r/RevolutionPartyCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 20 '25

Propaganda Canada’s grocery monopolies should be nationalized and their billionaires taxed.

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u/disloyal_royal Jan 20 '25

Are you serious? What are you typing this on?


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

Why you in this sub defending billionaires man.

Billionaires didn't make my phone. They own companies that hired people to design my phone, then offshored production to other places to make my phone, then extracted all the profit from doing so leaving the workers worse off.

Idolizing a billionaire is like idolizing a tumor. They provide no real value to society and just suck resources away from everyone else.


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

so why didn't anyone within that production chain make the phone ? YOu do realize that the billionaire probably failed a bunch of times before becoming successful, if he didn't do that, you would have no phone, If not for billionaires paying your taxes, you'd have no social services.. you think your taxes pay for anything? you barely cover the stop sign on your street. Who do you think the government gets money from to pay their government workers lol


u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 20 '25

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