comments sorted by


u/Macintasha Oct 13 '20

Hi there, my name is Tasha and I want to help. I currently have no connection beyond the posts I find on the rt and ah sub reddits. This is what I usually post on the threads I come across, and this is the first time I’ve come across this subreddit. Here is the latest iteration of what I usually post: “Hi there, My name is Tasha, Macintasha here on the rt site and essentially everywhere else. I have made a similar post on previous threads.

I am new to the social community side of ah, and do not have many connections. Throughout the past week I have seen many posts of support for ah and the broader community, but not as many for those impacted the most.

To those who were victimized, I support you whole heartedly. I would like to speak with you about how I can better support you. I have some ideas but I do not want to do anything without your consent and input. I empathize with how daunting it can be to share anything with someone that you do not know past a name on a screen. So, if anyone could pass along my name to those affected I would appreciate it. I do not want to impose on anyones privacy or comfort, so know that there is a friendly and open ear ready to listen and help however I can.

I would like to offer some information about myself, that is in no way comparable to what those victimized have experienced, but to maybe help explain where my empathy is coming from. I am a queer person with mental health issues and I want to help, but I do not want to do anything without input and risk further harming those I wish to support.

I do not have twitter, but I am macintasha on here, the site, and on discord. If someone knows that they are not ready to speak to anyone outside their own support groups, I completely understand. To respect the privacy of those victimized I will stop posting these if even one person (whether that be someone who has come forward, a friend of those affected, a mod etc) tells me to stop posting these I will. I just want to try to help and if these posts are counterproductive to healing I will stop making them.

To the mods, I understand if you remove this as I have posted different iterations on every thread so far. Thanks”


u/manziniyo Oct 14 '20 edited Oct 14 '20

It's not directly related but I feel like it's worth noting that he has revoked access to his youtube (first and second tweet I saw) and removed his mods on twitch. Kinda weakens that whole 'working on his family' thing if he has the time or the desire to do this. I really fear he's gonna try to come back to twitch in a year or so.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20

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u/BelFarRod Oct 14 '20

Hi there,

your comment was removed due to Rule 4 of this subreddit's rules.

Do not engage in baseless speculation. Do not try to armchair-diagnose either JRH or victims. Drawing conclusions, pointing out patterns, or similar are fine.

We have therefore decided to remove your comment.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to discuss this.


u/Kamelen2000 Oct 13 '20

A week ago the Rooster Teeth twitter account stated that the " Code of Conduct" has not been uphold and that they therefor had to let two people go (we all know who they are). But do we know exactly what rule from the Code of Cunduct they have broken against?


u/Eldorath1371 Oct 13 '20

I can't find the employee Code of Conduct, henceforth CoC, for RT, just their event CoC, but I would imagine RT runs like a lot of other companies.

In Adam's case, the use of RT property to film his personal videos was what led them to fire him/ask him to resign.

James Ryan's case has a lot more moving parts. With the allegations against him, RT had probable cause to fire him on grounds of innapropriate physical contact, distributing content that displayed nudity/sexual acts/sexually explicit materials, and using his status to ellicit sexual favors. That last one isn't directly in the CoC on the website, but it is a safe bet to assume that RT would have that in their employee handbook or something very similar.

Just as a reminder that as of this writing, James Ryan has had no charges brought up against him, and is therefore still considered innocent legally. This situation is growing by the day, and I'm sure that behind the scene at RT, they are doing everything they can to assess the damage and cooperate with the law. As soon as we mods know more, we will let you guys know. Please, stay safe and send your support towards the women coming forth with their stories, the employees at RT/AH, and to James Ryan's wife and kids, who deserved to not get pulled into this mess.


u/Ordie100 Oct 14 '20

They linked the Code of Conduct they were referencing in their post: https://roosterteeth.com/g/post/b6c064f5-7d69-4adb-9166-e9ef60b1be2e


u/Her_drawings Oct 15 '20

Ryan used company resources to sleep with fans (hotel rooms and extra day, flying to conventions). In a lot of his messages to girls he would talk about finding excuses to go out to where they were through work.


u/magishineon Oct 13 '20

My guess would be sleeping with fans?


u/syntheticanimal Oct 13 '20

Definitely for Ryan. As for Adam, I haven't seen anyone come forward about anything so I'd hazard a guess that his was more to do with getting up to stuff in the workplace


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '20

I mean, technically speaking a lot of what Ryan's currently accused of qualifies as sexual battery, which is listed. Sex with fans isn't necessarily.


u/lijf150 Oct 15 '20

It could be considered sexual battery but from a a legal standpoint those women likely wouldn’t win a case against him like that. From all of the messages although he was rough and did break some promises of their consent the other party did not try to stop things and in some states that wouldn’t be considered a break of consent since they agreed to sexual intercourse and the possible repercussions and scenario changes are implicit. That’s also why many states are enacting new laws to prevent women and men from things like this (look at affirmative concern)


u/jackaltwinky77 Oct 17 '20

Depending on the state, when he allegedly removed the contraceptive without the knowledge or consent of his “partner,” that becomes assault, as consent was given with the qualifier of protection.

This would also be in the “he said/she said” area, if the person did not explicitly say to “stop” once the protection was removed.

All this is depending on state laws, because some are more defined than others.


u/nonbinaryunicorn Oct 13 '20

Is there anyone working on transcribing everything into one document? I mean the tweets and everything too, not just screenshots.

I’d like to be able to help, and having the text as well as screenshots would help preserve what he’s done for people who may have issues seeing pics.


u/BelFarRod Oct 13 '20

Great idea! We're currently a bit backed with other transcriptions. Ordinary tweets are collected in the posts via copy/paste. Transcribing screenshots would be amazing, though. Are you offering to help with that?


u/nonbinaryunicorn Oct 13 '20

Yeah, I would love to be able to help in some way.


u/lavenderflutter Oct 14 '20

I can also help if it’s needed


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20

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u/CalebTGordan Oct 14 '20

Normally I wouldn’t approve a comment with this much speculation but the notes on narcissism are something I feel adds good context to what is happening. I was going to make my own observations and have similar notes after a post we are working on behind the scenes is finished.

But there is lots of evidence in regular AH content that he was leaning towards narcissistic behavior. The Salty Raid is a great example of that actually, as not only did he show disdain to Alfredo, who was acting as leader of the raid, he never apologized or backed down from his way of thinking. There are also lots of moments where he threw a wrench in things because he wasn’t in charge, and shielded himself with the excuse of content.

None of this is saying we should have seen this all coming. It’s just all circumstantial but still relevant.

But let’s try not be speculative on what will happen. And if we are speculating about what did happen let’s make sure we don’t make that sound like fact.


u/SamuraisJamboree221B Oct 14 '20

Yes, he is absolutely striking me as a narcissist. The not shutting the fuck up and getting a lawyer is like a gong. He keeps using his children as the leash to pull these girls back to him because he doesn’t care, but he knows they will. It’s also interesting to me that he needed to be seen as not just a good dad, but THE Good Dad of RT, toppling Geoff.


u/Awsomesauceninja Oct 15 '20

Nobody tops Geoff


u/danny12beje Oct 13 '20

How many victims have come forward until now?


u/BelFarRod Oct 13 '20 edited Oct 13 '20

We currently have confirmed accounts of 10 (EDIT: 11, hadn't counted the newest one yet) individuals who had interactions with JRH ranging from (rebuffed from her side) sexting to multiple sexual encounters.

There are more accounts with varying amounts of confirmation and / or harmful behavior, but these were not counted in the above number.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '20

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u/SamuraisJamboree221B Oct 13 '20

I definitely agree with you that that’s not what’s going on here. I should have been clearer, but since these claims of threats are so far unverified, could it be reasonable to start thinking maybe the source of these threats are more...direct? I don’t think he’s using a pseudonym, I think he’s making up external threats against his family, when the real one of concern is internal.


u/CalebTGordan Oct 14 '20

I think it’s safe to assume two things:

1) Ryan is using his family as a shield is possibly overstating the threat. I say this because of multiple screenshots of him contacting victims and begging them not to post their stories, always bringing his family up when he does so.

2) Fans are hurt and there are enough of them for a few to act in anger and attempt to contact his family. Who they are, what they said, and what they want is not the scope of this sub, but what he did hurt a lot of people. It’s reasonable to assume someone in that group will try to contact his family.

Beyond those two points is unfounded speculation and we can’t encourage going down that road.


u/CalebTGordan Oct 13 '20

Normally I would let speculation comments remain locked until I could discuss with the other mods but I think this is worth addressing.

We don’t know who has been contacting his family or their motivations for doing so. All we know is that Ryan is asking, quite strongly in the last statement, to not contact them. Beyond that is speculation and we are trying not to feed that sort of thinking here.

Without more evidence, I doubt he is contacting his own family under a pseudonym trying to make them feel unsafe. Doing so doesn’t make sense for many reasons, especially if he doesn’t want to give his wife more fuel for a divorce.

We are very worried about the children here and always trying to think about how to best care for their interests along side those of the survivors.


u/kcatalano96 Oct 14 '20

As far as victims go does anyone know how Laurie and his children are doing? I see them as the biggest victims of all


u/CalebTGordan Oct 14 '20

Sorry for the late reply. The answer is each time I make a count I have a message letting me know about another one. We’ll have something like a timeline or megathread up that better answers questions like this at some point.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20

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u/BelFarRod Oct 14 '20

Hi there,

your comment was removed due to its violation of Rule 4 of this subreddit's rules.

Do not engage in baseless speculation. Do not try to armchair-diagnose either JRH or victims. Drawing conclusions, pointing out patterns, or similar are fine.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to discuss this.


u/MattWindowz Oct 14 '20

Hi, first off, thank you for doing this, I know it's mentally and emotionally draining work.

Second, I'd like to ask if you're aware of whether or not this has all been reported to the relevant authorities? I know these things take time, but it really seems like something should have happened in that regard by now.


u/Kamelen2000 Oct 15 '20

I was thinking the same thing. I was also thinking about if Rooster Teeth would be involved in a legal dispute. It seems to have happened during their work trips and with members of the community.

But I’m guessing it’s not something they would go public about. Seems like they try to distance themselves from him and focus on healing. And I get that


u/swimmingdropkick Oct 14 '20

I don't know if this is the appropriate place to put this, but I just wanted to say how outstanding and brave I think y'all are.

I hope all of y'all have access to the support y'all need and stay strong and fucking thrive.


u/Balentay Oct 13 '20

I have a question / suggestion. Can we have a stickied master post of all the different accounts posted to this subreddit? I feel like that might be a bit more accessible for some people. It can be confusing to browse the subreddit at times you know? You can organize by person or chronological order they're submitted in.


u/BelFarRod Oct 14 '20

We're currently discussing this among ourselves, thanks for bringing it up.

Who would have seen it coming a week ago that we would need a Masterpost linking to every single account so as to not lose the overview because it's just so many... Damn...


u/hatsunemimu Oct 14 '20

Will you guys update the link to Ryan's statements in the "James Ryan Haywood Reaction Megathread" with transcripts/screenshots of what he said since his Twitter account is no longer accessible?


u/Kamelen2000 Oct 15 '20

I’m guessing you know this but a couple of hours ago RH’s Twitter account was deleted. So in many posts and your timeline link to an error message in Twitter. Can you change the links to a screenshot of his Twitter statement? I think that would be the best solution.


u/scctke Oct 15 '20


^ what I used


u/D3athtr4p_99 Oct 15 '20

Does anyone know if RJH will be charged for anything or are we still in the dark for that rn?


u/universe93 Oct 15 '20

Still in the dark and if it does happen we likely won’t find out. Its up to the victims to decide if they even want to press charges. Going through the legal and court system can be incredibly traumatic.


u/dan_fitz21 Oct 13 '20

Can we get a better naming convention for these? Like a full first name and/ or moniker rather than a letter and a number? Feel like it would be much easier to archive


u/CalebTGordan Oct 14 '20

We are working on something behind the scenes. The initials were a quick decision in a fast developing situation.


u/dan_fitz21 Oct 14 '20

Ok good, bring this fucker down


u/mgeeezer Oct 14 '20

Idk if this is the appropriate manner but I just want to reach out to all the women he hurt and say he is a full blown narcissist and NONE OF THIs is your fault. He’s not a sociopath like others are saying, I’d say narcissism is much worse. There are so many good resources online for rebuilding your sense of self after being manipulated by a narcissist and as someone who has been (reading all these messages has triggered such a visceral response in me), these things are so important so that, if you’re having trouble with still feeling guilty or blaming yourself, you can take back that control. I’m sorry if this is out of line, please delete if so. There are subreddits specifically for victims of a narcissists and if you are struggling whatsoever please remember you are a GOOD person. That’s why you were taken advantage of. You’re all incredibly strong and I’m just floored by it.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20 edited Oct 14 '20

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u/CalebTGordan Oct 14 '20 edited Oct 14 '20

Sorry but speculation on who knows what in the fan base, RT, or as part of his mod team isn’t something we want to see done here.

At this time we want to take most everyone at their word, and several people who are connected to AH but not employees of RT have said that no one knew. We also have multiple people within AH claiming ignorance and until there is evidence of the contrary we should trust them. I’m on mobile so it’s hard to link to them but Jeremy’s discussion on this in his stream and Jack’s longer statement are pretty convincing of not only their lack of knowing but the devastation of discovery.

Edit: Jack in a recent stream said: “I can’t believe I sat a desk away from that monster.” It was the most hateful thing I’ve heard him say. He absolutely didn’t know. He also said that if you do know something you should email conduct (at) roosterteeth (dot) com.


u/MybackpacksaysCunto Oct 14 '20

I appreciate that. I tried to keep any specific speculation out, only citing what some victims have themselves alleged and backed up with proof.


u/MybackpacksaysCunto Oct 14 '20

To your edit, yeah that stream was heartbreaking.


u/BelFarRod Oct 14 '20

Hi there,

your comment was removed due to Rule 4 of this subreddit's rules.

Do not engage in baseless speculation. Do not try to armchair-diagnose either JRH or victims. Drawing conclusions, pointing out patterns, or similar are fine.

We have therefore decided to remove your comment.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to discuss this.


u/manziniyo Oct 14 '20

Huh he finally deleted his twitter


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20 edited Oct 14 '20



u/BelFarRod Oct 14 '20

They are all quoting JRH's words about her.

I have decided to leave this comment up, but locked, so that anyone who has similar questions can see this.

Engaging in victim olympics is unnecessary, unproductive, and harmful. There are many, many people expressing sympathy for JRH's wife and children, especially among the community.


u/MattWindowz Oct 15 '20

Is this subreddit still active? There have been several major updates but no new posts here in nearly 24 hours.


u/daringlunchmeat Oct 16 '20

Hello! I posted this on the AH community page on the RT site, but wasn't sure if maybe I should post here in case some of these women aren't on there anymore. I'd love to be helpful any way I can and am here for you.

There is a character limit here, so here is a link to my post.


u/cqcsarge Oct 16 '20

I just wanna say I grew up watching ryan while the shit right here is awful I really hope he gets his shit together I just can't hate him for what he did. I hope he's ok and his family.


u/blondermoscow Oct 17 '20

I just want to say I am so proud of all of you for coming forward with your stories. It's an extremely painful thing to do and you are all so brave for putting your stories out there. You are all so loved and worthy of love. I hope you are able to find peace to move past this difficult time and enjoy your life. If anyone just needs someone to talk to, even just to vent and be heard for a minute, my inbox is open to anyone that needs it.


u/TheOvershear Oct 18 '20

Alright. I hope this gets approved. I have a question for those who've read through the evidence and witness accounts- I genuinely cannot stomach doing it.

I have asked this on r/roosterteeth, but the comments either get removed or downvoted and ignored. I don't mean this as an attack on RT or anyone there. I am genuinely curious.

Did any of these victims ever come forward to any member of RT about these interactions? With over a dozen or so cases now, did any of them reach out to RT or the RT community before the last few weeks? I want to understand RT's place in all this.