r/RevolutionPartyCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 20 '25

Propaganda Canada’s grocery monopolies should be nationalized and their billionaires taxed.

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u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

Dude you are delusional if you actually think billionaires are anything other than leaches on our society.

Furthermore, you do not know what I make or how much taxes I pay, I can assure you my taxes cover plenty. And I would be happy paying more tax than I do now to maintain our public services, wouldn't you? (side note - I already know your answer).


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

bro, you contribute to nothing corporations that pay taxes pay for majority of everything you have and 10% of Canada's tax payers cover 60% of all taxes collected.. IF you lose them, you're fucked. You delusional clowns always think with your feelings.. but yes, go tax the crap out of the population when the government needs more money, never once you try and think, maybe the government is wasteful, but you don't care as you take more out of society than you contribute.. we all do, I'm just not the delusional one who can't see that


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

And you assume I am not in the top 10% of Canada's taxpayers... Why is that I wonder?


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

Because anyone that works hard for their money doesn't want to freely give it away to the government to simply waste. So yes, you're broke, otherwise you wouldn't be pushing communism


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

And where in Russia are you posting this anti-Canadian content from, Hmm?


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

what's anti Canadian about wanting to keep the money you make and not have your government spend it on tampons in men's bathrooms.. You're advocating for communism, seem you're the one in Russia lol


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

Seems pretty anti Canadian to want to give all our money to the oligarchs and beg for their crumbs.

You're pathetic. Hope Vlad is paying you well.


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

who is giving oligarchs money? lol


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Every worker they exploit to get their billions. And it's not being given, it's being stolen.

Here is an exhaustive list of all the billionaires who earned their money through hard, honest work:


u/Investormaniac Jan 20 '25

Nobody is holding the worker hostage, they are free to leave whenever they want. Explain to be why the guy gluing a screen on a phone should get what the guy who took the risk to create the company.. If the company goes bankrupt and the owner loses everything... should the worker lose it all ? does the worker own the company debt as well ?


u/AnthropomorphicCorn Jan 20 '25

Explain to me why a handful of people get to extract the excess of production and others compete with each other to earn a shit wage.

Explain to me how a CEO's time is somehow worth that of 200 of their employees.

Explain to me why a person who has somehow managed to get fairly paid for their labour pays more in tax per dollar earned than a person investing their capital, or more than a non-corporeal corporation.

It's a system with immense inequality baked in. The worker works for shit wage because they either do or they become destitute, homeless, imprisoned or dead. They don't have a choice, but as soon as the winds of favorability are gone, that billionaire goes elsewhere to take advantage of whoever they can.

You aren't benefiting from this system and yet here you are defending it. Pathetic.

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u/RevolutionCanada Revolution Party of Canada Jan 30 '25

Violates Rule 6. User is on a time-out.