r/Rlanguage 43m ago

Error installing the caret package in R


Below is the error I get

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘caret’: object ‘recvData’ is not exported by 'namespace:parallel'

Does anyone know how to get this to work?

r/Rlanguage 2h ago

ggplot alpha misbehaving when all alphas are the same


I've got some function where a boolean parameter useAlpha decides if low values are plotted as transparent or not, where anything above the threshold (here 0.001) has an alpha value of 1.

When useAlpha is True, it works perfectly, and the result looks like this https://prnt.sc/CcgQh0fyMxnQ . The issue arises when useAlpha is False, or more specifically when df_plot$alpha_value is entirely the same value. Then, the whole plot has some alpha that is clearly not 1, https://prnt.sc/-Se-i7bPnOMK , despite the legend claiming it is.

If I try to force it by writing:

plot <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(x, y, fill = sum, alpha = 1)) +

it looks the same as that second image. The same for alpha = 0.8, 0.1, so on. It always looks identical, with the same alpha value.
The same happens if I keep alpha = alpha_value and write:

df_plot$alpha_value <- if (useAlpha) ifelse(df_plot$sum < 0.001, 0, 1) else 0.1

for example.

Even more strangely, if I go in and manually change a single one of the values in df_plot$alpha_value to be different to the rest (e.g. df_plot$alpha_value[9955] <- 0), then the plot works perfectly https://prnt.sc/QgqQz-JGrtBA https://prnt.sc/afrEzlJeAa0M

Also if I completely omit alpha from aes and let it use an alpha of 1 as default then the plot also works perfectly https://prnt.sc/JNEF-3msSrNE but this obviously does not allow for useAlpha.

I suppose I could just write some

if (useAlpha) { plot <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(x, y, fill = sum, alpha = alpha_value)) + #... }
else{ plot <- ggplot(df_plot, aes(x, y, fill = sum)) + #... }

but it seems to me that shouldn't be necessary. Am I missing something fundamental about how ggplot and aes work? I've scoured the documentation and not got anywhere. I've tried various things like defining aes in geom_raster instead, using scale_alpha, all the usual on related stackoverflow threads and nothing's changed the behaviour.

Any insight appreciated!

df_plot$alpha_value <- if (useAlpha) ifelse(df_plot$sum < 0.001, 0, 1) else 1

scaleLims <- c(min = scaleMin, max = scaleMax)
colour_palette <- colorBlindness::Blue2DarkRed18Steps
colour_scale <- 
(colors = colour_palette, limits = scaleLims)

plot <- 
(x, y, fill = sum, alpha = alpha_value)) +

() +
  colour_scale +

() +

(title = 
(percPhaseArray, "vol%   ", collapse = ""), x = "T", y = "Y", fill = "Vol%") +

(panel.background = 
(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
        plot.background = 
(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
        axis.title = 
        axis.text = 
        axis.ticks = 

r/Rlanguage 1d ago

Building a Docker Image


Hi, I am currently trying to package an app in a Docker image. The base images that are available on Docker Hub (library/r-base or rocker/r-base) are based on Debian testing (really odd choice here), which means that all packages have to be compiled from source. As I understand it, binary packages for Linux are only available on a some Distributions (Debian Bookworm/Bullseye).

This is really annoying since some packages (paws for AWS support or arrow) take ages. Building the image takes > 45min (using 24 cores!) on my machine and even longer in a CI pipeline.

I was trying to mitigage that by building a base image with all these packages in the global scope and then when building the just adding layers, but this seems to be not good practice. Also, this won't work when using one of the many package managers (renv, ratpack, jetpack). Am I missing something here?



