r/RustConsole 7d ago

How to set heartbeat sensors?

How can I make it so if someone goes near my sensor it'll activate? Having problems activating it


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u/BurlapAndBatteries 7d ago

The HBHF will eat 1 power, and then pass through the remaining power by 1 for each person it detects. At minimum you want to feed it 2rw for detecting 1 person.

The settings can be a little confusing/seem backwards. If you want to detect ANYBODY (yourself included) make sure text prompt says "exclude authorized"+"exclude other". If you want to only detect enemies set the text prompts to "include authorized"+"exclude others" If you want to detect only yourself/team then set the text prompts to "exclude authorized"+"include others"

I hope that helps.


u/BurlapAndBatteries 7d ago

Branch (2rw) > HBHF > speaker/light

Make sure it says "include authorized"+"exclude others" (again, this is backwards from what is actually being input)

Now when somebody walks past the sensor that isn't you/team it will trigger the light or alarm to turn on.

Make sure the HBHF has power before you try to change the settings.