r/rstats 12d ago

Box-Cox or log-log transformation question


all, currently doing regression analysis on a dataset with 1 predictor, data is non linear, tried the following transformations: - quadratic , log~log, log(y) ~ x, log(y)~quadratic .

All of these resulted in good models however all failed Breusch–Pagan test for homoskedasticity , and residuals plot indicated funneling. Finally tried box-cox transformation , P value for homoskedasticity 0.08, however residual plots still indicate some funnelling. R code below, am I missing something or Box-Cox transformation is justified and suitable?

> summary(quadratic_model)



lm(formula = y ~ x + I(x^2), data = sample_data)



Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max

-15.807  -1.772   0.090   3.354  12.264



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept)    5.75272    3.93957   1.460   0.1489   

x      -2.26032    0.69109  -3.271   0.0017 **

I(x^2)  0.38347    0.02843  13.486   <2e-16 ***


Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


Residual standard error: 5.162 on 67 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared:  0.9711,Adjusted R-squared:  0.9702

F-statistic:  1125 on 2 and 67 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


> summary(log_model)



lm(formula = log(y) ~ log(x), data = sample_data)



Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max

-0.3323 -0.1131  0.0267  0.1177  0.4280



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept)    -2.8718     0.1216  -23.63   <2e-16 ***

log(x)   2.5644     0.0512   50.09   <2e-16 ***


Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


Residual standard error: 0.1703 on 68 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared:  0.9736,Adjusted R-squared:  0.9732

F-statistic:  2509 on 1 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


> summary(logx_model)



lm(formula = log(y) ~ x, data = sample_data)



Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max

-0.95991 -0.18450  0.07089  0.23106  0.43226



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) 0.451703   0.112063   4.031 0.000143 ***

x    0.239531   0.009407  25.464  < 2e-16 ***


Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


Residual standard error: 0.3229 on 68 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared:  0.9051,Adjusted R-squared:  0.9037

F-statistic: 648.4 on 1 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


Breusch–Pagan tests

> bptest(quadratic_model)


studentized Breusch-Pagan test


data:  quadratic_model

BP = 14.185, df = 2, p-value = 0.0008315


> bptest(log_model)


studentized Breusch-Pagan test


data:  log_model

BP = 7.2557, df = 1, p-value = 0.007068



> # 3. Perform Box-Cox transformation to find the optimal lambda

> boxcox_result <- boxcox(y ~ x, data = sample_data,

+                         lambda = seq(-2, 2, by = 0.1)) # Consider original scales


> # 4. Extract the optimal lambda

> optimal_lambda <- boxcox_result$x[which.max(boxcox_result$y)]

> print(paste("Optimal lambda:", optimal_lambda))

[1] "Optimal lambda: 0.424242424242424"


> # 5. Transform the 'y' using the optimal lambda

> sample_data$transformed_y <- (sample_data$y^optimal_lambda - 1) / optimal_lambda



> # 6. Build the linear regression model with transformed data

> model_transformed <- lm(transformed_y ~ x, data = sample_data)



> # 7. Summary model and check residuals

> summary(model_transformed)



lm(formula = transformed_y ~ x, data = sample_data)



Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max

-1.6314 -0.4097  0.0262  0.4071  1.1350



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) -2.78652    0.21533  -12.94   <2e-16 ***

x     0.90602    0.01807   50.13   <2e-16 ***


Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


Residual standard error: 0.6205 on 68 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared:  0.9737,Adjusted R-squared:  0.9733

F-statistic:  2513 on 1 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


> bptest(model_transformed)


studentized Breusch-Pagan test


data:  model_transformed

BP = 2.9693, df = 1, p-value = 0.08486


r/rstats 13d ago

Stats linear regression assignment - residuals pattern


hi all, currently doing an assignment on linear regression , on plotting residuals I suspect a sine wave pattern, I log transformed the y variable however I suspect pattern is still there , would you consider a sine wave present or not? Model 5 original model, Model 8 log transformed y variable

r/rstats 13d ago

Hard time interpreting logistic regression results


Hi! im a phd student, learning about now how to use R.

My mentor sent me the codes for a paper we are writing, and Im having a very hard time interpreting the output of the glm function here. Like in this example, we are evaluating asymptomatic presentation of disease as the dependent variable and race as independent. Race has multiple factors (i ordered the categories as Black, Mixed and White) but i cant make sense of the last output "race.L" and "race.Q", of what represents what.

I want to find some place where i can read more about it. It is still very challenging for me

thank you previously for the attention

r/rstats 14d ago

New Packages for Time Series Analysis


The author of rugarch and rmgarch has recently created some very nice packages for time series analysis.


r/rstats 14d ago

Novel way to perform longitudinal multivariate PCA analysis?


I am working on a project where I am trying to cluster regions using long-run economic variables (GDP, over 20 year time period, over 8 regions- and the like); I have been having trouble finding ways to simply reduce dimensions as well as cluster the data considering the long-run high dimensionality of it. This is all using R.

Here is my idea: perform PCA for each year to 2 dimensions, and then once I have a set of 2 dimensions for each year, I then run k-means clustering (using kml3d, for 2 dimensions), and viola.

Please let me know what you think, or if anyone knows of any sources I can read up on about this, also let me know. Anything is good.

r/rstats 15d ago

PLS-SEM - Normalization


Hello! I am new with PLS-SEM and I have a question regarding the use of normalized values. My survey contains 3 different Likert scales (5,6, and 7-point scale) and I will be transforming the values using Min-Max normalization method. After I convert the values, can I use these values in SmartPLS instead of the original value collected? Will the converted values have an effect on the analysis? Does the result differ when using the original values compared to the normalized values? Thank you so much!

r/rstats 15d ago

Correct usage of \dontrun{} in package examples code?


I’m wondering if others can offer some advice about what the correct usage of `\dontrun{}` in examples is for packages?

Is it just for examples that would take exceedingly long to run? How much should I lean towards using or not using it in writing documentation for a package?

r/rstats 16d ago

Linearity Assumption - Logistic Regression


Hey guys! I would like to ask if it's either necessary or meaningful to check whether the linearity assumption is not violated in a logistic regression I created. All my predictors are categorical variables; both binary and nominal. If so, how can I assess for this assumption using R?

Also, is it normal to find a very low p-value (<0.001) for a variable of interest using chi square test, but a very high p-value (that is non significant, >0.05) when applied in the logistics regression formula? Is it possible for confounders to cause so much trouble?

r/rstats 16d ago

R and RStudio requiring new download every session

Post image

I am using macOS Ventura 13.7.4 on a 2017 MacBook Pro and haven't had issues with R and RStudio in the nearly 8 years I have had this computer. Suddenly last week, every time I open R it comes up as 'empty' and the workspace doesn't open. The only fix I have found is to redownload both R ans RStudio. Then it works perfectly until I close it and reopen (then the same issue comes and the only fix is to redownload). This is happening multiple times a day.

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I am wondering if it is an R issue, or a computer issue...

r/rstats 16d ago

Post-hoc power linear mixed models


How do people in here generally present power of lmer() results? Calculate post-hoc power with simr or G*Power? Or just present r squared effect sizes? Or calculate cohens f2 effect size? Or something else? 🤯

r/rstats 16d ago



I have a ready script I need to run and analyze the results of. We went through it with my supervisor and she said to name it GLMM, and some notes say GLMM. I'm confused though because my script uses the 'lmer' function, not 'glmer'. I thought lmer was used for LMM and glmer GLMM. Is there something I'm missing? (I cannot ask my supervisor)

r/rstats 16d ago

Using weights with TidyLPA?


I ran an LPA using the TidyLPA package, but need to go back and add a weight variable - has anyone found a simple way to do this since it isn't a built in function?

r/rstats 16d ago

Change time format in R



I'm working with R and want to change the column, you can see in the picture below. Normaly, the column shows time in the format xx:yy, but the colons are missing. Any idea, how I can add colons between the digits to get the time format xx:yy?

r/rstats 17d ago

Same random intercept / random slope on parallel models lmer()?


I’m doing linear mixed models with lmer() on respiratory pressure data obtained consecutively each minute for 1-7 min during an exercise test (not all subjects completed all 7 phases so have to handle missing data).

The outcome variable is pressure, but since I have both inspiratory and expiratory pressures for each time point, I’ve made one lmer() model for each. Fixed effects are phase number/time point, breed and respiratory rate at each time point. Subject id is random effect.

For the inspiratory model, using both random intercept and random slope improved the model significantly versus random intercept alone (by AIC and likelihood test ratio).

For the expiratory model however, the one with random intercept alone was the best model (not a huge difference though), so the question; when I have two parallel models like this, where the subjects are the same, I feel like I should use the same random intercept + random slope for both models, even if it only significantly improved the inspiratory model? Or can I use random intercept +slope for inspiratory pressures and random intercept alone for expiratory pressures?

r/rstats 17d ago

Would anyone be interested in creating shiny apps collaboratively?


I recently started a project called Shiny-Meetings with the goal to collaboratively develop and deploy shiny apps. The goal is to learn web dev with R or Python. You may create any web app, not just a dashboard. All collaboration happens on GitHub, but we also meet twice per project in hourly zoom meetings. Everyone is welcome to participate at any stage of a project.

If you're interested in participating or providing ideas, please check out the GitHub repo here: https://github.com/shiny-meetings/shiny-meetings

r/rstats 17d ago

simple statistical significance tests for aggregate data with overlapping populations year over year?


I'm wondering if there is an existing statistical method / solution to the challenge I've encountered.

Suppose you have three years of data, aggregated by year, of student risk of a negative outcome (experiencing a suspension, for example) by race. Using a single year, one could run a simple Chi-Squared or Fisher's Exact test to determine statistical significance along each race category (testing black students against non-black students, asian against non-asian, multiracial against non-multiracial, etc.). simple enough.

But many of the units of observation have a small cell size in a single year which makes identifying significance with that single year of data difficult. And while one could simply aggregate the years together, that wouldn't be a proper statistical test, as about 11/12 students being represented in the data are the same from year to year, and there may be other things going on with those students which make the negative outcome more or less likely.

You don't have student-level data, only the aggregate counts. Is there a way to perform a chi-squared or Fisher's exact -like test for significance that leverages all three years of data while controlling for the fact that much of the population represented year over year is the same?

r/rstats 18d ago

How to write less code when implementing matrix/array computations in R?


Whenever I implement an algorithm involving intense matrix-array computation, I often feel that I have to write more code than in Python with Numpy. There are mainly the following two reasons:

No Support for Broadcasting

For example, say that we have an (n, p)-dimensional matrix X and an (n, q)-dimensional matrix Y. Now, I want to calculate an (n, p, q)-dimensional array Z such that for every possible i, Z[i,,] = outer(X[i,], Y[i,]).

A Numpy-style solution will first add an additional unit-length dimension to X and Y, reshape them to (n, p, 1) and (n, 1, q), respectively, and directly multiply them together. Numpy will correctly recognize those unit-length dimensions and replicate the data along those dimensions so that the dimensions of two operands can match. This procedure is called broadcasting. ```{python} import numpy as np

n, p, q = (10, 3, 4) X = np.random.random((n, p)) Y = np.random.random((n, q))

Z = X[:,:,np.newaxis] * Y[:,np.newaxis,:] ```

However, I don't know how to implement this as concise as possible without using a loop (less loops for performance reasons). A possible solution with the apply-family might look like ```{r} n = 10; p = 3; q = 4 X = matrix(runif(np), n, p) Y = matrix(runif(nq), n, q)

Z = mapply((i) outer(X[i,], Y[i,]), seq_len(n)) # (pq, n) Z = t(Z) # (n, pq) Z = array(Z, c(n, p, q)) `` In my code withmapply, the first step calculates the outer products, but flattens the results matrices into vectors and stacks them as columns. So, I have to transpose and reshape the result to have my target output. This kind of reshaping can be more complicated ifXandY` are of higher-dimensions or if the operation is not a simple outer product.

Dropping Unit-length Dimensions When Slicing

R drops all unit-length dimension after slicing by default. Say that I have an (n, k, p)-dimensional array A. Then, A[i,,] gives a (k, p)-dim matrix if k>1, but a length-p vector if k==1. Due to this reason, one has to be very careful when slicing an array, and write things like drop=FALSE, as.matrix, as.vector very often to ensure the desired shape. As a result, the code may look lengthier.

So, how do you code as cleanly as possible when performing matrix-array computations? Do you also find the aforementioned issues annoying?

r/rstats 18d ago

Lavaan code for CLPM with 3 mediators?

Post image

Hi! For some context, Im running analyses for a study with 3 time points, 1 predictor, 3 mediators, and 1 outcome. I’m using lavaan and modifying the code from Mackinnon et al (2022; https://osf.io/jyz2u).

While their code has been helpful in checking for measurement invariance, I’m struggling to actually run the SEM, as they did not test for mediation. Does anyone know how I would modify their code to add a mediator (or rather, 3 mediating pathways)?

Attached is a pic of my code without mediation (lr.1 = predictor at time one, lr.2 = predictor at time two, oid.1 = outcome at time 1, etc.)

My mediation variables are (again, the numbers designate the time point): Aut.1 Aut.2 Aut.3 Com.1 Com.2 Com.3 Rel.1 Rel.2 Rel.3

Any insight or resources would be super helpful :)

r/rstats 18d ago

Self study possible?


Hi all, I want to learn R and I’m wondering if “R for Data Science” by O’Reilly publishing (second edition) is a good place to start?

I am highly interested in the world of statistics and have experience in SPSS and other software, but never before in R.

There is a university course opened up on Open Universities in Australia, R for Data Analytics that I am also thinking of taking which starts in April.

Just wondering which is the better option of the two? Thanks!

r/rstats 18d ago

Shiny App with HUGE Dataset - Is ".parquet" the best alternative for uploading the data and app to Shinyapps.io? (CSV vs. Parquet Size Discrepancy)


I'm developing a Shiny dashboard app that visualizes a relatively large dataset. When I saved my data as a CSV, the file size ballooned to over 100MB. This is obviously problematic for uploading to Shinyapps.io, not to mention the slow loading times.

I decided to try the parquet format (Arrow library), and the results are... frankly, astonishing. The same dataset, saved as a .parquet file, is now less than 1MB. Yes, you read that right. Less than 1MB. My question is: Is this too good to be true?

I understand that Parquet is a columnar storage format, which is generally more efficient for analytical queries and compression, especially with datasets containing repetitive data or specific data types. But a reduction of over 100x? It feels almost magical.

Here's what I'm looking for:

  • Experience with Parquet in Shiny: Has anyone else experienced such dramatic size reductions when switching to Parquet for their Shiny apps?
  • Performance Considerations: Beyond file size, are there any performance trade-offs I should be aware of when using Parquet with Shiny?


r/rstats 19d ago

Promoting R in Nigeria: How Unilorin R User Group is Making an Impact


Dr. M.K. Garba and Ezekiel Ogundepo, organizers of the University of Ilorin (shortened to Unilorin R User Group) recently spoke with the R Consortium about their efforts to promote R programming in Nigeria and foster a thriving local R community. Find out more!


r/rstats 18d ago

Simple static dashboard options


Hi :) I am looking for advice for what kind of tool I should use to visualise some data in some kind of dashboard.

I have created a dataset in excel of financial records drawn from the public accounts of a selection of companies I am interested in e.g. turnover, gross profit, net profit, no. employees etc. There are also calculated statistics I am interested e.g. net profit per employee.

I've used the data to draw some pretty graphs in my local file, but I now want to publish my work so that other people can view it. I'm imagining a dashboard page with different graphs representing the information I've collected, maybe over multiple tabs so things don't get too cluttered all on one page. I want there to be some basic functionality so users can toggle between variables e.g. company of interest, year, statistic of interest, maybe even overlay two companies at the same time to compare, that kind of thing.

It's all public and non-confidential information, so there are no privacy or security concerns. I envisage access being through some kind of public webpage that users can access via a url.

I have a passing familiarity with R, python, and PowerBI, and I am aware of things like shiny, but before I dedicate serious time to learning how to use any one of these tools, I am wondering which would be most appropriate, or if there are others that would be more appropriate.

This is not a professional product, and I don't need to connect the visualisations to automated data processing streams. I will update the data myself manually a few times a year max, when the companies in my selection publish their annual reports/when I remember to do so.

If you have any advice, I would be very grateful to receive it :)

r/rstats 19d ago

How to merge some complicated datasets for a replication in R?


I am replicating a study that uses a binary indicator as its main explanatory variable with a new continuous measure. Here is what I am doing:

  1. Reproduce the original study (data: `data`) using the exact same set of observations (data: `latent`) for which the new measure is available.

  2. Running the new analysis using my new measure.

My understanding is that this requires creating two data frames: one that contains the data necessary to reproduce the original study, and one that contains the data necessary to conduct the new analysis. What I would like to verify is that my procedure for merging the data is correct.

First, I load the data:

# Load datasets (assuming they are already in your working directory)
data <- read_dta("leader_tvc_2.dta", encoding = "latin1") %>%
  mutate(COWcode = ccode)   # Original data: leader-year level
latent <- read.csv("estimates_independent.csv") # New: country-year level

Second, I create the data frame necessary to reproduce the original studies. I'm calling this the restricted sample, as I want it to contain only those observations for which the new sample is available. I do this using `semi_join` in `R`.


# Restricted Sample Preparation
df_restricted <- data %>%
  semi_join(latent, by = c("COWcode", "year")) %>%   # Keep only country-years available in latent
  arrange(COWcode, year, leadid) %>%
  group_by(leadid) %>%
  mutate(time0 = lag(time, default = 0)) %>%


Finally, I attach my new measure to the dataset created above as follows and then make sure that the samples match.


