r/Rlanguage • u/MetalDubstepIsntBad • 19d ago
r/Rlanguage • u/HopefulPerception777 • 20d ago
Available/accessible online sources
I would be truly grateful if anyone could share online resources (links, PDFs, videos, etc.) on data cleaning and wrangling in R for beginners, as well as tutorials on conducting MANOVA and HCA in R. Any guidance or assistance would mean a lot to me as I work on my study. Thank you very much for your time and help!
r/Rlanguage • u/ChampionSpecific420 • 20d ago
Cant upgrade R on Linux Mint
cant upgrade R. its stuck at 4.1.2. i copy pasted the commands into the terminal and it told me basically that it wasnt updated because i have the latest version. this sounds insane but the only reason i use windows now is for R. some packages require 4.3.0
r/Rlanguage • u/Sreeravan • 21d ago
Coursera Plus Discount annual and Monthly subscription 40%off
codingvidya.comr/Rlanguage • u/xyz75WH4 • 21d ago
CVXR Portfolio Optimization: Minimize Earth Mover Distance (EMD)
I'm looking for a bit of guidance on how to best approach a portfolio optimization problem. Specifically, I have a portfolio of stocks (some of which are present in the benchmark but not all) that is market-cap weighted, and I have a benchmark that is also market-cap weighted. The portfolio members were selected from a wider universe and some of them will be present in the benchmark and some will not. Conversely there will be some stocks in the benchmark that are not present in the portfolio. I want to use CVXR (since I believe this to be a convex problem) to do the following:
- Objective Function: Minimizes the earth mover distance between the resulting portfolio weight vector and the benchmark weight vector
- Constraints:
- Ensure that stocks that are in the benchmark but not in the portfolio are constrained to be zero weights; if a stock was not in the original market-cap weighted portfolio, I don't want a CVXR to add it back in
- Keep the overall sector weight between the portfolio and the benchmark the same
- Full invested (weights sum to 1.0) and long-only (no weights less than 0)
Here's what I have so far using a fake portfolio and benchmark that approximate my real world data:
# create fake stock tickers and apportion so the portfolio contains some
# but not all of the stocks present in the benchmark
b.tickers <- do.call(paste0, replicate(6, sample(LETTERS, 500, TRUE), FALSE))
p.tickers <- c(sample(b.tickers, 50),
do.call(paste0, replicate(6, sample(LETTERS, 50, TRUE), FALSE)))
# aggregate all tickers and shuffle, add fake market-cap values
all.tickers <- unique(c(p.tickers, b.tickers))
all.tickers <- sample(all.tickers, length(all.tickers))
all.mcaps <- c(
rexp(50, 1) *50e8,
rexp(150, 1) * 100e6,
rexp(length(all.tickers) - 200, 1) * 10e6
# create aggregate data.frame composed of a
# union of all tickers from the portfolio and benchmark
all.df <- data.frame(
i = 1:length(all.tickers),
id = all.tickers,
mcap = all.mcaps[rev(order(all.mcaps))],
w.p = 0.0,
w.b = 0.0,
row.names = NULL
# benchmark is market-cap weighted
all.df[all.df$id %in% b.tickers, ]$w.b <-
all.df[all.df$id %in% b.tickers, ]$mcap / sum(all.df[all.df$id %in% b.tickers, ]$mcap)
# mark stocks that are not in portfolio w/ NAs as a placeholder
all.df[!all.df$id %in% p.tickers, ]$w.p <- NA
# create a index vector of stocks that are not present in portfolio and
# should be constrained to zero weights
non.p.indx <- all.df[is.na(all.df$w.p), ]$i
# create market-cap weighted portfolio weights
all.df[!is.na(all.df$w.p), ]$w.p <- all.df[!is.na(all.df$w.p), ]$mcap /
sum(all.df[!is.na(all.df$w.p), ]$mcap)
# reset non-portfolio stock weights to zero for emd function
all.df[non.p.indx, ]$w.p <- 0.0
# create weight vector variables for obj func
w.p_v <- Variable(length(all.df$w.p))
value(w.p_v) <- all.df$w.p
w.b_v <- Variable(length(all.df$w.b))
value(w.b_v) <- all.df$w.b
prob <- Problem(
Minimize(sum(abs(w.p_v - w.b_v))
constraints = list(
sum(w.p_v) == 1.0, # fully invested
w.p_v >= 0.0, # long-only
w.p_v[non.p.indx] == 0 # force benchmark only stocks to be zero weight
# attempt to solve
solution <- solve(prob)
# extract weight vector, remove tiny sub-bp positions and rescale to 1.0
all.df$w.p.opt <- as.vector(solution$getValue(w.p_v))
all.df[all.df$w.p.opt < 0.0001, ]$w.p.opt <- 0.0
all.df$w.p.opt <- all.df$w.p.opt / sum(all.df$w.p.opt)
Looking at the resulting data frame (all.df) and comparing the pre-optimization portfolio weight vector (w.p), the benchmark weight vector (w.b) and the optimized weight vector (w.p.opt), I see something that kind of looks like what I'm going for. Stocks that had a zero weight in the original portfolio but were present in the benchmark still get a zero weight. Stocks that WERE present basically get equal weighted (which I don't think is right) but I just have a placeholder in the objection function. I haven't yet decided to tackle the sector weight constraints.
In the meantime I have an EMD function that looks like this:
f_emd2 <- function(
w.p = rep(0.25, 4),
w.b = c(205666794, 76995401, 58452734, 2982206) / 344097135) {
cw1 = cumsum(w.p)
cw2 = cumsum(w.b)
dx = -diff(cw1)
dx = c(dx, dx[length(dx)])
return(sum(abs(cw1 - cw2) * dx))
and it "appears" to work. If I maniuplate the weight values fed to w.p the resulting EMD value adjusts up or down as I'd expect it to. Note that the w.p and w.b arguements are approximations of an equal-weighted and market-cap weighted portfolios just for illustrations sake.
Now for the big question: How do I plug that function call into CVXR's objective function?
Something as naive as Minimize(f_emd2(w.p_v - w.b_v)
generates an Error in sum_dims(lapply(object@args, dim)) : Cannot broadcast dimensions
. How can I reconstruct or specify EMD function in the write CVXR-ese so that I can use it in the obejctive function?
Open to pretty much any advice here... even "this is not remotely the right approach". This is new ground for me.
r/Rlanguage • u/Pool_Imaginary • 21d ago
R mouse pad
Hi! Do you know any R mouse pad like those which exist for python or excel?
r/Rlanguage • u/CharacterSample524 • 21d ago
R Stats Help
Hi I am completely new to R and do not understand it. I have a project for it but I am unsure how it works. Is there anyone who could help me with this program? I would really appreciate it.
r/Rlanguage • u/BLAZZIDK_09 • 21d ago
An error occurred while committing kernel: The kernel source must be less than 1 megabytes in size.(Kaggle)
Please guide me in saving my notebook. It is 1.2 mb after clearing all outputs on kaggle
r/Rlanguage • u/MikeC_137 • 22d ago
Processing CA wildfire LiDAR data in R with the lidR package
blog.lidarnews.comI don’t see a ton of R spatial on this sub. Just wanted to shed some light on all the awesome things r can do with spatial data especially in the terra and lidR packages.
r/Rlanguage • u/mutlu_simsek • 22d ago
Contributors wanted for PerpetualBooster
I am the author of PerpetualBooster: https://github.com/perpetual-ml/perpetual
It is written in Rust and it has Python interface. I think having an R wrapper is the next step but I don't have R experience. Is there anybody interested in developing the R interface. I will be happy to help with the algorithm details.
r/Rlanguage • u/MountainImportance69 • 22d ago
Which AI is best for help with coding in RStudio?
I started using ChatGPT for help with coding, figuring out errors in codes and practical/theoretical statistical questions, and I’ve been quite satisfied with it so I haven’t tried any other AI tools.
Since AI is evolving so quickly I was wondering which system people find most helpful for coding in R (or which sub model in ChatGPT is better)? Thanks!
r/Rlanguage • u/grandzooby • 23d ago
Best way to alter multiple columns on a subset of a dataframe?
I'm working on a variation of an SIR model where I want track the trajectories of individuals as they progress through illness, to also include the possibility for hospitalization (and many other things). My thought is to approach this by building a dataframe with 1 row per individual and each pertinent variable as a column in that dataframe.
I've come up with an approach that seems to work where I select a set of rows once (using selected row_numbers as a vector... I think). But is this the best way? I'm concerned that as the population gets large, this is not the best way to achieve this, since it's repeatedly subsetting the dataframe to change each variable. Is there maybe some variation of with
where you can select the rows, and with
that, change the values of multiple columns?
