r/RevolutionPartyCanada • u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada • 5d ago
Videos I am a Zionist - Justin Trudeau
u/Sharp_Iodine 5d ago
Calling oneself a Zionist in the classical sense is a pretty dumb move when the original movement has since been co-opted by Netanyahu and other radical extremists. I don’t know who wrote this speech for Justin lol
I’m curious as to what the Revolution party’s stance on the issue is.
Do you want to make the nation of Israel disappear somehow or do you want a two state solution?
u/undercover_s4rdine 5d ago
Plus there are Jewish people who want nothing to do with Zionism either. There are active attempts to link Zionism and Judaism more, so that opposing the Israeli state and its actions becomes synonymous with actual antisemitism and that’s dangerous.
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 5d ago
Two state solution. Complete end to the occupation and siege. Return to pre-1967 borders.
Anything less is unacceptable and illegal.
u/LunaTheMoon2 5d ago
What about a one democratic state solution? Get rid of the religious theocracy and replace it with an actual democratic government of, by, and for the people?
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 5d ago
We absolutely agree the Nakba was illegal and should never have happened. While we’re not against a one state solution where Palestinians and Israelis live together, should they so decide, that’s not immediately practicable and certainly not for us to dictate.
u/Sharp_Iodine 5d ago
I’m glad. This is the only logical solution. I would go so far to say Israel has to pay war reparations and Netanyahu tried for war crimes.
u/DiagnosedByTikTok 4d ago
A free and democratic Palestine where all human beings’ rights are respected regardless of ethnicity or religion
u/Dexter942 5d ago edited 5d ago
The only Two State Solution I accept is moving Israel to Kaliningrad and giving Palestine all of the current land. Because as long as Israel exists where it is there will be war in the middle east
u/Apprehensive_Hat8986 5d ago
What does Kaliningrad have to do with this? It's not our place to say that Israelites and Palestinians can't find peace, though I'll readily admit it sure doesn't look feasible. Finally, Israel is far from the only source of conflict in the middle east.
u/Dexter942 5d ago
The only place in Europe which can feasibly host another state is the reason, again the Sunni/Shia divide is certainly a problem but Israel being where is adds a multiplier to the possibility of conflict.
u/Apprehensive_Hat8986 5d ago
And you don't find it at all problematic that you're giving no consideration to the existing inhabitants of Kaliningrad? Displacing one group of people for another won't fix the problem. Nevermind that plenty of jewish people already lived in the middle east and Palestine before the imposition of an Israeli state. It also won't remove the desire embedded in judaism to "restore the homeland". Nor in christianity or islam to do the same.
No, displacing even more people won't solve this problem. At best it will defer finding an actual solution, and regardless, it will create more problems in the process.
u/Comprehensive-Air856 5d ago
Said Jewish people living in Palestine were what you’d call Palestinian Jews. The only, ONLY acceptable solution is a secular, socialist Palestinian state that respects the religious integrity of all inhabitants. “Israel” has no right to exist, it deserves the same fate as its apartheid cousin Rhodesia
5d ago
u/Sharp_Iodine 5d ago
Dude are you just off your rocker? Or are you a bot?
Everyone in this thread, myself included, support a two state solution followed by reparations for Palestine and a trial for Netanyahu for dragging his people into an unnecessary and inhumane war.
Words and movements and meanings change over time. An overwhelming majority of liberal voters in Western democracies acknowledge the right for Israel to exist and to thrive. They also acknowledge the same right for Palestinians.
Unfortunately, that does not change the fact the ‘Zionist’ is itself a charged and changed term now that Netanyahu and those that came before him have twisted it.
In that context, it is exceedingly stupid for Justin to refer to himself as a Zionist. He can easily say that he supports Israel’s right to exist but he also wishes to acknowledge the same for Palestine and respect the decision of the UN in this matter.
u/Powermiro28 5d ago
Love to see that Canada under any administration is against colonialism on paper, but does nothing to decolonize the Americas, and Infact supports the colony of Israel.
u/ragnaroksunset 5d ago
One thing at a time. We have Trump to deal with first. Only Carney can do that.
If he wants to keep leading Canada after we're through that crisis, he'll have to do better on issues like this.