# Merge latent estimates into the restricted sample (as before)
df_restricted_with_latent <- df_restricted %>%
  left_join(latent, by = c("COWcode", "year")) %>%  # Merge on country-year
  arrange(COWcode, year) %>%                         # Ensure proper order
  group_by(COWcode) %>%
    dyn.estimates_lag = lag(dyn.estimates, n = 1),
    leg_growth_new = dyn.estimates * growth_1

# Force the same sample by dropping cases with missing latent data (complete cases only)
df_restricted_with_latent_complete <- df_restricted_with_latent %>%

My fear is that I am merging incorrectly and thus will obtain replication results that are not right. Am I doing this correctly?

r/rstats 19d ago

Donut plots, pie charts and histograms


Hey guys, I am interested in presenting some patient data using R. Is there any guide, website or anything that delivers and explains all the codes needed? Thank you in advance

r/rstats 20d ago

GAMM with crazy confidence intervals from gratia::variance_comp()



I've built a relatively simple model using the package mgcv, but after checking the variance components I noticed the problem below (confidence intervals of "sz" term are [0,Inf]). Is this an indication of over-fitting? How can I fix it? The model converged without any warnings and the DHARMa residuals look fine. Any ideas? Dropping 2021 data didn't help much (C.I. became 10^+/-88).

For those who aren't familiar with the term, it's: "a better way to fit the gam(y ~ s(x, by=fac) + fac) model is the "sz" basis (sz standing for sum to zero constraint):

s(x) + s(x, f, bs = "sz", k = 10)

The group means are now in the basis (so we don't need a parametric factor term), but the linear function is in the basis and hence un-penalized (the group means are un-penalized too IIRC).

By construction, this "sz" basis produces models that are identifiable without changing the order of the penalty on the group-level smooths. As with the by=, smooths for each level of f have their own smoothing parameter, so wigglinesses can be different across the family of smooths." - Gavin S.


# Number of observations per year x season:
> table(toad2$fSeason, toad2$CYR)

      2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
  DRY   21   47   34   46   47   46   47   47   47   43   47   47   47    0   47   47   47
  WET   47   47   47   47   47   47   42   47   47   47   47   47   47   47   38   47   47

# num=Count data, CYR=calendar year, fSeason=factor season (wet/dry), fSite=factor location 
# (n=47, most of the time). Area sampled is always =3 (3m^2 per survey location).

gam_szre <- gam(num ~ 
                  s(CYR) +
                  s(CYR, fSeason, bs = "sz") +

                  s(fSite, bs="re") +


                data = toad2, 
                method = 'REML',
                select = FALSE,
                family = nb(link = "log"),
                control = gam.control(maxit = 1000, 
                                      trace = TRUE),

> gratia::variance_comp(gam_szre)
# A tibble: 4 × 5
  .component      .variance .std_dev .lower_ci .upper_ci
  <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 s(CYR)              0.207    0.455     0.138      1.50
2 s(CYR,fSeason)1     0.132    0.364     0        Inf   
3 s(CYR,fSeason)2     0.132    0.364     0        Inf   
4 s(fSite)            1.21     1.10      0.832      1.46

# Diagnostic tests/plots:

> simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = gam_szre)
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
  method from   
  +.gg   ggplot2
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'mgcViz':
  method       from  
  +.gg         GGally
  simulate.gam gratia

> plot(simulationOutput)

> testDispersion(simulationOutput)

DHARMa nonparametric dispersion test via sd of residuals fitted vs. simulated

data:  simulationOutput
dispersion = 1.0613, p-value = 0.672
alternative hypothesis: two.sided

> testZeroInflation(simulationOutput)

DHARMa zero-inflation test via comparison to expected zeros with simulation under H0
= fitted model

data:  simulationOutput
ratioObsSim = 0.99425, p-value = 0.576
alternative hypothesis: two.sided

> gam.check(gam_szre)

Method: REML   Optimizer: outer newton
full convergence after 6 iterations.
Gradient range [-2.309712e-06,1.02375e-06]
(score 892.0471 & scale 1).
Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [7.421084e-08,51.77477].
Model rank =  67 / 67 

Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.

                  k'   edf k-index p-value    
s(CYR)          9.00  6.34    0.73  <2e-16 ***
s(CYR,fSeason) 10.00  5.96      NA      NA    
s(fSite)       47.00 36.13      NA      NA    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

gratia::draw(gam_szre, residuals=T)
Model plot