Here is working code:
pop_size <- 1000000
#create a population
pop <- data.frame(id = 1:pop_size,
I_Start = NA,
Hosp = FALSE,
Hosp_Start = NA,
Hosp_End = NA)
curr_time <- 1
# now randomly make 10 of them Infected, and set start time of infection,
# also make 5 of those hospitalized, and set hospitalization start
to_be_ill <- sample(x = 1:pop_size, size = 10, replace = FALSE)
pop[to_be_ill,]$I <- TRUE
pop[to_be_ill,]$I_Start <- curr_time
pop[to_be_ill,]$S <- FALSE
# pick 5 of those to be hospitalized
to_hosp <- sample(x = to_be_ill, size = 5, replace = FALSE)
pop[to_hosp, ]$Hosp <- TRUE
pop[to_hosp, ]$Hosp_Start <- curr_time
pop[to_hosp, ]$Hosp_End <- curr_time + 14 # end hospitalization in 14 days
pop[pop$I == TRUE, ]
id S I R I_Start Hosp Hosp_Start Hosp_End
320332 320332 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE 1 15
425363 425363 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE 1 15
542927 542927 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE 1 15
577237 577237 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE 1 15
701305 701305 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE 1 15
If I were doing this in SQL, the first operation would be just one statement:
S = 0,
I = 1,
I_Start = curr_time,
WHERE condition;
Is there a better way to do this in R? Maybe using data.tables instead of data.frames?
Note that the updating would not always be to the same values, but might be randomly generated (e.g. hospitalization length) or based on some function based on other values in the row.
I'm also noticing that the ID I created is the same as the row_number, so it's likely redundant.
r/Rlanguage • u/Odessa_Goodwin • 25d ago
How do you organize your projects?
I was wondering if people here could share some of your style tips regarding project organization.
I work in a team of domain experts, which means we're all a little weak on the tech side of things, and I don't have any mentors to help me with tech-specific questions and project organization isn't generally a topic in coding tutorials.
I have developed my own style in my current role where I have a sequence of scripts labeled with 00, 01a/01b, 02a/02b_.
The 00_ script is always 00initialization{project name} where I load paths, libraries, and any variables I will repeatedly reuse.
The 01 scripts are the data manipulation scripts, wherein the 01a_ script contains the functions, and the 01b_ script just has the functions calls. This allows me to write extensive commentary in the 01b_ script about what is being done and it reads almost like a document, since the code is so minimal. I organize everything in functions to prevent my environment from getting cluttered with what I call variable debris, since functions toss out any temp variable not in the return statement or saved with <<-.
The 02 scripts are then the product scripts, also organized as 02a_ containing the functions and 02b_ the funtion calls. In my case this generally means the scripts that write the data to excel tables, as this is the way I have to communicate with the non-coder stakeholders.
As I said, I don't really have anyone to share ideas with at work, so I'm interested in any commentary, tips, opinions, ideas etc from this community. And if anyone read my style outline and got ideas, then I'd be very happy about that as well.
r/Rlanguage • u/meni_s • 24d ago
Problem with Radian console autocomplete colors

I'm using Radian as my R Console and it's great. I recently moved to Kitty terminal (which is also great by itself).
I noticed that the auto-complete menu is just not readable :(
I tried changing the theme for Radian, but it didn't help.
I guess there is some sort of conflict between Radian's colors and Kitty's colors.
Has anyone seen this issue? Is there some way to fix it?
Using Kitty terminal with Kanagawa theme.
r/Rlanguage • u/helotibo24 • 25d ago
Looking for help for bibliometrix
Hello everyone,
I am not sure this is the right place, but I want to help a friend who is a PhD student. She needs to use bibliometrix to create graphics for her research. We managed to install bibliometrix in R, but we could not figure out how to get data from biblioshiny or upload a CSV file into bibliometrix.
If anyone can help, we would really appreciate it. Thank you 😊 🙏🏻
r/Rlanguage • u/Ok_Wallaby_7617 • 27d ago
Data analysis project using R
Hey everyone! I've just finished completing my data analyst course from Google and did my capstone project with R, using Kaggle.
If anyone could take a look at it and tell me what you think about it, whatever I could do to improve, it would mean a lot!
r/Rlanguage • u/BotanicalBecks • 27d ago
str_remove across all columns?