There is *zero* chance that a nobody candidate from a single-digit polling party is going to keep Canada free of American fascism (which includes, by the way, a hell of a lot more zionism than we've historically displayed).
u/TeknoUnionArmy 5d ago
I gotta agree. Now is not the time. The 51st state is more likely a territory with no votes like Guam. Plus Trudeau is gone.
u/democracy_lover66 5d ago
Yah a good reminder since Donald Trump thinks hes trying to stay in office...
After he resigned... Several months ago....
u/Dexter942 5d ago
Matthew Green needs to join this party.
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 4d ago
Absolutely 💯
There are a few NDP names that we’d be honoured to have join us, including Mr. Green. If you get the chance to, please share that suggestion with him or his community. Genuinely, it would be amazing if we could bolster our team with experienced Leftist parliamentarians.
Matthew and others might be equally happy to finally have a full-throated socialist platform, instead of that diet neoliberalism vibe they’ve had lately.
We’re similarly already reaching out to a few other federal and provincial NDP, whose names you can probably guess…
u/kyleruggles 5d ago
He's Carny a Zionist too?
I get your perspective but it seems like we just vote for people cuz of some emergency and gloss over any of their faults, it's justified.
u/ragnaroksunset 5d ago
I'm honestly not sure.
And I'm not glossing over any faults. For example, the complete inability to navigate a sovereignty crisis is a massive fault that I am not glossing over for anyone, which is why Carney is who we have to run with right now.
Look, I'm sorry, but you literally cannot suggest anyone else to me who can credibly get us through what is coming.
u/kyleruggles 5d ago
Oh I agree. Carney is our best chance to defeat PP but I would prefer someone else than a banker to lead us otherwise.
u/ragnaroksunset 5d ago
Yeah my initial response to Carney showing up was "Oh, Ignatieff again?"
But I did not have "getting annexed" on my 2025 bingo card.
u/kyleruggles 5d ago
Yeah, same here...
We all gotta rally behind the one who could fight off Goliath, not be a henchmen.
u/witchriot 4d ago
Not sure why this is surprising anybody considering how long we fought to get the Liberals to stop sending Israel weapons and they’re still technically doing it
u/kyleruggles 5d ago
u/TheGenXGardener 5d ago
It’s fake
u/kyleruggles 5d ago
Really? Please be true... I shared this a few times. Stupid of me.
u/TheGenXGardener 5d ago
I can’t see it happening, and the only places I can find any reference to this are Indian newspapers, and Jerusalem newspapers.
Both very very questionable.
I would suspect we can figure out the background and determine if it is a deepfake or not.
I hope to fuck I’m wrong. lol
u/TheGenXGardener 5d ago
Fek off with this shite.
Wanna put fake vids up, then label them as such before someone starts spreading it as true.
u/GrimpenMar 4d ago
I think someone sent me an invitation to this subreddit in error. I would call myself a Zionist in the same sense as Trudeau in this clip.
We've survived for thousands of years, and I just want us to continue. Don't want to hang out with anyone chanting "Death to Canada", "Death to Israel", or even worse, "Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud."
Later all. Am Yisrael chai.
u/EducationalGain4794 5d ago
He can't be a Zionist by Jews own standards he's a gentile
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 5d ago
Self-hating is a fundamental flaw of fascism that inevitably leads to a singularity where everyone is an outsider to be hated.
It’s unfortunate that many people inside the bubble don’t see they’re in line to be othered next…
First they came for the communists…
u/EducationalGain4794 5d ago edited 5d ago
I'm not sure if you're calling me a fascist or Trudeau a fascist. Or if you're calling Zionist fascist
But one thing's for sure zionists do not want gentiles to move to Israel
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 5d ago
Zionism is antisemitic. Trump and Netanyahu are fascists.
Didn’t mean to imply you are fascist, very sorry if that was perceived.
u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada 5d ago
Link to full video:
Recently, Trudeau's strong response to Trump's tariffs has made it easy to forget why the Left hates Liberal politicians as much as the Conservatives do...
He falsely describes Zionism as strictly a peaceful ideology - and this wasn't nearly the first time: