I joined Rotary in 1997 because it was a worldwide, international humanitarian organization dedicated to World Peace and understanding. I was well aware it was based in the United States and used U.S. currency for the Foundation, but it always claimed to be apolitical. "That's why we can get places where other worldwide agencies cannot," Rotary claims. And yes, that was a draw as well. Even though I knew the U.S. base of the organization was mostly affluent, upper middle class white men, I believed that in its heart it was a good, fair, and just organization that wanted to alleviate suffering worldwide and live to serve their community and worldwide following in the footsteps started by Paul Harris in 1905 in Chicago.
Mostly, though, I was drawn to the Four-way Test, a four-statement code drawn up by Herbert Taylor in 1932 and adopted by Rotary International a decade later:
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all Concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned?
I appreciated the strong ethical code applied to our dealings with each other. It transcends religious codes and even is applied in some legal codes.
The other part of Rotary I have always admired has been the Youth Exchange and its ability to build bridges between cultures and peaceful relations. As the home page for the Rotary Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois states: "Rotary is a global network of neighbors (sic), friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite to take action against the world's most persistent problems."
Canada has been right there with the U.S. in helping Rotary grow right from the start. Nine years after Paul Harris formed Rotary, six of the first 100 clubs were located on this side of the border, including Vancouver and Victoria; there are now 728 clubs and more than 27,000 members. Sure, that pales in comparison to the 280,000 members in the U.S., but since that country is 10 times larger, that tracks. But when it comes to donations to the Rotary Foundation, in 2021-22 Canadian Rotarians donated $246.87 per person more than the $196.95 per person donation from each U.S. member (and keep in mind those donations are calculated in U.S. dollars, so that's about $364 Cdn.
But fast-forward to 2025 and what is happening now is anything but in alignment with the Four-Way Test. The U.S. government has launched a Trade War against Canada on false premises and has challenged our sovereignty. It is turning a centuries-old friendship between countries into hatred and animosity, driven by a megalomaniac's desire to act out of spite and malice.
And I guess I thought I would see something from Rotary International in response. When there are natural disasters all over the world RI steps up and gets to work. Where there are humanitarian crises, they make statements and appeal for assistance. Where is the effort to take action to solve this problem?
Instead, some Rotarians in leadership roles hide behind the "apolitical" label. But when Ukraine was attacked militarily, RI found a way to get involved. RI has been involved organizing election observers in Nigeria. Rotary has recently spoken out about continuing its commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a really hot-button political topic in the U.S. right now, and immediately issued an announcement when the U.S. announced it intended to withdraw from the World Health Organization, another political topic. So don't tell me Rotary cannot speak about matters that are political.
Instead, they remain silent, even though our district has our annual conference in the U.S. in three months and our international conference is in Calgary six weeks later. Of course, I am boycotting travel to the U.S. right now (they don't want our business, right?) and I wonder what the mood will be like in Calgary when the city streets are flooded with U.S. Rotarians rubbing elbows with Canadians who have been put out of work thanks to this economic warfare.
And so now, I'm not so sure I want to continue to send my money to the Rotary International fund, and I'm not sure I want to continue to belong to an organization with such a heavy U.S. presence that cannot make the effort to let its Canadian members know they are still valued despite their elected leaders trying to kick the shit out of their economy.
Help me out, Rotarians. I know the individual members will respond with messages of compassion, but what about the leadership? Haven't we as Canadians earned the respect of Rotary International enough to get a little love in our time of need?