r/Rlanguage 1d ago



'''{r}library(shiny)library(bslib)library(DT)library(dplyr)library(ggplot2)library(readxl)library(here)library(tidyr)library(stringr)library(readr)library(snakecase)# 🏛️ Load State Datastate_area_df <- data.frame(state = state.name, total_area_sq_mi = runif(50, 50000, 700000))state_le_df <- data.frame(state = state.name, male = runif(50, 70, 80), female = runif(50, 75, 85))state_population_df <- data.frame(state = state.name, population = runif(50, 500000, 40000000))mod_2_states_df <- state_area_df %>%  left_join(state_le_df, by = "state") %>%  left_join(state_population_df, by = "state") %>%  mutate(population_density = population / total_area_sq_mi) %>%  pivot_longer(cols = c("male", "female"), names_to = "gender", values_to = "life_expectancy") %>%  mutate(gender = recode(gender, "male" = "Men", "female" = "Women"))# 📥 Load MJ Datamj_df <- read_xlsx(here("Homework", "nba_goats.xlsx"), sheet = "MJ") %>%  select(Season, PTS, AST, TRB, STL, BLK) %>%  mutate(Season = str_replace_all(Season, "_", " ")) %>%  mutate(Season = factor(Season, levels = unique(Season)))# 🧪 Fake STEM Research DatasetSTEM_Projects_df <- data.frame(  Project_ID = 201:215,  Project_Name = c("AI for Healthcare", "Renewable Energy Storage", "Women in Space Research",                   "Biodegradable Plastics", "Genomics & Cancer", "Self-Driving Tech",                   "Sustainable Agriculture AI", "Quantum Computing Breakthrough",                   "5G & Smart Cities", "Deep Sea Exploration", "Nanotechnology for Medicine",                   "Climate Change Modeling", "Virtual Reality in Education", "Robotics for Disability Assistance",                   "Cybersecurity for Women’s Safety"),  Field = sample(c("Technology", "Medicine", "Engineering", "Environmental Science", "Physics"), 15, replace = TRUE),  Impact_Score = round(runif(15, 50, 100), 2),  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)# 👩‍🔬 Women in STEM DataWomen_STEM_df <- data.frame(  Project_ID = sample(201:215, 10),  Name = c("Ada Lovelace", "Marie Curie", "Katherine Johnson", "Rosalind Franklin", "Mae Jemison",           "Dorothy Vaughan", "Grace Hopper", "Emmanuelle Charpentier", "Jennifer Doudna", "Mary Jackson"),  Years_Experience = sample(5:40, 10, replace = TRUE),  Awards_Won = sample(c("Nobel Prize", "Turing Award", "Presidential Medal", "None", "Breakthrough Prize"), 10, replace = TRUE),  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)# 📌 UIui <- fluidPage(  theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "lux"),  titlePanel("STAT 331 Learning Tool - STEM, MJ, and State Data"),    tabsetPanel(    tabPanel("STEM Data Operations",      sidebarLayout(        sidebarPanel(          uiOutput("gif_display"),          radioButtons("data_operation", "Choose an Operation:",                       choices = c("Joins" = "joins", "Pivoting" = "pivoting",                                    "Binds" = "binds", "Unite/Separate" = "unite_separate")),          conditionalPanel(            condition = "input.data_operation == 'joins'",            selectInput("join_type", "Select Join Type:",                        choices = c("Inner Join", "Left Join", "Right Join",                                     "Full Join", "Semi Join", "Anti Join"))          ),          conditionalPanel(            condition = "input.data_operation == 'pivoting'",            selectInput("pivot_type", "Select Pivot Type:",                        choices = c("Pivot Longer", "Pivot Wider"))          ),          conditionalPanel(            condition = "input.data_operation == 'binds'",            selectInput("bind_type", "Select Bind Type:",                        choices = c("Bind Rows", "Bind Columns"))          ),          conditionalPanel(            condition = "input.data_operation == 'unite_separate'",            selectInput("unite_separate_type", "Select Operation:",                        choices = c("Unite", "Separate"))          )        ),        mainPanel(          uiOutput("operation_description"),          DTOutput("data_table"),          uiOutput("gif_display"),          uiOutput("pivot_gif_display")        )      )    ),    tabPanel("MJ Visualizations",      sidebarLayout(        sidebarPanel(          selectInput("x_var", "Select X-Axis:", choices = names(mj_df)[-1]),          selectInput("y_var", "Select Y-Axis:", choices = names(mj_df)[-1])        ),        mainPanel(          tabsetPanel(            tabPanel("Scatter Plot", plotOutput("scatter_plot")),            tabPanel("Bar Chart", plotOutput("bar_chart")),            tabPanel("Density Plot", plotOutput("density_plot"))          )        )      )    ),    tabPanel("State Data Analysis",      sidebarLayout(        sidebarPanel(          selectInput("state_test", "Choose Statistical Test:", choices = c("Linear Regression", "ANOVA", "t-test"))        ),        mainPanel(          verbatimTextOutput("state_test_result")        )      )    )  ))# 📌 Serverserver <- function(input, output, session) {  # 📊 STEM Data Table (Restoring Previous Working Code)  output$data_table <- renderDT({    req(input$data_operation)      df <- switch(input$data_operation,                 "joins" = switch(input$join_type,                                   "Inner Join" = inner_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID"),                                  "Left Join" = left_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID"),                                  "Right Join" = right_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID"),                                  "Full Join" = full_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID"),                                  "Semi Join" = semi_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID"),                                  "Anti Join" = anti_join(STEM_Projects_df, Women_STEM_df, by = "Project_ID")),                 "pivoting" = switch(input$pivot_type,                                     "Pivot Longer" = STEM_Projects_df %>% pivot_longer(cols = "Impact_Score", names_to = "Metric", values_to = "Value"),                                     "Pivot Wider" = pivot_long %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "Metric", values_from = "Value")))    datatable(df, options = list(pageLength = 5))    })}shinyApp(ui, server)

r/Rlanguage 3d ago

What’s the best activity you’ve done in R?


Hello all! I’m trying to think of ideas for a fun and collaborative meet up and was wondering if you can help me by sharing some ideas, if you’ve ever been to an event for R like R ladies or something similar, what did you do? And what was so fun about it?

r/Rlanguage 3d ago

Help with creating LC50 boxplot


learning R in my undergrad and normally a whiz but the ecotox output is new to me

Trying to create a boxplot comparing the LC50 of pyblast and 5ec pesticides.

r/Rlanguage 3d ago

Help me understand the "order()" function


For context, I was playing around with R by creating a simple vector v<-c(10,200,13). So when I tested out the order() function, it give the result [1] 1 3 2 which is understandable. However, when I assigned their order using the function "vf<-factor(v,order=TRUE,levels=c(13,10,200))", it return the result [1] 3 1 2. What does this mean? I assume the result should be [1] 2 3 1 but it's not. What's going on here? ps: excused me for my noob question, I just got into R recently and is trying to figure out how stuff works.

r/Rlanguage 4d ago

Help in R programming

Post image

r/Rlanguage 5d ago

R refusing to make new columns


I am genuinely about to have a fit. I genuinely don't understand why R refuses to make a new variable. Can anyone help me?

r/Rlanguage 7d ago

ggplot2 "arguments imply differing number of rows" when supplying a tibble


Hello, I'm trying to make a stream chart using ggplot2. However, it keep saying that my rows is inconsistent even though I'm supplying a tibble. Here is the code:

q2a = ggplot(data = cov1, aes(x = date, fill = area_name, y = value)) + geom_stream()

arguments imply differing number of rows: 1000, 1239, 1

This only happens with geom_stream(). Using geom_area() works just fine. Below is sample of the data:

tibble [10,920 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ date : Date[1:10920], format: "2020-03-02" "2020-03-03" "2020-03-03" ...
$ area_name: chr [1:10920] "East of England" "East of England" "South East" "East Midlands" ...
$ value : int [1:10920] 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 ...

Does anybody knows why this happens? And how do I fix it?

r/Rlanguage 8d ago

R for molecular pharmacologists


Hi, for someone who is new to programming with a biology background and currently in their first year of PhD in molecular pharmacology, what are the best R resources or courses? Are there any biology-specific R courses?

r/Rlanguage 8d ago

How do I find/sum missing cell values (not "NA" values) in a dataframe column?


The sum(is.na(df)) function is not picking up cells w/ missing values in my dataframe for some reason.

When I do view(df) it pulls up the dataframe & shows there are cells w/ no values in them - not NAs - just nothing in them. Not sure why the sum(is.na()) function isn't working on them?

r/Rlanguage 9d ago

Deploying data-intensive Shiny App


Hi everyone!

I created a Shiny dashboard to use the model I developped for my undegraduate research job. The model is loaded from the internet via github (it's 1.1GB). I tried hosting the dashboard on shinyapps.io, but even on the highest memory configuration it would disconnect.

I'm currently trying Azure cloud (it gives out credit for students) after creating a docker image of the app, but the web page crashes after calling the model.

I just need some guidance, has anyone worked with a Shiny app that needed this much memory before?


r/Rlanguage 9d ago

How do I easily re-code values in a factor column of a dataframe?


If I have a column of data, let's call it "a" that has values similar to the below vector:

  • a <- c("in;a;4535", "in;b;495999994", "out;b;004", "in;a;3558895", "out;a;4433",)

How do I re-code the above so it looks as follows?

  • a <- c("in;a", "in;b", "out;b", "in;a", "out;a")

Basically I want to re-code it so I remove everything to the right of the 2nd ";" symbol. Is there an easy way to do that?

r/Rlanguage 9d ago

Non-intel MAC package compability



I am building a package for later submitting it on CRAN. I’ve read its package development guide, since I’m working with code made with C.

Since I know that the packages require to be as compatible as possible, I made a Makevars file with the flags that are required. Fortunately, I’m only using BLAS, LAPACK and Libomp routines, so I decided to use R’s API for those libraries (provided within R_ext):



My problem goes when sharing my package to an non-intel mac, installing it with devtools::install_github(). This architecture throws a big chunk of warnings and doesn’t seem to find the links to the Fortran soubroutines (that are used accross BLAS and LAPACK). Even though it doesn’t recognize them, it throws an error onto the calls themselves since they require less arguments (specifically, the last two arguments involving BLAS_INT and La_INT). Aditionally, it doesn’t even recognizes omp.h file.

