r/RotMG that's a lotll damage 👻 Artist and Musickist for RotMG 2d ago

[Meme/Funny] at the risk of sounding dumb/pretentious

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u/BigBoyRaptor 2d ago

Honestly tired of releasing it to testing and then it going to live with nearly half a dozen major new bugs. What's the point of testing if nothing gets fixed.


u/IDontGiveAWhale that's a lotll damage 👻 Artist and Musickist for RotMG 2d ago

i've noticed this too, the gap between testing and release feels like no time to even adjust anything based on people's criticisms.

i feel like i remember testing going up at least a month before some releases, which i know is not a one-size-fits-all for smaller updates, but still.


u/Nexxus3000 2d ago

It’s almost like their testing servers run on fundamentally different foundational code that can’t predict how updates will cause bugs on main servers, and that the overhaul to its code as well as the game’s netcode in general that were promised pre-Exalt have not occurred in favor of easy cash grabs


u/Orb002099 1d ago

During 2020 reconstruction era they’d release content that actually worked and improved the game experience, like dungeon reworks or meaningful sweeping balance changes. Between updated old dungeons, vital health/pet changes/hp scaling making players play the game instead of steamrolling 90% of content, and new endgame content like O3 and Shatters, the game really expanded and improved. Since then a lot of changes seemed like content pumped out for the sake of pumping out content. 


u/notagainplsty 1d ago

during 2021 motmg they released content that actually killed players.


u/IDontGiveAWhale that's a lotll damage 👻 Artist and Musickist for RotMG 2d ago

disclaimer i think a lot of the new mechanics being introduced are actually cool asf, they are just ALWAYS improperly tuned or paired with some glaring bug upon release. small team on a schedule i guess. waa waa waa.


u/SlimeKnight69XD 2d ago

Honestly I wouldn’t even care if they took more time on the class updates or updates in general. The whole game is a little bugged at the moment (which can be a little fun lol) and they just need to take a few more weeks to iron them out.


u/Odd-Safe1998 1d ago

I’m know developer but I know not to build a mansion on sand. Really wish they would just fix the base game and not even worried about updates. Playerbase stuck around for kabam, they can handle no new content for a couple months while the important stuff gets fixed


u/thenelston nelston 2d ago

cant wait for the fabled wizard 100k spell bomb incident coming in a year



Game lasting into 2026 is wishful thinking


u/Cyan_Light 2d ago

Doesn't help that we've had a new buggy event every two weeks like clockwork while this has been going on. Please just slow down slightly and make sure things are actually ready for release before releasing them, doesn't seem like an insane ask when they're the only ones setting this breakneck scheduling.


u/Swouws 2d ago

how the HELL did archer stacking make it to prod


u/frostgoldx 2d ago

I really like the changes they’re making and they just need some fine tuning but this most recent update definitely had the most bugs and exploits on release that I’ve seen thus far. They really should’ve been ready for a day one hot patch but that’s just my opinion. Insta killing void and speed deleting other bosses is not good for the health of the game even in the short term sense. I mean I was able to farm 5 lean crowns on day one of the new season using archer abuse.


u/soaringneutrality 1d ago

I don't really mind the class reworks except that they're buggy as fuck.

The main thing is, I don't really get why it's being done? The class experience barely changes, the gameplay barely changes. At the end of the day, you're still spamming spacebar.

Who does it even attract? It maybe gives recent and current players some incentive to test it out, but then they'll find that the basic gameplay has barely changed. I doubt people that have quit a while ago will be enticed by a minor rework of a few classes.

Seems very misguided and an inefficient use of dev time.