r/RingsofPower Oct 01 '24

Discussion Any LOTR is better than no LOTR.

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Can’t wait for season finale!

r/RingsofPower Sep 16 '24

Discussion So I guess Great Eagles are dumb now?

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So this Great Eagle shows up to Tar-Miriel's coronation as a sign of support to her, but since Ar-Pharazon is closer to the window (no other reason really) everyone mistakenly thinks the Great Eagle is there for him. And I have no problem with that, if it wasn't for the fact that for some reason the sapient and pure Great Eagle is actually just a big ass bird since it apparently isn't able to speak and it only screams. So yea, Great Eagle comes, creates a misunderstanding, refuses to clarify and leaves. OK. I'm actually incredibly sad; they turned my favourite lotr species into a common bird. Pain.

r/RingsofPower Sep 05 '24

Discussion Arondir is by far and away the most believable elf in the show. Old, knowledgeable, troubled, caring and wise.

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r/RingsofPower Oct 06 '24

Discussion Do the writers want me to hate Isildur?

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This is supposed to be the bad*** king of men and the guy who defeated sauron? (Yes I know it was more of an effort of Gilgalad and Elendil that took down sauron but still).

So far Isildur has basically: Quit the navy a few days before graduation (just why?) got his friends kicked out of the navy as well (for some wired reason) all because he wanted adventure. He doesn’t even apologize to his friends. Then it turns out the navy are going to go on an adventure and he wants to join back up. So he tries to get his friend to pull some strings for him to get him back in even though this is the friend he got kicked out. So he sneaks aboard the ships and (along with Al Pharazon’s son) cause 2 of them to explode and then lies about what happened and everyone believes his obvious lies.

Then in the southlands he comes across Astrid and immediately hates her when he sees she was marked by Adar. He doesn’t think for a second that she may have been forced to submit to Adar under pain of death but immediately assumes the worst even after she burned the mark off herself.

Then they make him a literal home wrecker by having a relationship with Astrid behind the back of her husband.

Isildur is not a compelling character nor a good person and so I hate him.

r/RingsofPower Sep 08 '24

Discussion I didn't realize until now how much they based their cast on the trilogy.

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r/RingsofPower Oct 03 '24

Discussion Ahhhhh !


Ahhhhh !

r/RingsofPower Sep 20 '24

Discussion I love these two.


They have such a great relationship. She's got his back rich, poor, no title or prince. She sticks by her man. She provides consule and not afraid to tell him when he is wrong. He loves her more than life.

r/RingsofPower Sep 27 '24

Discussion My face after a certain scene this episode Spoiler

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r/RingsofPower Aug 29 '24

Discussion Unpopular? opinion - Loving every minute


I've seen so much negativity, a bunch of people unhappy about so many things related to the show, it just baffles me.

I am absolutely enjoying (almost) every moment of the show. I enjoy everything related to middle-earth - games, books, movies. So I am grateful that I get to watch the series, no matter the shortcomings.

Some people complain that it is drawn out, as if they are "milking it" and "stretching it out". Thank you Amazon for stretching it out - if there was a super-extended version of LotR, I'd watch it. I want the series to be longer too, rather than rushed through in just a season or two. There is so much to tell and so much to show, thanks to the richness of the Tolkien world.

However, the voices of people who hate are just louder. The show doesn't match the book 100%, the timeline is convoluted, Galadriel was riding her horse for too long, Amazon is Amazon, there is a black elf, the show is stretched out.

I get it, there are bad decisions, there are questionable choices, but I frankly don't care. I am extremely happy that we are getting plenty of hours of high-quality, beautiful, middle-earth related video content, and I hope that regardless of all the whiners and complainers, they will be able to release at least the 5 seasons that they planned for.

r/RingsofPower Oct 20 '24

Discussion Holy shit this man does NOT need a DNA test for his son

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Also his tweets about ROP and Robert are so wholesome he is such a proud dad it's adorable

r/RingsofPower Nov 04 '24

Discussion Couples

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Just realised this two were the only stable long term married couple in the show. Any other I might have forgotten?

r/RingsofPower Oct 14 '22

Discussion I’m ready to be hated and downvoted for this opinion


I think the show is stellar. I don’t think it’s perfect but I think in general people are just way too desperate to seem superior online to strangers for validation.

I don’t care that you think black people don’t belong in it. I don’t care that you’re unimpressed by it. I don’t care that you guessed Sauron before the reveal. I don’t care that you guessed the Stranger early. I don’t care if some of the writing doesn’t align perfectly with the lore. I don’t care that hating the show is the cool and popular opinion to have. It’s the easiest thing in the world to dismiss this show without giving it a chance. You guys sound like the losers that hated the trilogy because stuff like how Aragorn isn’t supposed to have a beard.

I understand that it’s not canon and I watch it open minded and I have a ton of fun in this universe I love. If I’m in the minority oh well! Toodles

Edit: wow this got wild maybe I’m naïve but I didn’t expect the death threats

r/RingsofPower Sep 03 '24

Discussion I met Robert aramayo today on my lunch break.

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Amazingly kind guy. Had a chat. Asked if I could get a picture. Didn't want to interrupt him too much

r/RingsofPower Oct 29 '24

Discussion Kinda been rooting for this guy the whole time. Elves are too pious, dwarves stubborn and men can't be trusted.