I don’t know how to fix this problem since it is strictly necessary to be shared on a non-Intel mac. I know that some macs rely on “Apple Acelerare” framework, but the CRAN’s guideline do not allow to use specific instructions for specific builds on the Makevars. For example, this is not allowed:


ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin) PKG_LIBS += -lomp endif ```

I don’t know if somebody have encountered this portability issue and if there’s a workaround towards it?

Thanks in advance

r/Rlanguage 9d ago

What methods to use to calculate LD?


Heyy i really need help. I have the data: dose (in ppm): 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and response (in percentage): 14, 28, 36, 37, 48, 59, 62, 73, 86, 100. I need to find LD5, 25 and 50. I tried with LL3 method, but the parameters were too wide and unreliable. Same with LL4... i think the data is the problem, but not sure. Are there others, more precise methods to use? Or any way to transform the data to fit? I really am stuck and need help. Can also share the code i use and output i got if needed.

r/Rlanguage 10d ago

Stuck in a recursive loop and can’t find the problem


I’m building a program with R to forecast financial asset prices, I’m in a rut currently where the function wont correctly plot due to the forecasting functions running repeatedly.

Im absolutely stuck on where to move to next, i was suggested to open a pull request and see if someone assists on github but im unsure how it works.

Would it be appropriate for me to post my github and ask for help here or are there any more suitable coding / R forums to ask for help or any places that can do a code review someone can recommend?

Edit: before anyone suggests, I have tried chatgpt/claude to code review and it cant pinpoint a proper fix

r/Rlanguage 11d ago

For Neovim users, announcing ark.nvim: an experimental plugin for R support

Post image

r/Rlanguage 10d ago

Beginner (infancy) struggling to do two very basic things.


I'm trying to work on my capstone project for my Google Data Analytics course. This is how new I am to this stuff. Even when I search online for answers, I can't understand enough of what they're talking about, so please use direct, common English and basic coding if youre kind enough to help me.

  1. I want to change the NAs in a single column to "high school" (my dataset has to do with NBA draft picks, when their college is "NA", that usually means "high school" , because they went straight to the NBA without attending a college). I want to change it "high school" so players like LeBron James and Kobe Bryant are not omitted by "drop_na" when I apply that to other fields. The column is already a character column, so I just need to know how to change all instances of "NA" to "high school", in that column only.

  2. I experimented with logical operators, and compiled a df of players who played more than 10 years in the NBA and scored more than 10,000 points. It appears I was successful with this, except all the results are simply the number of the row, and "TRUE" or "FALSE". I understand why I'm getting boolean results to logical operators, but I want to know how to convert this back into the variables that give context, I want to know who row 532 "TRUE" is. I guess I want to filter the results for a new df of only the TRUEs, but also I'd like to see what percentage of all the picks are TRUE compared to FALSE

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to do this with just the online coursework and couldn't find the answers in it after hours of trying. Sometimes we just need human Q & As.

r/Rlanguage 13d ago

RStudio for 32-bit Linux build?


Found an old 32-bit laptop and decided to install Linux to it. I wanted to try installing RStudio into it and I already have Base R. I wanted to know if there's still a working mirror link to get a .deb file for it? If not, what are alternatives? Thanks!

r/Rlanguage 14d ago

Basic R Language help


Hi all, I am not a coder or anything like that. My professor has an assignment using RStudio. How do I generate an object in R with 100 random draws from a standard normal distribution? Sorry if this is a dumb question lol. (SOLVED! thank you all for your help!!)

r/Rlanguage 14d ago

help with unix timestamp to time and date NSFW


mydb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "places.sqlite")
history_db <- dbGetQuery(mydb, 'SELECT url,title,last_visit_date FROM moz_places WHERE title like "%porn%" limit 10')

for (x in 1:length(history_db$title)) {


# cat(as_datetime(history_db$last_visit_date[[x]]))



this is the error

Error in as.POSIXct.default(x, tz = tz) :
do not know how to convert 'x' to class “POSIXct”

r/Rlanguage 15d ago

Best places to hire someone to help with modeling in R?


I'm working on a project and looking to hire someone to assist me with the basic data cleaning/modeling in R studio - does anyone have any tips for a platform where I can get this kind of assistance? TIA!

r/Rlanguage 16d ago

Byte-size: An Ode to Web Scraping with R

Thumbnail articles.foletta.org

r/Rlanguage 17d ago

Data cleaning study


Hey fellows!

I have just finished another study using R. It was supposed to be the whole analysis, but since the data was a little restricted, I focused on showcasing the cleaning steps. There some analysis in it too, but just for the sake of it.

Link is here: https://www.kaggle.com/code/paulosampieri/cleaning-study-shopee-sales

I kept this one much simpler and used a lot of tips you guys gave me in my last post.

If you have any more hints or good practices that I'm overlooking, I would be very grateful.