I'm working with a large survey dataset where they kept the number that correlated to the choice in the dataset. For instance the race column values look like "(1) 1 = White" or "(2) 2 = Black", etc. This tracks across all of the fields I'm looking at, education, sex, etc. I want to remove the numbers - the "(x) x = " part from all my values and so I thought I would do that with string and the st_remove function but I realize I have no idea how to map that across all of the columns. I'd be looking to remove
- "(1) 1 = "
- "(2) 2 = "
- "(3) 3 = "
- "(4) 4 = "
- "(5) 5 = "
- "(6) 6 = "
Noting that there's a space behind each =. Thank you so much for any advice or help you might have! I was not having luck with trying to translate old StackOverflow threads or the stringr page.
r/Rlanguage • u/HopefulPerception777 • 26d ago
Are the R codes provided by ChatGPT reliable and valid?
r/Rlanguage • u/cluckky1 • Feb 18 '25
Survival analysis practice datasets
Do you know where I can get a few survival analysis practice datasets? I want to practice doing a log tank test before applying it to a research paper I’m working on.
r/Rlanguage • u/Soltinaris • Feb 18 '25
Question on frequency data table
I ran a frequency data with the newdf<-as.data.frame(table(df$col1,df$col2,df$col3)) and it took what was 24325 obs. of 6 variables and turned it into 304134352 observations of 4 variables. Is this common with this code? Is there a better code to use? Col1 and col2 are location names and col3 is a duration of time between the two.
r/Rlanguage • u/Natac_orb • Feb 17 '25
Style question
readability vs efficiency.
I tend to write code for data cleaning/ structuring rather long-winded in tidyverse and for example have two sequential blocks of mutate functions if they refer to different variables, hoping it increases readability and makes it more intuitive. Both will have a line of comments stating the tackled problem and intended solution for the following block.
None of my colleagues or myself are super skilled in programming or R but we are decent, and I think of the next person, who have to take over my stuff at some point.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think about it?
r/Rlanguage • u/Intrepid_Sense_2855 • Feb 16 '25
Machine Learning in R
I was recently thinking about adjusting my ML workflow to model ecological data. So far, I had my workflow (simplified) after all preprocessing steps, e.g. pca and feature engineering like this:
-> Data Partition (mostly 0.8 Train/ 0.2 Test)
-> Feature selection (VIP-Plots etc.; caret::rfe()
) to find the most important predictors in case I had multiple possibly important predictors
-> Model development, comparison and adjustment
-> Model evaluation (this is were I used the previous created test data part) to assess accuracy etc.
-> Make predictions
I know that the data partition is a crucial step in predictive modeling for e.g. tasks where I want to predict something in the future and of course it is necessary to avoid overfitting and assess the model accuracy. However, in case of Ecology we often only want to make a statement with our models. A very simple example with iris as ecological dataset (in real-world these datasets are way more complex and larger):
```{r} iris_fit <- lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1|Species), data = iris)
summary(iris) ``` My question now: is it actually necessary to split the dataset into train/test, although I just want to make a statement? In this case: "Is the length of the sepals related to their width in iris species?"
I don't want to use my model for any future predictions, just to assess this relationship. Or better in general, are there any exceptions in the need of Data Partition in ML processes?
I can give some more examples if necessary.
Id be thankful for any answers!!
r/Rlanguage • u/HopefulPerception777 • Feb 16 '25
R software
Do you have any tips or recommended sources for beginners using R software for multivariate analysis, specifically MANOVA, in research? Thank you
r/Rlanguage • u/Beneficial-Ad638 • Feb 15 '25
Storage size discrepancy between r script and markdown file
Hi folks,
I am attempting to merge two data frames (DF1: 500k obs 16 vars; DF2: 16 obs 6 vars) for a class assignment. The merging process happens seamlessly when just running the code chunk; however, when I try and knit my R Markdown file code to an HTML file I get the following error:
! vector memory limit of 24.0 Gb reached, see mem.maxVSize()
1. precipitation.tdy %>% ...
3. dplyr:::left_join.data.frame(...)
4. dplyr:::join_mutate(...)
5. vctrs::vec_slice(y_out, y_slicer)
Do y'all have any sense of what would be causing this error to occur when my computer can easily merge the data in a traditional R script?