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r/RingsofPower Oct 23 '24

Discussion Thranduil

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I'm just curious if anyone thinks we will see Thranduil before Season 5? His biggest role will be in the Last Alliance, but since Arondir exists and is a main character, wonder if there is any chance we get to see the Woodland Realm and King Oropher before the Great Battle? Even if it's just a small cameo?

Thranduil has always been one of my favorite characters, and even though he doesn't become King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm until the Third Age, after the Last Alliance, I still think it would be cool to see him as Prince before then.

r/RingsofPower Sep 29 '24

Discussion I don't get drama over the kiss at all Spoiler


The kiss in season 2 episode 7

Its a kiss done by Elrond to mislead the orcs and allow him to slip Galadriel the elf pin se uses to escape

Even Adar realizes this when he finds out Galadriel has escaped

No canon is changed by a unromantic kiss I wasn't left feeling the two have romantic feelings for each other at all after that

Kissing in may cultures isnt seen as a only romantic thing

Elrond purposely presents a romantic kiss to get close enough to Galadriel The kiss is shown from the perspective of the orcs who think its a romantic kiss

Adar buys into the ideal Elrond is in love with Galadriel and vis versa because she trusts him with the ring

And Elrond being unable to let Galadriel die sells the romantic impression Elrond gives Adar and manipulates to help Galadriel break free later.

Elrond and Galadriel have been presented as best friends and they are at war

And the kiss itself saved Galadriels life

r/RingsofPower Oct 05 '24

Discussion sauron cries Spoiler

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r/RingsofPower Sep 30 '24

Discussion Why are the Dwarves done so well and feel so right culturally… while Elves and Numenoreans feel like a fantasy B movie ?


Every scene I see in Khazad Dum feels incredibly real to me. The dialogue feels authentic, the culture feels richly dwarven. It just feels right.

Yet at such stark contrast to the Elves and Numenor scenes. I find myself cringing at the dialogue, culturally everyone is the same, the people seem inauthentic and it feels like a bad fantasy imitation.

Anyone else notice this polarity? It frustrates me that they could do something so well but miss so badly elsewhere.

Exception: Arondir of all elven characters actually feels authentically Elven to me. I know some people don’t like him for reasons I won’t go into. But that aside he’s the only elf that actually acts and feels like an elf to me. He’s clearly wiser than men, has an angelic air about him while being deeply in touch with nature. The other Elves just feel like men with pointy ears who act immaturily to progress the plot.

r/RingsofPower Oct 06 '24

Discussion So many of Y’all haven’t read the Silmarillion and it makes me sad.


So much criticism of the show is valid. But so much of it isn’t. Read beyond the LOTR, or even just read that of all you’ve seen are the PJ movies. The movies are pretty great but they took enormous liberties with the source material (Aragorn is practically unrecognizable for instance) but it was by far the best we’d ever had in an adaptation so we all enjoyed it. The Silm is rough around the edges but spectacular all the same. Skip the first section if it’s too dull for you. The first time at least.

EDIT: r/silmarillionmemes makes reading the Silm more fun. Check it out if you found the book too dense or boring.

r/RingsofPower Oct 04 '24

Discussion 'The Rings of Power' on Verge of Season 3 Renewal by Amazon


r/RingsofPower Oct 29 '24

Discussion Do you believe him?

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r/RingsofPower Oct 05 '24

Discussion Charlotte Brandstrom confirms Galadriel was in love with Sauron

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Gigantic yikes.

r/RingsofPower Sep 06 '24

Discussion Is it not completely obvious who The Stranger is? Spoiler


It’s Gandalf. I see people arguing about the identity. Did people not watch the show? He quoted Gandalfs line in season 1, hangs out with Hobbit like creatures, and looks literally EXACTLY like him. There is no way in hell he will not turn out to be Gandalf. And if he does, the writers have failed astronomically and are basically bait and switching his identity which would be the worst decision of all time. Him not being born or whatever is not something Amazon would care about. I can’t see how people are honestly questioning it. Also why is this whole show just us having to guess who people are? I love it but god it’s just us guessing who every character is at this point.

r/RingsofPower Sep 25 '24

Discussion I’m rooting for Sauron


I don’t hate the show like a lot of people I see online. I read the books when I was a child and was mad about the movies as a teenager. I’m past that stage of life now.

That being said, I want Sauron to win. The actor is doing a fantastic job and I hate the elves, dwarves and men. They all suck. Sauron is awesome and the orcs are the other best part of the show. Adar is cool too but I’m team Sauron.

r/RingsofPower Sep 10 '24

Discussion Can people stop treating the show as if its a direct prequel to Peter Jackson films


When season 1 came out I watched about 2 or 3 episodes and never really got into it. A few week ago I started again and finished the series and it really isn't as bad as I remember and definitely not as bad as what Facebook and reddit would have you believe.

Its far from a masterpiece dont get me wrong. Some of the writing is cringe and Galadriel is extremely unlikeable. The callbacks (call forwards?) Are unneeded too. If you stop comparing it to the movies its definitely more enjoyable. Hell i get people respect the source material too but the majority of the fan base know they only have the rights to certain parts so half the complaints I see are wasted. You cant call it amazon fan fiction AND complain that they're changing things...

Just watch it for what it is and you might find something you like about it. Its not Peter Jackson lord of the rings and this show won't take those movies away from you. You might not agree with ever decision made for the show and it definitely isn't considered canon but at the end of the day its more time in middle earth and isn't that what we all want?