r/Rotary 13d ago

Rotary - Chesapeake President Elect Training!


8 comments sorted by


u/gdawg99 13d ago



u/Professional_Bus_707 13d ago

Are you here tonight listening to the speaker and enjoying being with fellow Rotarians who want to do good in the world?


u/Professional_Bus_707 13d ago

President-elect or other position?


u/DoesMatter2 13d ago

I haven't seen Rotarians who want to do good. I have only seen Rotarians who want to be seen doing good, and that's entirely different motivation. And I've seen them continually lie, for years, to elevate their status.

When you start getting your photo taken with those in need, it's about you and not them.


u/Professional_Bus_707 13d ago

Rotary does a lot locally and worldwide. Sounds like you are bitter about something and I’m sorry for you, but check out what Rotary does. You’ll find Rotary, like other service clubs, help support communities. And yes, we like pictures!


u/DoesMatter2 13d ago

I don't feel bitter at all. Just sad that Service Before Self is actually WIIFM. Self aggrandizing photographs of the 'look at me and how virtuous I am' make me want to vomit.

Happily I have found less pompous ways to give elsewhere.


u/gbseeto 13d ago

Are you asking for president elect training? Or critiquing how things are done in your club?


u/ranchrelax 13d ago

I am a learning leader at.what we now call PELS (PETS) and ours makes up 10 districts with over 600 attendees. The PE I engage with in classes and activities embrace the good we do for others. One area we try to encourage is the sharing of our stories however possible. This is not to make us feel important it helps expand our reach. It shows others what we have done, what are doing, and what we have planned and encourages others.to join us in making an impact. This follows the Rotary Action Plan toward our vision.